Weird and Unknown Flags from Around the World - #2



Welcome back fellow JetPunkers and amateur vexillologists! This is the second part of my Weird and Unknown Flags from Around the World. So, if you stumbled on this blog first, you can view the first part here.

After the release of the first blog, I was able to gather a set of another 30 flags from the help of the internet. I hope this collection would expand even more in the next few days. If you happen to know some unknown or weird flags, let me know!

I realised there were a lot of Russian flags in the previous edition, so let's venture to other parts of the world this time.

So, let's begin our adventure of the second part of unusual, weird and unknown flags from around the world. Sit back, grab some coffee or tea and enjoy the ride!


Organic products directly from the farm!

We begin our second part with the flag of the American city of Fresno, California. To me, this flag looks like the logo of a company selling organic products directly from the farm or a packet of fresh coffee beans.


We come back to the Land of Weird Flags – it's Russia comrades! But what's up with this flag? It's a plain flag with an engraving of Jesus on it. Oh... how I wish I could find the story of this flag.



If there is one thing vexillologists agree across the world, it is that Japan has hands down the best flags in the whole wide world! This flag from the Japanese prefecture of Shizuoka features a stylised silhouette of the iconic Mount Fuji.




We now come across the relatively unknown town of Vantaa in Finland. Its flag is not just strange, but doubly strange. First up, it's a square. Not a big deal, eh? Secondly, it features the tail fin of a fish! My take is that they drew the tail because it's the easiest part of a fish to draw.



Wait.. this is not the Tibetan flag! This is the former flag of Tibet used between 1920 to 1925. It features a "snow lion" which is playing with what appears as a ball with flames coming from inside. Moreover, there are mountains in the background and both the Sun and the Moon! Truly weird flag!


I'm not giving you my fish!

Bear, bear, bear. Russia is full of bears and its many flags are no exceptions. This one from the town of Anadyr in the extreme north east of the Asian continent features a golden bear with a red fish. This bear had been hungry for several hours until it found a fish to devour. There's probably another bear out of frame who wants to steal it from this one.


The last edition had lots of bears and this one has lots of fish. This weird flag comes from the Norwegian settlement of Kvalsund. Well, it features three fish which appear to... kissing? Or perhaps discussing their top secret plan to evade being caught in a fishing rod? They represent three different forms of fishing: traditional, modern and recreational. Not a bad flag, but hey, it has three fish on it!

Arica y Parinacota

What's so weird with this flag? Many of you might not understand the nostalgia it brings in me. I imagine my younger self trying to figure out how to open Paint. Remember the Windows 7 startup sound, anyone? Anyway, welcome to Microsoft Land!

Honestly, this flag would better serve as the logo of tourist department or something like that.

Sint Niklaas


The Belgian municipality of Sint Niklaas has probably one of the silliest flags in Europe. It's vertical Ukraine and then, they added a turnip! What? A turnip would be the last thing to add onto a flag. Eww!



I didn't get a lot of information about this flag. According to some websites, this is the flag of Balawaristan, a region in Gilgit-Baltistan, currently administered by Pakistan and disputed with India which it rightfully belongs to. While other websites claim this is the flag of a political party in this region. Enough of politics now!

This flag features a mountain goat which is probably wrapped in a shawl, a clothing article used across India, Iran and the Caucasus to protect from cold weather. What's surprising is that a goat needs to wear it when it has furs which is used to manufacture high quality shawls.

River Gee

Many of you might probably recognise this flag. It's the flag of the county of River Gee, Liberia. Now, most of the flags from this tiny African country show some bizarreness. In this flag, we can see a river which mysteriously begins from a tree. In the upper portion, there is blue colour which is most probably the sky. But two tree are flying in the sky. Absolutely brilliant flag. 😆👍

Chaldean People's Flag

How great!

The Chaldeans are a subgroup within the Assyrian people, whose flag was featured in the previous blog. This flag is somewhat similar to the Assyrians', but it a little bit more complex.


I'll grab you with the might of my paws!

Oh Russia! You never fail to make us laugh with your flags made with huge creativeness and inaccurate symbolism. The flag of Domnovskoye features an eagle paw which is coming over to grab you by your face! Watch out!

Boxing Kangaroo Flag

Link to the Boxing Kangaroo Flag

I can't show this flag here. It is copyrighted.

We now come over to the Land Down Under! Where women glow and men plunder... sorry, got a little bit carried away! 😉

The boxing kangaroo flag features a... well, it is self explanatory – a boxing kangaroo! It is used to represent Australia unofficially at sporting events such as the Olympics and the Commonwealth Games. Anyway, it is a huge symbol in Australia and if what I've read from Reddit is true, some Australians want it to replace as their national flag! All in all, the boxing kangaroo along with the laser kiwi will make a great duo.


Hey, you weren't supposed to see this!

And for our final flag, we embark once again to the great country of Russia. The flag of Pestovo features a bear. So what? That's pretty common. It's the position the bear is sitting in. It's like a candid photo was taken when this bear was busy adding some secret ingredients into freshly procured honey and creating a new concoction.

The best flag for this edition!

And, it ends here! I know you are sad but I have to end it here. We have a long way to go and hopefully you'll see more amusing and unusual flags in later editions.

Now, it's well established that the Russian flags are quite weird, but some of them happen to be good as Pestovo or Palekh.

Anyhow, how many of these flags did you know about? Do you know any flag which is weird enough to be featured here? If yes, then let me know in the comments section! I guess the time has come now to bid adieu to you all. So, goodbye, alwida and kwaheri! 👋

Level 74
Dec 19, 2021
That looks like a Swedish Fish!
Level 60
Dec 19, 2021
Oh yeah! Looks like Anadyr has a sweet tooth!
Level 73
Dec 19, 2021
I didn't know what a Swedish Fish was until now! You definitely have strange products in America lol.
Level 59
Dec 19, 2021
dont judge, youve never tasted one lol they are yummy
Level 73
Dec 19, 2021
Well, okay. I should probably check them out.
Level 65
Dec 19, 2021
i didnt know either, i only care about goldfish crackers
Level 60
Dec 19, 2021

but they must be rainbow

Level 65
Dec 19, 2021
Great, very funny! Now I need to do Russian flags for the next episode of RARF! are shawls just an indian/iranian thing? i thought everyone knows them lol
Level 73
Dec 19, 2021
Haha, thanks! Keep in mind, there are 85 (or 86?) Russian federal subjects and leave some for me until WUFAW is completed. ;)

Shawl sounded Persian so I just wrote it without looking it up. Apparently, it is used worldwide. I apologise for the lack of care there.

Level 62
Dec 19, 2021
Amazing! These flags are very animal-centric lol.
Level 73
Dec 19, 2021
That's why they are funny! LOL

And thanks! :)

Level 52
Dec 19, 2021
If you don’t make 7+ more editions of this series, there will be extreme consequences.
Level 73
Dec 19, 2021
My my!! I should then have only 10 flags per post to complete that target lol.
Level 43
Dec 19, 2021
2 flags each part? Lol
Level 73
Dec 19, 2021
That won't let me win the Blog Games though 😅
Level 43
Dec 19, 2021
Lol, Arica y Parinacota reminds me of Emília-Romagna, which reminds me of Federal District (Brazil) lol. That’s why we have MacBooks (ok, I have a Windows ;-;) lol. I actually like Fresno because of the peculiarity. Looks like a logo of a company that produce coffee beans in the mountains of the south of Minas Gerais, full of plantations lol.
Level 73
Dec 19, 2021
Yeah, coffee beans. Me too! And Emilia-Romagna's looks like that thumbnail of vineyards. Was it Windows XP or 7? 🤔
Level 43
Dec 20, 2021
Emilia-Romagna reminds me of Formula 1, and there is the a GP of Formula 1, in the Imola Circuit lol
Level 68
Dec 20, 2021
Shizuoka triggers me because it is not symmetrical lol

And the flag of Fanta Vantaa looks weird, because the fish tail is the only part of the flag that is detailed.

But great blog! I especially loved Tibet and Arica y Parinacota... that startup sound is unforgettable.

Level 73
Dec 20, 2021
Thanks! 😁

You really think so? Ah.. those were the days! How simple life was back then, no stress, no school problems, no JetPunk.. wait, what? Lol

Level 68
Dec 20, 2021
No JetPunk?!?!? AFICIONADO IS A TRAITOR, BAN HIM!!!!!! lol

I do miss not being stressed with a bunch of assessments/projects due in the next few days... I definitely under-appreciated no homework on Friday back then.

And CDs... they're the other unforgettable thing. I remember borrowing them from the local library, and my parents reminding me to be extra careful with them, because scratching the CDs would ruin some parts of the movie when the disc player tried to read it. Although I have to admit, having everything onscreen nowadays is definitely easier!

Not trying to make myself look old, haha

Just a few things I remember; I wonder what stories much more experienced users could tell!

Level 73
Dec 20, 2021
Ah.. you surely are a nostalgic person like me. Though I like being futuristic more, but often times, the good ol' days of the past creep over to my mind.

I've had tons of memories like those old flip phones particularly Nokia ones, Windows 7, and Cartoon Network. The last one because after some time, they decided to discontinue the old gems and bring in crappy cartoons.

This sounds like a good idea. How about making a blog on this?

And by no JetPunk, I meant I didn't know of this website (in fact, I didn't know any website back then other than Google and Wikipedia lol).

Level 65
Dec 21, 2021
And me too lol

Yeah, maybe I'll make a blog, I have thoughts like this all the time about how strange time is to different people and how much we miss out on...

Level 78
Dec 21, 2021
Another great blog Aficionado! The Tibet one looked really weird - kinda like a kid tried to draw an over-detailed YouTube thumbnail about the Himalayas. I find the flag of Anadyr pretty cute though, the bear is smiling :)

Could you do a blog about really good flags? That would be very interesting. (Here is a flag I found earlier, that I really like)

Level 73
Dec 21, 2021
Thanks! I will, of course! I will add the Exmoor flag to my list. :)

By the way, I am feeling really disillusioned after seeing the results of this week's Blog Games. 😞