What do you stand for?


So you dislike Donald Trump. You worry about global warming and are frustrated that your government is not doing enough to tackle climate change. You may have skipped school and joined the global student protest against climate change inaction. You support Black Lives Matter, "Me Too" movement, marriage equality, covid vaccination, universal health care and education, tougher gun control, pro-choice and pro-euthanasia, decriminalising cannabis and pill testing at music festival...if you agree with any of these, you are on the spectrum of being a left-wing progressive liberal. This blog is a reality check on whether you practice what you believe in, and how much you are willing to change your lifestyle and sacrifice yourself in order to save the world; or are you a hypocrite?

Otherwise, if none of these applies to you, you may move on to the next blog.

On Climate Change

You believe that the world climate is changing, the planet is getting warmer due to greenhouse gas emission and human activities. Extreme weather events such as heatwaves, storms, floods, draughts and wildfires are more frequent and severe. You support renewable energy and reduce our carbon footprint, or do you?

  • Are you willing to pay more for your electricity and opt in for renewal energy? Or would you pay extra to offset your carbon emission? On one hand, you know this is the right thing to do. But it hurts your wallet, and you are suspicious that the extra money may end up in the coffers of the big businesses only and achieve nothing.
Wind energy is intermittent and cannot meet all energy demand 
Solar energy can be expensive although its cost is coming down significantly in recent years
  • Do you turn on the heater during winter or the air-con during summer? Of course you do, otherwise it's too cold/hot to live. But do you wear t-shirt and shorts at home with the heater on while it's snowing outside? Or keep the aircon on the whole night while you sleep with a blanket? And do you take more than 5 minutes for your hot shower? You should know that heating and cooling consume a lot of energy and contribute significantly to carbon emission. Would you even consider moving to another city/country with a temperate climate so you don't use so much heating/cooling? After all, the planet is ruined because human exploited its resources in order to conquer the environment.
  • Do you support nuclear energy? You argue that nuclear energy is not renewable (there is finite amount of uranium on this planet), and you are concern about nuclear waste and safety. But it is obvious that if we want to reduce carbon emission and provide base load power to everyone, nuclear energy is currently the most economical, efficient and quickest way to achieve the goal.
  • Are you a vegetarian? Or at least reduce the amount of meat you eat? You know that global livestock contribute to significant amount of greenhouse gas emission (unfortunately they fart), and many native forests are cleared to make way for grazing land. You are also aware that excessive meat consumption is bad for your health. If all Indian and Chinese consume as much meat as the Americans, the world would have ended already. If we go further, would you support genetic engineering? Would you eat lab-grown meat? Would you eat insects? All these can potentially do less harm to the environment and provide the protein that you need.
Nuclear power stations only emit water vapour, not carbon dioxide
Deforestation of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil's Maranhão state
  • If you would never eat fried crickets in lieu of your steak, would you at least not waste food or let them spoil in your fridge? Do you use a dishwasher? Do you wash you clothes in hot water? Do you take the lift when you could have walked up and down few floors? Have you considered how your everyday life and bad habits are not in line with what you believe in?
  • Do you buy local products, even if the imported ones are cheaper, better quality, or both? Global shipping contributes to significant amount of carbon emission. In this global economy, minerals and materials are shipped to the third world countries with cheap labour, and the finished goods are shipped all over the world to the consumers. For example, there was a viral photo of a cup of diced pears that was grown in Argentina, processed in Thailand and sold in the USA. When you pick up your fruit salad, do you check where it is made in? Or why do you buy fruit salad in the first place when you can eat local fresh fruit in season? Are you willing to give up that little convenience?
  • How much stuff do you own? Clothes, shoes, accessories, gadgets and things. Do you buy from one of those global fast fashion labels such as H&M, Zara, Uniqlo? Do you throw away clothes after one season? Do you have shoes that you haven't worn in a year? Cotton is a water-intensive crop, and all the manufacturing/shipping/retailing are taking their toll on the environment. The endless pursuit of economic growth and wastage is leading to where we are now.
Global shipping contributed to 2.2% of the global human-made emissions in 2012
Fast fashion is responsible for nearly 10 percent of global gas emissions
  • Do you drive a petrol car? Do you live in an urban sprawl with limited public transport and have no choice but to drive? How large is your home? Would you give up your space and live closer to where you work/study/shop so you can walk or ride a bicycle?
  • Do you take a holiday and travel by air/car/cruise? Do you enjoy your buffet at your hotel or cruise ship?
  • Do you stay online all the time and watch Netflix, play Minecraft or read JetPunk blogs? Cloud computing relies on massive data centres that are energy intensive (computers need a lot of air-con to keep cool). How about taking a walk in the park, playing a game of football or picking up a book to read instead?
Urban sprawling and car dependency are major cause for carbon emission, unless you drive an electric car and recharge it using renewable energy.
Data centres are consuming enormous amount of energy

On Equality and Social Justice

You believe in equality in gender, race, sexuality, social class, age etc. Of course, you loathe a misogynist, racist or homophobe. You believe in liberty and democracy and equal opportunity for all. So have you considered these?

  • Do you support quota for female or minorities in parliament, company board, or anywhere else that should be based on merit only? After all, the world is still run by old white wealthy straight men at the moment. And if you happen to be a man, straight, white, old and wealthy, how would you feel when your position is taken over by someone because of a quota system?
Example of an old white wealthy straight man
  • Do you follow female's sports or the Paralympics with the same enthusiasm as men's sports or the Olympics? Do you support equal pay to sportswomen though their sports do not attract the same number of spectators and revenue?
  • If you are single, would you date a person from a different race, colour, religious background etc.? Or have you ever swiped right on Tinder (or Grindr) if the person is from a different background to you? Or if you have children, how would you feel if they marry someone from a different race? You may not speak the same language as your in-laws, or they may want your children to convert to their religion. What would you feel?
  • What if your children come out as gay/lesbian/bisexual or want to change their gender? What if it's not your children, but your partner/husband/wife? Or it is your parent who finally come out after hiding all these years? Are you open-minded enough that they feel comfortable to come out to you? Or why do they need to come out and why do you assume that they are heterosexual in the first place?
  • How welcoming are you towards refugees and asylum seekers? What if they only come because there is little economic opportunity in where they live? Abject poverty is a structural economic problem and has little to do with one's smartness or hard work, i.e. if you were born in one of these poor countries, you would probably not be as successful as you are now. So your achievements to date are more to do with luck than anything else.
  • How often do you make a donation? Not to your church or local club, but for social causes.
  • If you live in a democratic country, who do you vote for? Are you even registered to vote, or bother queueing up on election day? Do you vote for the politician or party that promises the most tax cuts or jobs creation, and ignore their political stance and performance on other social issues?
Refugees and asylum seekers coming illegally by boats are unwelcomed by most countries
Disenfranchisement often manifests itself in low voter turnout

Sorry this blog is more like grumbling than anything else. It is by no mean a comprehensive list or offering solutions to the many complex issues in this contemporary world. In fact, many of these are merely first world problems. If you do not have personal or financial security, climate change and all the rest are of secondary concern.

So what do you believe in? What do you stand for?

Level 67
Sep 15, 2021
P.S. these are not necessarily my political views and I don't agree with all of these, e.g. I'm not a vegetarian and I don't eat insects 😂
Level 43
Sep 15, 2021
About that social part, on the last point, I would disagree because as Protestant, it’s a sin for me, mainly when is someone of my family. But I respect because everyone has choices, despite I like or not. About the climate changes, sincerely, Idk how to live without meat, beef... lol. And thanks for add a Brazil’s image! Well, about the nuclear thing, didn’t knew the HPPs emit water power. You learn something new everyday :) That’s a nice blog for understand different viewpoints. Some of them I can disagree (change of gender thing) or agree (welcoming refugees, and now, mainly Afghanis) and others on the base of depends (who to vote — when I be 16 lol —, despite I wouldn’t vote on left-handed candidates, I wanna someone who really solve the bunch of problems we have in Brazil)
Level 67
Sep 15, 2021
These are all hypothetical questions. There are no absolute right or wrong answers.
Level 43
Sep 15, 2021
(Don’t understand me as rude) Wait, did I say that somewhere? Lol.
Level 51
Sep 15, 2021
Maybe eat lab meat then!
Level 43
Sep 15, 2021
The taste won’t be the same... lol
Level 62
Sep 15, 2021
What do you have against left-handed candidates? :(
Level 43
Sep 15, 2021
At least in the recent history of Brazil, we were governed by left-handed presidents. Parties like PDT, PCdoB, PSOL, and PT. They defend disarmament, and the economy of Brazil was mediocre during the government of PT. Also, the most left-handed parties (PCdoB, PSOL) wanna dissolve Christianism, and the “family” (for LGBT acts, the family can “destroy” that). We always hear left-handed parties wanna equality between people. LOL: Brazil was trash in the combat to inequality during the recent government of left-hand. And, during Lula, Dilma, and Temer governments, Brazil got between the most dangerous governments of the world (according to WHO in 2016). Well, the background with Bolsonaro changed, but minimally. Mainly about combat to the COVID-19 (or is it little flu). The court (STF) is made by (in majority) of left-handed members, and they try these ways I said in the start for end with Brazil. The left-hand aren’t like you see in the books. Hope they don’t get back to power.
Level 43
Sep 15, 2021
Oh, there also happened the high of inflation and corruption during PT government, as like stagnation of the productivity of the worker (detail, PT means Partido dos Trabalhadores, which in English is “Worker’s Party”), and even promiscuous relations with dictatorship. I took out some parts of different sources, but in majority is my own opinion, and I agree with that sources.
Level 43
Sep 15, 2021
Oh, I'm also against discriminalizing of cannabis.
Level 74
Sep 15, 2021
I could be totally wrong, but I think KingEureka was joking. "Left-handed" candidates refers to candidates whose left hand is more dominant than their left.
Level 43
Sep 15, 2021
Oh, damn. I'm almost sure I read somewhere in English is Left-hand and right-hand... ;-;
Level 71
Sep 15, 2021
I think Eureka is confused because in English-speaking countries, like the US and the UK, and English-influenced countries, like India, we refer to candidates as left and right-wing. It's possible the terminology is different in other parts of the world.
Level 74
Sep 15, 2021
Ohhh, that’s right. Eureka’s first language isn’t English either
Level 43
Sep 15, 2021
Oh. So, the left-wing then.
Level 71
Sep 15, 2021
This is a good blog, but the climate change questions are interesting. While I'd consider myself a liberal and think it's important to limit carbon footprints (and I'll admit I'm often a hypocrite about this), I'm not sure individual actions have an effect. Even if I, for example, was able to bring my carbon footprint to 0, that wouldn't even put a dent in global carbon production. That's true even if you look at a whole family, town, or even major city. Also, with our entire world based on air travel, computing, and global shipping, it would be almost impossible to produce rapid changes in individual lifestyles.

At the end of the day, I think the only people who can make a difference are major corporations and the government. They are the ones who are powerful enough to electrify major industries and move us over to renewable energy without massive upheaval. Thus, I'd say the most important thing to help is to vote for green candidates. I wonder if you have any thoughts on this

Level 71
Sep 15, 2021
Also, totally agree with you on nuclear energy. I find a lot of people, including liberals, go around fear-mongering about it. As long as it's well-regulated, I think it's pretty safe and it's also the most effective way to transition from fossil fuels. I really hope there are breakthroughs in nuclear fusion in the near future, as this might make people more comfortable with nuclear energy, but until then, fission is the way to go.
Level 67
Sep 15, 2021
I agree with what you said that it depends on big corporations and governments to act in order to make a result, but we can't rely on these only without changing our own behaviour and attitude. Watch this IKEA ad which sums it up nicely.
Level 59
Sep 15, 2021
I stand for living. If I didn't stand for a reason, I'd be on the floor and have no social life. I don't want to be laying on the floor my entire life. lol
Level 43
Sep 15, 2021
I stand for go to the bed lol
Level 65
Sep 15, 2021
I stand when I'm tired of sitting
Level 60
Sep 15, 2021
I split my time between JP, Reading, School, and Minecraft.
Level 60
Sep 15, 2021
Biden is much better than trump
Level 60
Sep 15, 2021
I care about global warming
Level 60
Sep 15, 2021
And I’m Vegetarian.
Level 38
Sep 15, 2021
warning: this is debate ground.
Level 65
Sep 15, 2021
JetPunk, the place where we peacefully talk about Politics but start a war over the location of small islands.
Level 43
Sep 15, 2021
“Peacefully” no, but less fighting. Lol
Level 54
Sep 17, 2021
Example was funny
Level 68
Sep 17, 2021
This is actually one of the best written blogs I've looked at. I really like the topics you described, and how you posed some thought-provoking questions, especially towards those who think they believe one thing but act differently (like me, unfortunately). The tidbit about how being online consumes large amounts of energy is interesting to me, given I spend far more time on the Internet than I care to admit, so maybe I should spend more time outside rather than repeatedly pressing the "Random Quiz" button on Jetpunk!

I also like the part about how meat, and the farm animals that produce it, are extremely bad for the environment, especially beef. I have tried, in recent months, to cut down on my beef consumption, although I doubt it'll make even a fraction of a dent in greenhouse emissions.

This is one of my only comments on Jetpunk, but I thought I'd just express how great I think this blog is! :D

Level 67
Sep 17, 2021
Thanks for your comments. I know this blog can be controversial and I had second thought before posting it. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.
Level 78
Sep 17, 2021
"In fact, many of these are merely first world problems. If you do not have personal or financial security, climate change and all the rest are of secondary concern." - this is one of the biggest misconceptions about climate change. The increase in floods, droughts and forest fires that comes with it affect poor people the most. Those with financial security are better people to shield themselves from these issues.

Did you mean to include social issues among first world problems, too? That would be even more puzzling. You included welcoming refugees and asylum seekers; those come from the third world overwhelmingly. Within first world countries, discrimination against people of certain ethnic or cultural backgrounds also tends to be tied with severe financial disadvantages.

Level 67
Sep 17, 2021
The fact that if you live in a poor country and struggling to make ends meet, or you face an authoritarian government or threats of terrorist attacks or civil war in your country, you would not think much about climate change, minority rights and social justice, although these are among the things that affect them most.
Level 78
Sep 18, 2021
Okay, phrased that way you are correct.