11 Types of JetPunkers


Hello guys, welcome to blog #6! My last blog was yet again controversial, so I decided to do something hopefully more fun. Bellow are 11 types of JetPunkers. Hope you enjoy!

1. "The Map Maker"

This JetPunker specializes heavily in SVG maps. You can find many quizzes on countries during a time period or cities in certain groups.

The quality quizzes might not get featured, but they keep making the most amazing ones yet. Nathaniel, for example.

2. "The Creative SVG Guy"

Oh gosh, I wish I could be this person. The Creative SVG Guy constantly is constantly turning fictional places or events into SVG's.

Sometimes that means animating with CSS and impressing everyone. Usually, these quizmakers get tons of well-deserved features, and their quizzes are the most fun. The most extreme example would be Stewart.

3. "The Idealist"

This JetPunker has a bright mind and determination. He does common text quizzes with little to no SVG's but the ideas are brilliant and intriguing.

If noticed right away, this JetPunker often ends up with his first quiz featured. The quizzes can range from highly technical to naming movie stars. One of the most common quizmakers.

4. "The Literalist"

It might not be a word, but it fits some people very well. These people find the most snarky ways to comment at questions, but it is indeed hilarious.

"There's no way this isn't featured. How?"

"I believe QM has not pressed the feature button yet"

(No response...)

The first person that comes to my mind for this category is GrandOldMan who openly admits to being this. The quotes are paraphrases of a conversation with him in it I saw this morning. So funny...

5. "The User Who Uses People"

Let me ask for a bunch of advice on my quiz. (Waits for responses) Thanks for comments guys! This guy annoys me a lot. Luckily, these are often new JetPunkers who correct their personality early on.

6. "The Spammer"

Another negative trait. This person constantly makes random quizzes with no grammar, spelling, or capitalization. We have no idea what they're talking about.

Often times these people get banned before they can stop.

7. "The Copier"

This guy fills the recent user quizzes page with copied featured quizzes. New accounts don't realize it and talk about how great it is and say it'll get featured.

I shamelessly report these people. I just can't stand it.

8. "The Amazing Blogger"

Finally back onto positives. This guy has amazing formatting and blog ideas. It is easy to get information, and most of the time you don't have to skim the lengthy pages.

Usually people like this have decent quizzes and are selfless. MG17, anyone?

9. "The Arrogant Blogger"

Probably the exact opposite of the last one. This person might have OK quizzes, but the blogs are constantly controversial and ill-formatted.

Writing this, I am reminded of an account. What was it...ClutchNado?...no that's not right. Oh yes, ClutchNferno would be a good example.

10. "The Healthy Commenter"

This guy is well known by the JetPunk community. He explores the Most Recent User Quizzes constantly, offering advice in a kind way when it could've been the harshest criticism.

He is respected, and when he sees a great quiz he will always nominate. Everyone can use a Healthy Commenter from time to time.

11. "The Challenger"

Not necessarily bad, but this guy is constantly causing controversy. He is a commenting version of the Arrogant Blogger. Let me show y'all another Wikipedia Article. Cyprus is in Asia?!?!?! No....

It's good from time to time because this guy often brings up valid arguments and new perspectives. Currently, there is a fair balancing act of these people.

Well, I hoped you enjoyed this blog! Make sure to tell me what category you fall in!

Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
You aren’t the example of number 9! You have a great formatting, and I like read your blogs!
Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
I will ask in what category you would put me in.
Level 60
Jan 29, 2021
I think I fall into ''The Literalist''.
Level 51
Jan 29, 2021
What do you think I am?
Level 60
Jan 29, 2021
Level 60
Jan 29, 2021
Just kidding ;)
Level 51
Jan 29, 2021
Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
Level 51
Jan 29, 2021
True MG17!
Level 51
Jan 29, 2021
Idealist fits me, hence I have lots of determinations. I have no SVG's. (Opinion) My ideas are brilliant and intriguing.
Level 54
Jan 29, 2021
Well, I have the feeling I could be in several categories...

Excellent blog!

Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
#8 for you. Obviously
Level 55
Jan 29, 2021
I'm a combination of 3 and 11
Level 60
Jan 29, 2021
Definitely #1, I spend more time making maps than on JetPunk itself!
Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
I agree... LOL
Level 59
Jan 29, 2021
I'd say that I'm a mix of #10 and a #3, but I'd say that I'm a much more niche version of #3 that doesn't get features.
Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
At #10, I totally agree. You write incredible comments.
Level 66
Jan 29, 2021
I'm probably a combination of 1, 2, and 4.
Level 47
Jan 29, 2021
In the first paragraph, it says 20 Jetpunkers instead of 11.
Level 52
Jan 29, 2021
I'd like to fall into #4, but as I cannot truly fall into it, I can't.
Level 52
Jan 29, 2021
Also part "Idealist"
Level 47
Jan 29, 2021
Not sure if i'm really any of these.
Level 52
Jan 29, 2021
You're "Other"
Level 78
Jan 29, 2021
I'm not sure if I fit into any of these categories. I don't know if that's a good thing or not !
Level 56
Jan 29, 2021
I'd say I fall in #1, making city related maps is one of my favourite things to make when it comes to SVGs. But due to several exams, I can't really give time to SVG and making quizzes untill June...
Level 52
Jan 29, 2021
What about me? 😕
Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
Level 52
Jan 30, 2021
I like to do SVGs as well! But... Thanks?
Level 43
Jan 30, 2021
Oh, I forgot it. So, #1. But you have good ideas.
Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
You forgot a category. The user that hates S*****e. LIKE THIS COMMENT, OR COMMENT BELOW IF YOU AGREE!
Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
Level 75
Jan 29, 2021
The audience can't agree if the message isn't delivered and understood properly. What is that censored term supposed to be?
Level 59
Jan 29, 2021
Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
We only put *.
Level 55
Jan 29, 2021
Oh yeah, i'm also #10 kinda, I always comment on quizzes I take, and I try my best to be nice.
Level 66
Jan 29, 2021
I dunno what I'm in, do you guys know what I could be in?
Level 55
Jan 29, 2021
I don't think I fit in any of these. I'd put myself in a category "Fruit basket quizmaker" the person who just makes quizzes about whatever they feel like, and has a wide variety, some with maps, some text quizzes, some multiple choice, some good, some bad
Level 60
Jan 29, 2021
You should add 'the political commenter' or something, which applies to users like kalbahamut
Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
I agree
Level 65
Jan 29, 2021
I feel like that would be represented enough in "the challenger"
Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
I agree too
Level 38
Jan 29, 2021
me Lol? Im still not a good blogger but i hope to be
Level 38
Jan 29, 2021
12 should be the 12. Jetpunk news guy
Level 51
Jan 29, 2021
1 10
Level 34
Jan 29, 2021
unfortunatly, i realized i fall under "The User Who Uses People"
Level 75
Jan 29, 2021
I'm currently trying to work to becoming 1st, 8th, and 10th, but of course I'm still some distance away from them. I would say that my map making skills are fairly decent but definitely not as good as, let's say, IAB. I do occasionally write blogs and try my best in making them sound good. The reviews are usually quite positive but I do indeed need to learn some more css for better formatting.

As for the last one, I usually am this genre. It's just some rare moments where I couldn't hold back a roast on another comment I find particularly annoying.

And of course, cool blog!

Level 66
Jan 29, 2021
Could you please add an “Immature Young Child” category? Many users in recent user quizzes fall there.
Level 65
Jan 29, 2021
lol, I'm assuming that's a joke. I could get banned for doing that.
Level 66
Jan 29, 2021
I’ll be making a blog about improving user quizzes anyways
Level 65
Jan 29, 2021
PLEASE. I'm tired of no capitalization, grammar, spelling, or effort what so ever.
Level 60
Jan 29, 2021
Not to be rude, but @ChineseChen is right....
Level 51
Jan 29, 2021
This is the funniest thing I could imagine XD
Level 65
Jan 29, 2021
Guys would you agree that their should be a dropdown menu for blogs next to the quizzes menu? Since most don't know about blogs and people hardly think of clicking "More", it would definitely advertise they exist. Plus, blogs are just as important as quizzes on JetPunk. They both educate and entertain readers. Your takes can double because they're interested in you!
Level 43
Jan 29, 2021
Sounds great.
Level 68
Jan 29, 2021
I’m not exactly any of these, but a fun blog nonetheless!
Level 62
Jan 29, 2021
I think I would be fit in category #3. Most of my quizzes are text based. I do make SVG quizzes sometimes, but they mostly use the Dot Placer Tool. Sometimes I try to make creative quizzes like World Map Tile Select or "experimental" quizzes like Cotw Dark Mode or Country Shapes Slideshow.
Level 48
Jan 29, 2021
I'm 12. The one who has a ton of private joke quizzes and is in general a pain to be around
Level 60
Jan 31, 2021
I agree
Level 54
Jan 30, 2021
I am 9 or 12
Level 42
Feb 13, 2021
There is no 12
Level 75
Jan 30, 2021
We are the challenger, idealist probably is the second choice
Level 14
Jan 30, 2021
Who am I? I might have been #8 on my banned account, but I think now I might be #10…
Level 14
Feb 3, 2021
Not to be picky, but the first paragraph says "bellow" instead of "below". If you want to, then it will be better if that is fixed. :)
Level 78
Feb 20, 2021
Why is 5 bad? Advice makes your quizzes better.
Level 65
Feb 20, 2021
No, 5 is where you think they are asking for advice but they really just want comments as if JetPunk is social media.