Weird and Unknown Flags from Around the World - #5



Welcome back fellow JetPunkers and amateur vexillologists to the fifth part of Weird and Unknown Flags from Around the World. So, if you stumbled on this blog first, you can view the complete series here.

In the previous four editions, we saw a lot of weird, unusual and unknown flags from across the globe. An awful lot of them were about animals and all. Some were countries while others were cities or counties. Russia had at least one appearance in all the four editions we had done as of now.

Anyway, today is 14th of March – the second Monday of the month. Well, what's so special, you may ask? Nothing much, to say the least. Today is a day which is hardly celebrated anywhere in the world. It's literally just a holiday on paper, I mean no celebration, then what is its worth huh? Okay, I kept you in suspense for long enough. Today is Commonwealth Day! A day meant to, well, celebrate the former British Empire, perhaps? Kind of. It was formerly called Empire Day, that gives off the real intention to celebrate it. Over time, decolonisation followed and blah blah blah... it was renamed to Commonwealth Day. Essentially, it is a day to celebrate our shared history, culture and heritage.

I've bored you enough, I guess. What essence does this day has to me? The Commonwealth has been one of my favourite intergovernmental organisations! I would like to see it advance further into something more effective like the ASEAN or the EU perhaps.

Anyway, you get the idea. For today, we shall be looking at the flags of some of the intergovernmental organisations. Many of them happen to be quite well known, so I would try to find the obscure ones or those which have a good symbolism and design. LET'S GO NOW!!!

Andean Community

Simply beautiful!

We begin our journey in South America. The Andean Community, as the name suggests, is an organisation of countries located in the Andes. The flag is basically just their logo imposed on a white field. From what I have found out online, the logo is based on indigenous Andean and Incan textiles.

Pretty solid flag it is!


Oh god!

We now land in Europe! But wait, this is not the European flag! As I had said in the beginning, I wanted obscure flags. This was a proposal for the flag of the European Union made in 2002, composed of all the colours featured in the flags of its member states. It is very aptly named the Barcode Flag.

Well, imagine if this would have become the flag of the EU! Who on earth would have the time to construct such a flag, say for international forums and all!? I am glad it wasn't adopted.



We now come to my homeland! SAARC is an organisation of the South Asian states. The flag, just like the first one, is simply the logo being imposed on a white field. The logo is actually very strange.

Upon closer look, you would find two hands and seven doves in between them. The hands represent friendship while the doves represent peace – something which SAARC couldn't really achieve. I mean, it has failed and... seems like a good topic for the future. I'll save that.

Commonwealth of Nations

Blue and gold make a great combination!

The Commonwealth, the organisation which I was talking about in the beginning! It is basically an organisation of former British colonies (with some exceptions).

As the caption says, blue and gold make a great combination! On a blue field, a golden globe encircled by 34 spearheads forming the letter C. This version was adopted in 1976 and replaced a rather dull and complicated flag.

Moreover, this flag is very rarely talked about. Even the people from the Commonwealth don't know about it! Despite living my entire life in a Commonwealth country, never have I seen this flag in public. Not even once! Not even in Delhi!

Nordic Council

Fly into the sky!

We now land in the Nordic world! The Nordic Council is one of the most successful intergovernmental organisations! Its flag is simply beautiful.

On a blue field symbolising the sky, a swan is seen flying. This version replaced a rather boring "logo on white" flag in 2016, so it is a pretty new flag. It looks more stylish in comparison to the former design as well.

Doesn't it look like Lufthansa's logo?

Pacific Islands Forum

A flag that could've been better

One of the many organisations of the Pacific Islands of Oceania. To put it simply, I think they could have done a better job by enlarging the logo and having it the centre of the blue field. A lighter shade of blue wouldn't hurt as well. In fact, it would have been better!


Is that a flower?

The CPLP, also known as the Lusophone Commonwealth, is an organisation of Lusophone (ie Portuguese-speaking) nations. Its flag is again a "logo on white" type but accompanied by a blue border. In the centre, the eight waves represent the eight members and the sea (which is their primary connection). The text was not required though.

Arctic Council

Heh heh.. every once in a while, you come across a funny flag. This cutesy flag has an Arctic Fox with its tail rolled and sitting beside the Earth oriented with the North Pole in front.

It gives me Mozilla Firefox vibes! How about naming it Mozilla Icefox?

Red Lion and Sun Society


The Red Lion and Sun Society of Iran was the local Red Cross affiliate of Iran. You must have heard about Red Cross and Red Crescent. They work mainly to safeguard human lives in times of crises. There's a third one as well – the Red Crystal. Until 1980, there was a Red Lion and Sun as well; it functioned in Iran and was based on the former flag of Iran. It was discontinued in 1980 after the Iranian Revolution. Doesn't the lion look a bit... odd?

Organization of Ibero-American States

The Organization of Ibero-American States is, as the name suggests, an organisation of Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking nations of Iberia, the Americas and one from Africa (why did they add Equatorial Guinea into it is an unsolved mystery).

Its logo is also a mystery. I searched several websites but couldn't really find the meaning of the logo. It looks like a stick figure is getting ready for sumo wrestling. Or maybe it is an insect? Who knows?

Organization of American States

Very uncreative

The Organization of American States is, well, not much known. However, its flag is pretty well known to vexillologists. Ask them why? Because of its sheer un-creativity! The designers of this flag are one step higher from the Barcode Flag of Europe and older too! Why bother coming up with a symbol when you can put in all the flags?


Aesthetically pleasing!

And for our final flag, we have the flag of the Francophonie, the French-speaking world, or the International Organisation of the Francophonie. It is a simple flag belonging to the same old "logo on white" category. However, what makes it different is the seemingly Japanese-inspired minimalistic symbolism in its logo. Five bands make up a circle to represent the five continents of the world. Wait, what? France follows the "six-continent model", but no one lives on Antarctica, unless you count the penguins and scientists living there. Hence, five continents.

And, that's it! The fifth part documenting the flags of international and intergovernmental organisations. There are many more! I limited them down to twelve to maintain consistency with the rest of the series. And lots of them contain either white or blue, symbolising peace and the oceans (or sky) respectively. Which one did you like the most? Is there any flag I missed which you think should have been here? Let me know in the comments!

Well, it's time to go now! And yeah, I wish a very happy Commonwealth Day to all fellow Commonwealth Citizens! May the Commonwealth develop into something better. Until next time, bye-bye! 👋



Level 62
Mar 14, 2022
Happy Commonwealth Day to you, Aficionado and all the other commonwealth citizens! I'm against the British Empire and its Colonialization in the past, but its great to see a collection of former colonies existing by each other's sides.

Anyway, great blog as always! :)

Level 73
Mar 14, 2022
Thanks BGG! And a very happy Commonwealth Day to you as well!

Are there any celebrations in Reading?

Level 62
Mar 14, 2022
I don't think there are much around the UK and mostly nothing in Reading as far as I know but I think in London, there are special ceremonies going on with many different cultures participating in singing, dancing and the Queen's Speech :)
Level 73
Mar 14, 2022
Oh, I found a news as well! In Puri, Odisha, a friendly volleyball match was played between team Odisha and a team from the British High Commission to commemorate the day. Nothing else here as well.
Level 78
Mar 14, 2022
Great blog, my first thought on seeing the Nordic Council flag was "looks like an airline logo". And thank God, Allah, or whichever deity, that the EU didn't adopt the Barcode Flag. Whoever designed that needs to be visited by the drug squad !

I have been considering doing a blog series explaining the meaning of the designs of every countries flag. But since my islands series looks like it's going to take a while, perhaps it's an idea for you to take on. You describe the flags well and are obviously passionate about vexillology. Just a thought !

p.s. Happy Commonwealth Day from the UK to all members of the Commonwealth.

Level 73
Mar 14, 2022
Definitely! I too thought about Lufthansa when I saw the flag for the first time. And the barcode flag must have something to do with the strange trends which were popular in the first decade of this century! 😂

Hmm, thanks for the suggestion! My new academic year at school begins this April and with everything returning back to normal, I don't think if I would be able to accomplish a project this big. I will have to leave it for you! After your capitals blog, this would prove to be a much-needed sequel. Also you're much better in explaining things! 🙂

And lastly, a happy Commonwealth Day to you! 😁

Level 78
Mar 14, 2022
Your schooling is much more important than JetPunk, and quite rightly should take preference.

I will think about the blog series, but it may be a while. Flags interest me but not as much as little islands. I am fascinated by them and their history. What it was like for people living there in the past etc.

If you change your mind, then you are most welcome to make the blog.

Level 43
Mar 14, 2022
Wow, great sadness with my school starting in February, and me having 200 school days ;-;
Level 58
Mar 14, 2022
Happy Commonwealth Day from Australia! And great blog:D
Level 73
Mar 14, 2022
Thanks and happy Commonwealth Day from India! :)
Level 43
Mar 14, 2022
Amazing blog! That Europe flag makes me to vomit.
Level 43
Mar 14, 2022
CPLP... is that a slap on the wrist for I stop procrastinating my blog?
Level 73
Mar 14, 2022
You've finally understood
Level 43
Mar 14, 2022
Fyi I finished! The introduction.
Level 63
Mar 14, 2022
Can do you say, which country you from? Very interesting
Level 73
Mar 14, 2022
Thanks! And I am from the great nation of India. :)
Level 63
Mar 14, 2022
Cool! Happiness, peace and prosperity to the Indian people from Russia)
Level 73
Mar 14, 2022
My same wishes to the people of Russia. :)

And also I hope for the war to end

Level 63
Mar 15, 2022
I hope too
Level 55
Mar 14, 2022
Great! The OAS flag confuses me...a flag made out of flags lol
Level 73
Mar 14, 2022
And that's why it is so uncreative! Definitely need a redesign imo.
Level 65
Mar 14, 2022
Great blog again! But the most important holiday today is obviously Pi Day!
Level 73
Mar 14, 2022
Pi day? I came to know that from today's Word Search lol.
Level 60
Mar 14, 2022
Yes, Pi Day. I am currently reciting it in class
Level 57
Mar 14, 2022
Scrolling down, I was reading the Organization of American States, but saw the green and yellow of Francophonie and thought it was Subway😂.
Level 62
Mar 14, 2022
Great blog. You would have seen a lot of commonwealth flags in Delhi (and NCR) if you were in Delhi in 2010, when the commonwealth games took place.
Level 73
Mar 15, 2022
Thanks! I was not at Delhi during that time. I guess you are correct. How did I forget that Delhi hosted the Commonwealth Games!? There must have been flags at that time!

By never seeing it in Delhi, I meant that I've never seen it flying at the High Commission of those countries. For example, there is (or there was) only the British flag outside its High Commision but no Commonwealth flag when I saw it from outside a few years ago.

Level 68
Mar 15, 2022
Great blog! I love this series!
Level 73
Mar 15, 2022
Thanks a lot!
Level 52
Mar 16, 2022
I’m late, but I very much enjoyed this read.
Level 73
Mar 17, 2022
I'm glad you did. 😁
Level 60
Mar 16, 2022
Great job! You should include the Caucasian Empire flag and Libya's 2011 flag sometime. In addition, maybe you could show Genoa's flag and talk about how England copied them briefly. If you're interested Sicily and Isle of Man also have weird flags. I'm going to check out the rest of the series now :)

Edit: Oops, you already have the Caucasian Empire flag in the first edition. My bad!

Edit 2: In Edition #3, you mentioned the lack of African flags. I found this amazing Zanzibar flag from 1896 to 1963.

Level 73
Mar 17, 2022
Thanks! I usually refrain from adding country flags because everyone knows them but I can definitely add the older ones. The Zanzibar one is definitely very... uncreative? I'll add that into my list! Sicily and Isle of Man are great options as well. Thanks again for checking the whole series out! :)
Level 44
Mar 23, 2022
I’m really late to Commonwealth Day, but happy (one year early) Commonwealth Day 2023!

I am also a citizen of a Commonwealth country!


Level 73
Mar 23, 2022
Haha! I wish you a Happy Commonwealth Day 2023 in advance as well! :D

I didn't know you were from my neighbouring country! Very few people from Bangladesh are here. I now know two (the other one being JWatson24).

Level 68
Apr 19, 2023
I may be late but they added Equatorial Guinea because it was colonized by the Spanish and the main language there is Spanish.
Level 73
Apr 19, 2023

Should change their name to something that justifies the presence of an African nation too.

Level 59
May 10, 2023
SAARC blog when lol? Nice blog!
Level 73
May 11, 2023
It's a failure, so no.

Also thanks!