How to take Criticism


As you saw in the blurb, this may sound hypocritical to you. The ability to take criticism is a subject way too often discussed on JetPunk. If I remember correctly, I myself has been told.

Now if this doesn't work for you, I have no hurt feelings. I have been told much shorter and less thought out versions a hundred times in my life- but it is something that had to come naturally. Telling someone how to take criticism who can't take criticism is a hard task.

What Happened with Me

Let me have a chance to be fully honest. As said above, I have gotten into trouble and displeased or annoyed numerous people. On numerous occasions. You may have seen me on JetPunk, saying stuff like, "You don't have to read my blog"- a quite annoying phrase.

It isn't like he wasn't the only person who thought my blog was over formatted...No, of course not! The world loves me! That was my ego getting in the way- not looking at the big picture and wanting to be right. I have come to benefit from this TED Talk. It describes in detail how to not take things personally, a subject that goes hand in hand with criticism. Check it out in your free time!

Moving on to what I was going to say, I wasn't happy. No, I was angry because the person gave constructive criticism. What did I do? I swatted it like a fly. I am 90% sure that that person doesn't comment on me anymore because of that occasion. What I could've done was fixed it so the mobile design was better, more people could read it, and the same thing wouldn't happen again. Not five blogs and still happening....

I have found out this weirdly, in the way I have no idea why. Someone says I did something wrong, and I find myself saying, "Sorry, it won't happen again". And it isn't to get out of trouble or avoid an argument. I mean it. That one-sentence response is one of the ones I will be showing today.

How to Deal with Criticism

Someone makes a criticizing comment against you. No praise, and full of menace. Welcome to the real world... No, I was joking. My understanding of how the world operates as a thirteen-year-old is far from true. But all jokes aside, find the information on that comment. Emotions are non-existent, and you can now effectively react. This is what I like to do.

Reaction: What is the person's intent? Is it beneficial? How could you apply this? Be careful on this part. It sounds a whole lot harder than it is. From my experience, that simple moment of thinking about it without being angry at the person makes it a lot easier to remember. It'll eventually become a habit.

Reply:This one is only slightly more complicated. If you've accurately figured out what the person talking wants or wishes for you, it will help. However, it depends on who you are talking to.

For someone commenting on JetPunk, a friend, or just really anyone other than the other criteria, use something along the lines of what I said. "Sorry, I'll do better next time". No glare, no eye-roll, no nothing. Just an true expression of understanding. Because you do understand. You are taking what they said and putting thought into it, so chances are you will remember.

For an authority figure (parent, teacher, boss, site manager, etc.), I thought it would be different, but I realized this is exactly the same. ;&).

Well, thanks for your time and effort in reading this. Come to think of it, it might be super opinionated. Tell me how to improve!
Level 65
Mar 9, 2021
Interesting Quotes #88's like that one healthy fruit you don't want or like, but you need.

- Malkiboy

Level 43
Mar 9, 2021
Yes, you have changed a lot. For me, it remains the same, but I never criticized you, so... Criticizing is something that seems to be bad, but it is much more important. It shows that you have your opinion, and you want to show your side to the other. It is misunderstood, because criticism is something that is usually led to discussion, and then to conflict. Whether the criticism is good or bad, we all need it to know how to improve and live in harmony.
Level 68
Mar 9, 2021
Well-said. And I’m glad you’ve changed, criticism-wise.
Level 52
Mar 9, 2021
As it is, I am most likely the user in question. Anyway, when I try to give out constructive criticism, the blogger or quizzer does one of two things:

a.) blocks me

b.) thinks it's a debate, and tries to undermine my criticism

Level 74
Mar 9, 2021
I think naturally as humans we don't like people telling us that we're wrong. That's why criticism can be so hard to take. But training ourselves to accept that maybe people are trying to help us is key.

On the other hand, I know sometimes people aren't trying to help us. They are just mad or trying to show how smart they are by criticizing others, but we shouldn't let that become our problem. It's their problem.

Anyway, I think this is a great topic to bring up in Jetpunk, though some people will probably criticize you for it lol

Level 56
Mar 9, 2021
Critisism is a very sensitive topic. Several people have several opinions on this, and most of these opinions are good. But the one opinion, that critisism is hatred, it's wrong. You know that when your teacher is saying that you should correct this thing in your assignment, you know they are saying it for your benifit. But when a random guy on twitter tells someone what they are doing wrong, they think that he is hating him. And people who show such behaviour are usually those who think that they are right, always. If you look up on internet, you will find tens of millions of such people. One needs to spread his vision to look at the other side of a coin, and find out what they are doing wrong.

Taking criticism is a very hard job, especially on something you worked very hard on. Understanding the difference between critisism and hatred is a quality which every human should learn. A hater is always gonna hate, no matter what's the situation. Those are the people whom I would call

Level 56
Mar 9, 2021
toxic. And being honest, just don't care about them, just ignore them. One the other hand, someone who is criticising you is doing it for your benifit, so that your work would become better, you would learn new things which you were unaware of.

Kids always complaint that their parents always scold them and cry about it. But parents are trying to teach the kids some lessons which will be useful for their future. And as a kid grows, he understands his parents' objective and instead of taking the scold seriously, he listens to what his parents are saying and follows it. This is the best example of criticism which shows how criticism is healthy for you. I hope people understand and explore this topic more to make the internet a better place. :)

Level 59
Mar 9, 2021
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhm. I wouldn't ignore them tho, people should learn from their mistakes, and maybe you can teach them a thing or two about how to be a better person
Level 68
Mar 9, 2021
@Ethaboo and @SirPhilippines if I see you completely spamming a comment section like that again you will be hidden. This is not a place for the pair of you to spew random crap, have a sense of decency.
Level 66
Mar 9, 2021
Level 59
Mar 9, 2021
i understand
Level 52
Jun 11, 2021
Level 65
Jun 11, 2021
They were spamming back and forth on the blog to each other with nonsensical phrases.
Level 59
Mar 9, 2021
When I started making quizzes, I received some criticism and it really annoyed me, discouraging me from making quizzes. However, the criticism helped me grow as a user. Looking back at it, I'm extremely glad that it happened.
Level 62
Mar 20, 2021
Thanks for the advice Clutch!
Level 65
Mar 20, 2021
Level 38
May 14, 2021
Sorry for all the arguing on you and your friend's blogs
Level 38
May 14, 2021
I will work on high quality blogs!
Level 65
May 28, 2021
You have improved :)