Weird and Unknown Flags from Around the World - #3



Welcome back fellow JetPunkers and amateur vexillologists to the third part of Weird and Unknown Flags from Around the World. So, if you stumbled on this blog first, you can view the complete series here.

In the previous editions, we found a lot of Russian flags which included bears. Lots of bears! So, this edition will revolve around less animal-centric flags. Moreover, as ZooTuber3000 had warned me of severe consequences in the previous edition if I fail to create more than seven editions of it, I have decided to include 12 flags per post. This could be increased later if I find more flags. And you can help in this! If you happen to know some unknown or weird flags, let me know!

So, let's begin the third part of our adventure of weird, unusual and unknown flags from around the world. Sit back, get some hot chocolate and enjoy the ride!


Complex yet beautiful

For the first flag of our third part, we land in the Hela Province of Papua New Guinea. The Land of the Paradise Bird! Well, this flag looks very complex but it is beautiful nonetheless. This flag looks even better when waving!

Florencio Varela

What's going on?

Florencio Varela is a subdivision of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. Wait, even city subdivisions have flags? Here in India, we don't even have state flags! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ This flag looks like it was made on Paint. I honestly don't know what's going on in this flag, but it looks very nice.


What animal is that?

Beringen is a municipality in Belgium. Well, the design looks pretty Belgian but what animal is that? It looks like a brown mouse. But according to a website, it is a bear! Um.. does it look like a bear? And with that ring in its nose, it looks even weirder.


Have some cheese!

Wait, is that an advertisement? A man selling cheese is not our go-to design for a flag. It's from Russia. What can you expect? Anyway, here, have some cheese!


I realised there weren't a lot of African flags here in my blogs. So I added the flag of Cairo. Unlike other flags from the Islamic world, this one has no green. The colours and the symbolism, though not all-inclusive and accurate, look very nice. Apparently, Egypt has a lot of good flags!


That's way too many stripes!

Lethbridge. Doesn't that sound familiar? Oh, yes! That's were Jiaozira is from! Well, there are so many stripes in this flag. The makers of this flag probably didn't like symmetry and that's why there's one extremely thin red stripe and some white ones are very thick while others are not. In the canton, it looks like they have heavily simplified something just like those topological maps!

I would love to know what Jiaozira thinks of this flag!

Alfonso Lista

Corn, socks and hearts โ€“ the best friends

This flag was created by tilting the Indian tricolour and then doodling random things on it โ€“ corn, hearts and for some weird reason, socks! Well, the Filipinos are a very patriotic people and if I say anything bad about this flag, I'm gonna be cancelled. So, I won't say anything now.


Some missionaries came here and preached the gospel to me. Since then, I've been carrying this Bible on my back wherever I go so that I can preach to my friends as well. I am very happy as you can see from my face. I am literally standing on three legs!

โ€“ Bear, probably


I'll bite you!

Remember that murderous catfish from the first part? This is however not a fish! Guess what, it is a dolphin! While dolphins are known to be friendly and playful, this is quite the opposite. Perhaps it is a distant relative of that catfish. Keep away or it will bite you!

Novy Urengoy

Hoot hoot!

We come back to the Land of Weird Flags. Doesn't this owl look like Hedwig? Anyway, what is it perched on? Is that a burner? Hey, owl! Get away from that burner! You'll catch fire!


Simply wow!

After Russia, Belgium probably has the most weird flags. This one looks very complex. In the right side, their is a preacher, I guess. There's also the Sun and the Moon. On the left side, um... never mind. I don't know what is happening over here in this flag.


Ain't I a cool flag?

And for our final flag, for the first time there isn't a Russian flag! It's the flag of Split, Croatia! Firstly, the flag is vertical. And secondly, it has a gradient feature with light blue to dark blue from top to bottom, which makes it extremely difficult to produce for laymen like us. It consists of six "SPLIT" forming the silhouette of Diocletian's Palace and the Saint Domnius Cathedral belfry, which is topped with a cross.

Probably, one of the best flags ever created! The clear winner for this edition.

And, it ends here. Wait! For the next part, I shall cover some good flags as Fuse suggested to me in the previous edition. Finding weird flags is extremely difficult, so I suppose finding good flags will be even more difficult. Anyhow, we shall see what I have in store for you in the next part! Until then, goodbye! ๐Ÿ‘‹

Ooh.. there's one thing left to say! I wish you all a very Happy New Year! May you all have a wonderful, healthy and prosperous New Year. With only a few hours left where I live, I'm off to celebrate, of course keeping in line with the COVID protocols. Meet you all in 2022! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ†๐Ÿ˜„

Level 73
Dec 31, 2021
Due to some reasons, I am unable to complete the Flags for Continents blog by now. Apologies! It should be out by mid-January.

And once again, a very very Happy New Year to everyone! May this year bring immense joy, health and prosperity to you! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ

Level 43
Dec 31, 2021
Happy New Year! I remember of seeing Lethbridge flag from the own Jiaozira from Quora (thank you for saying about the face of Dan and of Akira lol). And yes. Itโ€™s pretty... Pretty bad. Iโ€™m waiting for some flags of Brazilian municipalities. You make there on the old version of Paint, or at Word Clip Art (that creates no art) where you notice really well the pixels. And there arenโ€™t symbols non-sensical in the coats of arms.

Where are you all on Quadruple Alliance?

Level 73
Dec 31, 2021
Wait, I didn't tell you about Jiaozira! I guess the Brazilian flags are simply too good to make it into the "weird" categories. I assure you there will be one in the next edition. ;)

Everyone seems a little bit too busy lately.

Level 43
Dec 31, 2021
Busy at the point to talk everywhere except on the group lol

And... no. They are weird lol. I think you told you found him in a blog. Let me see

Level 73
Dec 31, 2021
Okay okay, it must be the flag ranking blog. I remember.

They are extremely busy. Look, except you no one has commented yet ๐Ÿ˜ž

Level 43
Dec 31, 2021
I thought was part 1 of your blog, but actually is not.
Level 51
Dec 31, 2021
I have trouble believing that the mayor (probably) accepted the 5 Split flag as the official one, with the "Splits" written in weird fonts and the shape. Anyways, the countdown starts know: as of now, 13h & 23m.
Level 73
Dec 31, 2021
Indeed. How can someone select that flag? Their mayor must be extremely libertarian one lol.

Here, the countdown is 2 hours and 4 minutes!

Level 65
Dec 31, 2021
Level 73
Dec 31, 2021
1h and 26 min to 2022!!! YAY
Level 51
Dec 31, 2021
1:03 for you, in other words...

0.0001 years

0.001 months

0.05 days

1.15 hours

63 minutes (obviously)

3,780 seconds

63,000 milliseconds

Level 73
Dec 31, 2021
Well, thanks for taking your time to write this out! Currently, it's just 25 minutes to go.

In New Zealand, it's already 7 AM!

Level 43
Dec 31, 2021
20 minutes for it :)
Level 71
Jan 1, 2022
It just happened for me!
Level 65
Jan 1, 2022
Woah, my comment says 2022... even though it's not for me.
Level 73
Jan 1, 2022
Hehe.. already halfway into the first day of the year for me! ๐Ÿ˜†

That's because JetPunk uses the East Coast Time.

Level 65
Dec 31, 2021
Amazing, this one had lots of funny ones, DO MORE!!!
Level 73
Dec 31, 2021
Does it mean that previous editions were not as funny? More coming. You have to wait until next year lol.
Level 60
Dec 31, 2021
Ok these are just weird
Level 43
Dec 31, 2021
3... 2... 1...!


How is New Year in India, btw?

Level 73
Dec 31, 2021
Thanks and Happy New Year to you as well! ๐Ÿ˜

Yeah, not as great as it used to be some years ago, but still great! A fireworks show was organised by our neighborhood. Happy New Year to you in advance!

Level 43
Dec 31, 2021
You can give me the congratulations when it be 08:30 AM for you :)
Level 66
Dec 31, 2021
15 minutes left!

Also, great blog!


Level 73
Jan 1, 2022
Oh no, please don't.
Level 65
Jan 1, 2022
ah yes, the start of the great indo-filipino jetpunk war of 2022
Level 73
Jan 1, 2022
Let's not start a war today.
Level 65
Jan 1, 2022
Good idea lol ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ญ

philippines is actually one of my favorite countries because they're kind of similar to india in some ways

Level 43
Jan 1, 2022
So... we have one more war to add on the stuff?
Level 62
Jan 1, 2022
Fantastic, Incredible, Brilliant, Amazing, Riveting lol! Happy New year to you, Aficionado, may the year be great :)
Level 73
Jan 1, 2022
Good to have you back BGG and thanks!

A very happy new year to you as well! :)

Level 70
Jan 1, 2022
Hooray, I was wondering when the flag of Lethbridge would crop up. It's more unique than many of the locals think :D

The flag has an interesting backstory. Where Lethbridge sits today, there was once an American whisky-trading fort known as Fort Whoop-Up. The NWMP (Mounties) heard about the whisky trade, happening under the American flag, and so they went to investigate/affirm Canadian sovereignty. However, they found no whisky and the supposed American flag turned out to be a unique trading flag (described as a drunk man's attempt at drawing the American flag).

The flag was forgotten about until 1967 during Canada's 100th anniversary, when it was redesigned based on photos of the original fort. I personally find the flag to be quite ugly, but the story behind it is interesting enough that I can forgive it. Also, it's kind of a cool way to put our relatively obscure city on the map.

Thanks for featuring little old Lethbridge on your blog :)

Level 73
Jan 1, 2022
That is really a very interesting story! It looked like a simplified US flag but I thought maybe they have simplified it. Really interesting. Where did the whisky manufacturers go? Did they run away back to the US?

Happy New Year! :)

Level 70
Jan 2, 2022
The presence of the NWMP sent the whisky trade into decline, although the original owners of the fort actually rented a room off to the NWMP. It became more of a general trading post with the local Blackfoot people. The fort was destroyed through fire and neglect, and little remains of it today (a replica was built closer to the city-centre in 1967, however). One of the fort's founders went to Alaska during the gold rush, and "died a rich man" in 1908, and I'm not sure about the other guy.

Happy 2022!

Level 73
Jan 2, 2022
Thanks for the information. It was great learning about it! :)
Level 71
Jan 13, 2022
Huh, that Lethbridge flag looks like the American flag drawn by Mondrian.
Level 73
Jan 13, 2022
Oh, hello Zefy! I didn't know who Mondrian was until I looked it up. It actually does look like that! I found it similar to the topological map quiz like we have on JetPunk. :)