2052-Oduno Episode 2-The Orion Accelerator.


Oduno Episode 2-The Orion Accelerator.

The giant machine began to move towards Oduno's car and destroyed everything in its path. Oduno slammed on the pedal and drove towards the outskirts of the city, he quickly made it out of the city with the machine still following him.  He reached a parking garage-like structure going deep into the ground and drove down into it. The mechanical monster reached a giant arm down through the middle of the structure and tried to grab Oduno's car. Oduno quickly drifted around it and continued driving down until he got to the bottom of the structure. He hopped out of his car and rushed towards a small suit of armor and put it on. He hopped back in his car and drove it back up to the top of the structure and jumped back out of it. He walked up to the machine and grabbed it's arm and threw it into the atmosphere and just stood there.

Oduno:That was surprisingly easy...

Oduno proceeded to hop in this car and drive towards the city while listening to music on the radio. He soon arrived at his apartment building and walked inside and went up to his apartment.  He laid down on his bed and started looking at stuff on his phone.  He suddenly got a call from an unknown number and answered the call like he always did.


???:The Orion Accelerator is back...

Oduno:The what?

(the person hung up)

Oduno ignored it and fell asleep.

Oduno woke up a few hours later because he heard knocking on his door. He walked up to the door and saw the body of someone in front of his doorway.
Oduno:Uh hello?

???:Hello I think I released that machine that attacked this city.

Oduno:Wait wait what?


To be continued...

Written by KilwaAfarCheese8

Formatted by me(meaning formatting won't be very good)

Level 69
Mar 12, 2023
My apologies—I was short on time and could not format.
Level 68
Mar 12, 2023
It is fine dude it is not your job to format everything plus you'll be busy with the countries iceberg series anyways
Level 66
Mar 12, 2023
Qy, want me to get started?
Level 69
Mar 12, 2023
'd be fine. I was planning to do an hour-long grind tomorrow.
Level 66
Mar 13, 2023
I'm on spring break, so i've got all the time in the world.
Level 60
Mar 13, 2023
Spring break already? :( I still have like 2 weeks to go
Level 54
Mar 13, 2023
I won't talk about the content, but please, learn how to write and format correctly. At least put spaces after colons, and only one after stops. That's a minimum. And you forgot to put the first "Oduno" in bold.
Level 68
Mar 13, 2023
I did not forget to put Oduno in bold since I only put it in bold when he is speaking with another character
Level 54
Mar 13, 2023
That's pretty weird, since habitually we do that for every character who is speaking, but why not. However, the problem with colon is still here.
Level 59
Mar 13, 2023
Once again, submit it when it's good. You clearly stated the formatting won't be very good, so why don't you submit it after you work on it?
Level 68
Mar 14, 2023
I have never been good at formatting so there is no point when I know I won't be very good at it.
Level 59
Jun 4, 2023
Formatting isn't hard and please work on it! I'm not some formatting god, but I still try. There is a point: It doesn't look like a block of text.

Please format it! It's just clicking 6 or so buttons and dragging sections, for the most part.

Level 66
Mar 14, 2023
The fact that you're aware that the blogs are low quality and hard to read and you submit them anyway is sort of... um...
Level 68
Mar 14, 2023
they are not low quality the formatting just isn't top tier
Level 59
Jun 4, 2023
The formatting is part of the quality, and there is no formatting here.
Level 68
Jun 5, 2023
Neodymium you do realize spamming the words "you need to format" on blogs that are months old is going to do nothing right?
Level 59
Jun 9, 2023
If that's your way of resolving to not fix it, then I won't again. The problem doesn't solve itself, I do know that. Quality directly somewhat comes from formatting. By saying it will do nothing, that now informs me that you have heard multiple times but still decide not to do so. I will not bother you on these old blogs again. Thank you!

If they're on different blogs but only written multiple times in total across all blogs because it applies to all, is that really spam?

Level 71
Jun 6, 2023
why did you stop making these blogs?
Level 68
Jun 8, 2023
Because I got a job so now I don't have the time to do so.
Level 71
Jun 19, 2023
Good for you :D
Level 68
Jun 20, 2023
Thanks. also ima try to release a newer blog that isn't in this series either today or tomorrow

Have a nice day-Kilwa