2052: Oduno, Episode 1 - The House of Montoya


Oduno, Episode 1 - The House of Montoya

Oduno woke up in his hotel bed in Dodoma. After he got ready for the day, he left to get into his rental car, driving west for 2 hours, until he eventually reached an old, barren hut. He jumped out of his car and walked up to the door, pounding on it fiercely. A tall man wearing a raggedy panama hat opened the door and welcomed him in. Soon, Oduno's interrogation began.

Oduno: What's your name, sir?

Ogauban: My name is Ogauban Montoya.

Oduno: Mm-hmm. And where were you on June 23rd, 2047?

Ogauban: Just south of Pernik, near the town of Grozkan.

Oduno: And just what were you doing there?

Ogauban: Exploring with my battalion

Oduno: How many were there, besides you?

Ogauban: Hard to say, but around 15, maybe 16.

Oduno: Can you name any of them?

Ogauban: No, but I know one of them was from Chiloe.

Oduno: Alright. Did anything unusual happen during your exploration?

Ogauban: About an hour into our hike, we were ambushed by a rogue Bulgarian squadron.

Oduno: And what happened after you were ambushed?

Ogauban: 9 died. Me and 6 others barely made it.

Oduno: Was the Chiloean man one of the survivors?

Ogauban: I think so.... I'm sorry, I just have a bad memory.

Oduno: All information is valuable. Sign this paper here and we're done.

Ogauban signed the document, and Oduno swiftly left. He hopped in his car and started the long drive back to the hotel. Around two and a half hours later, he arrived just as the sun was setting. He laid down in bed and fell asleep, and in his slumber he dreamt of a weird maching... thing attacking a city and taking captives. The next morning, he gathered his things and caught his flight at the airport. His seat was just next to a man reading a book on the country of Coptia, and Oduno decided to introduce himself.

Oduno: Hello sir, my name is Oduno, I see you're reading a book about my mother country. Planning to visit?

John: I am, actually! My name is Johnathan, but feel free to call my John.

Oduno: Well, John, where're you from?

John: Cascadia.

Oduno: Well! I've never been there, but I hear it to be very nice. Perhaps one day I'll visit.

John: Yeah, definitely give it a try. I hear—

[Intercom: Our flight is now leaving the runway. Please enjoy the next fifteen hours of flight.]

Oduno: Well, we've got a long flight ahead of us. Why don't we settle for a nap?

After many hours, the plane finally landed. John packed his luggage while the plane's Automatic Unloading System dropped the floor down to the tarmac. Oduno said his goodbyes, and then went on to retrieve his car. While driving home, he heard a deafening explosion. Looking in his rear view mirror, he sees something horrifying... the machine from his dreams destroying the airport, and coming right for him.

Thanks for reading!

(Note: this takes place before the Jonathan episode.)

Written by KilwaAfarCheese8, and formatted by Qy.

Level 59
Mar 6, 2023
I hope Qy was given some time this time?
Level 68
Mar 6, 2023
Yup and it turned out great!
Level 69
Mar 6, 2023
It seems it didn't save, would you mind recollaborating with me?
Level 68
Mar 6, 2023
Level 69
Mar 6, 2023
Ready for resubmission.
Level 68
Mar 6, 2023
Level 66
Mar 6, 2023
Great job, Qy.