Level 52
Jul 19, 2020
My comments on other people’s blogs and quizzes have been deleted and my quizzes aren’t showing up on recent user quizzes so click on my profile to see them.
Level 52
Jul 21, 2020
Update: My quizzes don’t come up on Gmail if you are subscribed now so you need to click on my profile and sort by recent to see them. You can unsubscribe if you want and it’s unlikely I will ever comment on your blog or quiz again. I think Levisek27PL and lebbyjohnjohn have also been effected. Note to Levisek27PL: Your blogs aren’t on R.U. Blogs anymore
Level 52
Jul 22, 2020
Update: I just got 2 more subscribers. I hope you know it doesn’t do anything except make the number go up. Also most of my quizzes don’t show up on the search thing and on tags.
Level 52
Aug 21, 2020
Update: Subscribing actually does something. Go into the new subscribed user quizzes.