Weird and Unknown Flags from Around the World - #6



Welcome back fellow JetPunkers and amateur vexillologists to the sixth part of Weird and Unknown Flags from Around the World. So, if you stumbled on this blog first, you can view the complete series here.

So after a hiatus of more than two months, I am back with a brand new blog from an old series. Within the previous editions, we saw a lot of weird as well good flags which happened to be not well-known. Anyway, this edition continues with the usual theme of non-special flags which are weird in their own unique ways.

Also, taking into consideration the amount of flags I have in my list, I believe you will get to see very few editions after this. My take is that there will be at most four more editions released after this being published. That makes a grand total of ten editions and it means that we have successfully completed the first half of our journey. So let me give you a brief recap from our previous journeys!

Buckle up your seatbelts as we dive into memories from the past and relive some of the best flags from our previous five journeys around the world! Let's get going now!


First edition (released 8th December 2021)

The very first edition from this series. Compared to the flags we saw in later editions, most in the first one were rather boring and some were not even unknown, like Benin, Friesland and Zheleznogorsk. Also, half of the flags of this blog were Russian; a thing that I tried to avoid from the next editions. Based on the comments made by users, the best flags from this series were the following:

Manipur, India
Palekh, Russia

The trypophobic flag of Manipur was mentioned by a lot of users while almost everyone mentioned Palekh, which still is the undisputable winner of the coolest flag from our series. The Laser Kiwi, as ElementalPixel said, should really have been the flag of the Kiwi Nation which gives it a more unique and distinct taste compared to the rather dull flag it uses now.

Also, a little fact given by the user Kingsfisher, Palekh is known for its distinctive painting style which is incorporated in caskets, lacquer miniatures and of course, this flag.

Second edition (released 19th December 2021)

The second part, released just eleven days after the first one, unintentionally featured a lot of animal-centric flags. Some of the most memorable flags from it were:

Anadyr, Russia
Arica y Parinacota, Chile

The former flag of Tibet is cute and scary at the same time while Anadyr was mentioned by everyone to be cute. The American members of the community remarked that the bear is holding a Swedish Fish, which apparently is a candy or something. The third one ensued a nostalgic feeling in me and my dear friend ElementalPixel regarding Windows 7 and also led to the creation of a small comment thread about the same.

Third edition (released 31st December 2021)

The third blog from the series was the second-to-last blog of the 2021 (based on American timings). Most of the flags in it were pretty unknown. The two of them which I still distinctly remember are:

Perm, Russia
Split, Croatia

Perm, like other Russian flags, has a bear and one of the most striking feature is its cute smile. Split has a vertical flag with a gradient feature which makes it extremely unique. If I recall correctly, it is the only flag in the whole wide world which is vertically aligned. Oh, and also, am I the only one who thinks it's a nice flag?

Fourth edition (released 6th February 2022)

This blog was released after two months and came out in a difficult and controversial time (at least for me). This one was written on a special request made by Fuse and includes flags which I considered "good" according to my ideas and opinions.

I had a lot of fun writing it and I still consider this blog as one of the best I've ever written. Here are some of the best flags from this blog:

Exmoor, UK

The flag suggested by Fuse. It is the flag of Exmoor, a moorland in southwest England. Only moorland to have its own flag!

The blue, purple, green, everything within it is simply beautiful.

Simple, historical, elegant and wholesome.

Oh, and once again, lighthouses are underrated.

Alexandria, Egypt

Scottsdale, USA

A flag that unfortunately was official only for two weeks, when it got replaced by the extremely dull former flag once again.

Another Russian flag. How can I just break the tradition?

Simply beautiful.

Vovchansk, Russia

Fifth edition (released 14th March 2022)

This edition was released on Commonwealth Day 2022 and was the second special-themed blog from the series. In this edition, we got to see flags of various intergovernmental organisations. Here are three of my favourites from it:

Barcode Europe
Red Lion and Sun
la Francophonie

The Barcode Flag which apparently was a proposal for the European Union is clearly a monstrosity while the Red Lion and Sun Society has a cool flag. The Francophonie's flag, even though I am from the Commonwealth, I have to admit is simply great!

So that was a quick recap of some of the coolest, greatest and most memorable flags from our past journeys. I hope you enjoyed it! Anyway, let's begin our latest trip into the land of flags!


What should I say?

We begin our journey from the Pearl of the Orient Seas, the Philippines! The flag of Amulung features a very childish design and why shouldn't it? It was designed by a kid! Okay, what annoys me is that TEXT AT THE TOP!!! Not to mention, the six stick figures. And the sketch pen-ish design. To simplify, everything. I won't say any further because I don't want to be cancelled by the Filipinos. 😅


A perfect Valentine's card

We now land in a small village in the mountains of the Czech Republic. The flag of Liptal features a red heart and three tulips. Don't you think that this flag could be a perfect card for Valentine's Day?

Oh, and also according to one source, until 2002, instead of the heart, there was a yellow turnip. How surprising, isn't it?

San Gwann


We now head to the Mediterranean island of Malta. San Gwann means St John in Maltese. St John's favourite animal was a lamb and that's why a lamb is depicted here. The book perplexes me though. I don't know why it is used or what it represents. Let me know if anyone of you knows what it means.


What an amazing flag! 😍

Oh Texas! Yee haw.. sorry, couldn't repress it. What you are seeing is apparently a bicentennial flag. Anyway, it is known as one of the worst flags ever designed because ... just look at it. The map's inaccurate, the background is boring and it has TEXT! Also, it looks like it was made without any real effort. The doodles on right are way too normal. And the original flag is preserved under a glass. What are your thoughts about this flag?


So unique!

Coming to our third European flag in this segment, Skenderaj is a municipality of Kosovo. Now, we all know UwU, ^-^, ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, but have you seen an emoticon on a flag? If you see closely, you will see a cat or one of the big cats in top right of the emblem. There's a pot probably symbolising pottery and a house with no door. PURRRRRR!

Montes Claros

Wait, what?

Montes Claros is a city in, wait for it... Minas Gerais. MG, you're reading this? Montes Claros means light-coloured mountains, hence white coloured. But what is bothering is that yellow disc which definitely is the Sun. If so, why is it above the ground? The designer was probably drunk when the flag was being designed.


How random!

It's Russia guys! You simply can't expect anything when it comes to flags of this great nation. In Russia, you don't make flags, but flag makes you.

All I have to say is that this flag is definitely made for me. Finding weird flags for you guys is like searching for a needle in a haystack!



Every once in a while, we come across an American city with a great flag. Thornton is one of them. Located in Colorado, its flag is one of the nicest I've never seen. However, I couldn't find its symbolism anywhere. If anyone knows, let me know in the comments.



This is the former flag of Seoul. Now, the current flag of the city is alright, but this one is definitely better. And this is the case for a lot of South Korean cities. Maybe that's because it's a bit Japanese-inspired, perhaps?


For those of you who don't know where Bocoio is (that included me until quite recently), it's a city in Angola. Its flag features a pineapple. I mean, how random can we get?


Aesthetically pleasing!

Horningsea is a village in Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom. Its flag was unveiled in 2014, so quite recent. Now, this is not really weird. The flag is a homage to the pottery culture of the village. Ancient pots from the Roman age are still found buried in the soil. The colour scheme is a bit odd, though.



And for the final flag, we once again head to Europe, Scandinavia to be more particular, Norway to be even more particular. Final flags in our series have quite often featured legendary creatures. Following that trend, we here have a golden dragon which looks quite angry and dangerous. Don't you think it looks amazing?

Oh, and also this village is located near another village called "Hell". 😆

And, that was it! The sixth part of our series featuring an assortment of weird and beautiful flags.

Well, this came after a very long time! I had been quite busy for most of April and procrastination was at its peak this May because I am having my summer vacations right now.

Anyway, it's time to go now! I don't know what else to say, so, bye-bye until we meet again! 👋

Level 65
May 25, 2022
I was just thinking of this series and reading the old episodes. I've been finding so many interesting flags and thinking of this series... I'll tell if I find any now lol

Great blog! My favorites are Bocoio and Horningsea. Stjordal and San Gwann are close.

Level 65
May 25, 2022
Also, FG?
Level 73
May 25, 2022
Thanks Thread! Yeah, finally I got the courage to stop procrastinating. And yeah, do tell me other flags!

Hmm, we'll think about it soon. 😅

Level 65
May 26, 2022
I got the courage to stop procrastinating my video! I wrote some more of the script.

Also, MISF?

Level 73
May 26, 2022
Yay! When upload lol?

What is MISF?

Level 65
May 26, 2022
मेकिंग jhnda fr баратадесам rashtraaha
Level 73
May 27, 2022
Well, let's talk in the group
Level 57
May 25, 2022
My favorite was probably Thornton. The Texas one looks like it was made by a child 😂. I'll go look that up right now.
Level 57
May 25, 2022
Oh, oh my... I just looked it up and the original artist I believe died in 2003! How sad. I kind of feel bad for badmouthing the flag now...
Level 73
May 25, 2022
Oh well that's sad. RIP the creator!

Thornton is really amazing.

Level 43
May 25, 2022
Finally he is back! Uberlândia, Montes Claros... now what? Juiz de Fora? Governador Valadares? But I agree that Montes Claros has a weird flag, although I’ve never stopped to notice lol.

Can’t wait for more Brazilian flags, as well the whole series!

Level 73
May 25, 2022
Thanks MG! 😄

Now we'll have BH, followed by the milk company logo one you told earlier, remember?

Level 43
May 26, 2022
BH is more normal than bunch of flags, but the white background with the coat of arms is pretty boring.

Yes, I do lol

Level 62
May 25, 2022
About time! Another Quad member back to blogging lol. Amazing blog, as always, Afc! :)
Level 73
May 25, 2022
Now ZooTuber needs to come back! 👿

Anyway, thanks BGG!

Level 60
May 25, 2022
Level 60
May 25, 2022
Lol great blog as usual, the flags get screwyer (is that a word?) as the series goes on!
Level 73
May 25, 2022
Thank! They'll get even screwyer when you'll get to see the remaining flags from Russia.. 👽
Level 65
May 26, 2022
Aficionado in episode 100: Here we have a flag that's a mirror! Your face is on it! Cool flag right? Let's move on.

This next flag will automatically ban you from JetPunk. A bit of a scary flag I'd say.

Level 73
May 26, 2022
Episode 101: This flag we have here is just a rickroll. Don't click on it.

Episode 102: This cute flag is designed by Martians because they didn't like the flags I made for them in October.

Episode 103: After aliens, ghosts have made themselves a brand new flag. Not to be confused by the Snapchat logo. Pretty creepy, right?

Episode ∞: This flag can charge your phone to 100000%, make you the owner of Discord and JetPunk, lets you access FBI files and also destroy the whole universe. Unless you are Beluga, don't try to see it!

Level 62
May 26, 2022
Episode ∞ to the power of ∞: This flag will allow to use your brain to 101% and control the whole world!
Level 66
May 28, 2022
Level 73
May 28, 2022
Oh no, please don't..
Level 68
Jun 8, 2022
Ay thanks for including some of my previous comments!

ngl, the Liptal flag looks so much like what a stereotypical flag of a small village in the mountains of Central Europe would look like. I'm also going to definitely be using that when I get a date. So, never.

I thought the lamb in the San Gwann flag was a llama at first xD. I also thought the flag was the English flag. Looks like it's riding on a magic carpet bible on its way to capture Jerusalem during the Crusades.

Also, Skenderaj looks like a demonic chicken head.

Overall, very nice blog!

Of course, though, nothing can ever beat the Laser Kiwi Flag


Level 73
Jun 9, 2022

Yeah, I thought England too at first because of the St George's Cross. But apparently, that's a symbol of the Crusades as well, so your theory might be correct lol.

All bow down to the Laser Kiwi!!! 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️

Level 63
Jun 21, 2022
I love your blog, good luck to you! Thank you for including my fact!
Level 73
Jun 21, 2022
Thanks a lot! 😀

Also, it's my pleasure!

Level 60
Jun 24, 2022
It's very unfortunate the series is halfway done, hopefully my suggestions helped a little...

Montes Claros really bugged me and Bocoio's pineapple is surprisingly detailed. Seoul and Thornton (couldn't find anything on its symbolism) were my favorite.

Level 60
Jun 24, 2022
I've also found more flags. They are all from unrecognized micronations, though.

You asked if I've ever seen an emoji on a flag. Well, there's. this flag with a smiley face. There's also the flag of Wy which looks similar to the Union Jack,

Level 73
Jun 26, 2022
Thanks! You've been very supportive of the series since the very beginning. I am very grateful for that! 🙂

Yes, there is something about Thornton that screams plain beauty!

Those are both weird and nice flags. I appreciate your efforts to find a flag with a real emoji rather than one that looks like. 👌 I'll add them both to my list.

Also, I'm thinking to rebrand the series to showcase the flags of particular countries because I've still got a ton from a handful of countries in my list. Can you guess which country that might be?

Level 60
Aug 2, 2022
Sorry, I hadn't seen this until now! Your series is great and I'm glad to support it. Is the country Russia?
Level 73
Aug 15, 2022
Yup, that's correct! Russia it is. There are a lot from Brazil too, which I might add.

The past few days, I have found myself very busy. I am unable to write the next part to this series. I also couldn't write anything for India's Independence Day. 😣

Level 60
Aug 16, 2022
That's alright, no need to rush! Too bad Russian Independence Day was a few months ago...
Level 73
Aug 17, 2022
Woah, that'd have been a perfect chance for a brand new blog. I think next year, then. 😂
Level 60
Jul 27, 2023
It was a month ago. Maybe 2024? :)
Level 73
Aug 12, 2023
Well, seems like it's never happening. I've been inactive on JetPunk lately. Maybe 2024, who knows? :'(
Level 60
Aug 13, 2023
No worries. Your blogs are always welcome, though!
Level 60
May 27, 2024
I hope things are not too crazy for you anymore. I'm not sure if you still make quizzes/blogs, but if you find the time, I would love to see a seventh edition come out!
Level 73
May 30, 2024
Hey! Thanks for reaching out. Now that summer vacation's here, I might work on a few blogs. :)

Also sorry for totally not seeing this message for three days. My activity on the site is now limited to taking a quiz a day to maintain the streak and the Daily Trivia Challenge.

Level 51
Apr 15, 2023
you should take a look at the flag of converse county, wyoming,_Wyoming#/media/File:Flag_of_Converse_County,_Wyoming.gif

Level 73
Apr 16, 2023
Yes, it is weird too. Thanks for suggestions, I'll add it.