The Diary of a Time-Traveling Soldier Episode 1: The Rusoslav Invasion


NOTICE: This blog is just a fictional event. We do not mean to offend anyone. This is meant to be an experiment and a fun story for people to enjoy. Also, we are not fluent in Polish, so if there are some misspellings or other corrections needed to be made, comment down at the end of the blog. We also did not intentionally choose the name Jakub. ¬‿¬

The Diary of a Time-Traveling Soldier

The Rusoslav Invasion

Written by Ethaboo444 and ChineseChen


October 3, 2041

Diary Entry 1:

This is the first writing in this journal apparently and I still don’t know what to do and have to take notes on a specific event, and yet I don’t know where I am. This city is strangely different from what I am used to, most likely very far from my time in 1992. There are very few people on the streets and almost no signs of wildlife. There are many strange countries, especially in North America such as Kahlazia and Texico. There are no signs of a “utopia”, so I better look around and find someone who can help. I am currently in what looks like an office building, but not any office building I've known. Also in the bottom right of the map seems to be a brownish-red patch of some sort with tons of circles. It doesn’t seem familiar so this might not be useful at the moment.

42BK: Now that I have time-traveled somewhen, I would guess in the future, I definitely need to think of an alias for myself. How about… Jacob Wellington?

Jacob steps out onto the street, and sees a middle-aged man.

Jacob: May I please ask where I am?

Man: Co? (What?) Jacob confusingly thinks for a second trying to figure out what country he is in and what language the man is speaking. He remembers learning a little bit of Polish and it sounds similar to what the man is saying.

Jacob: Mówisz po polsku? (Are you speaking Polish?)

Man: Tak. (Yes.)

Jacob: O, Mówię po angielsku. Przepraszam, pa! (Oh, I speak English. Sorry, bye!)

Jacob: Better change my name to Jakub Kowalski then if I’m in Poland.

Jakub walks around on the street until he meets a young man, around his mid 20s, who spoke English.

Jakub: Hello, can I ask you a few questions real quick?

Young Man: Sure, go right ahead.

Jakub: Ok, thanks. The first question I have is, what city am I in?

Young Man: This is Danzig.

Jakub: Wait, is this not part of Poland anymore? Did the UN establish another city-state?

Young Man: No, we gained independence in 2022, have you taken history classes? Also nobody talks about Poland anymore, most Polish refugees had to flee over here to Danzig after Rusoslav took over. Everyone is scared of talking about Poland now as it is strictly forbidden in or near the Rusoslav Empire.

Jakub: Oh, it is sad to hear that. But could you please point me to the highest point in this city?

Young Man: There is a tall hill around that building a kilometer to the west.

Jakub: Thank you. Also one more question, what year is it?

Young Man: I like your funny words, magic man. It's 2041.

Jakub goes on top of the hill and looks around. What he sees confuses him, as it is unlike any cityscape he has seen before. The next thing he knows, he wakes up in a hotel. He gets out and buys a newspaper from the money ???? gave him before he time traveled. It looked like a new currency. He reads the paper as soon as he buys it.

Jakub: Car crash… hyperinflation… Russia declares war on Danzig… oil spill in the Caribbean...

Jakub: Wait. Russia declares war on Danzig? That is not good. I need to help.

Jakub sprints around telling everyone about the looming invasion of Danzig and to evacuate. In the midst of his panic, he drops his diary and a small device with a red button falls out. He wonders what this is and tucks it in his pocket.

Diary Entry 2:

Since the last diary entry, which was yesterday some crazy things have happened since then. Apparently, Russia, which now I’ve heard is the Rusoslav Empire, is going to invade Danzig, the place ???? sent me to. He asked me if I have been a soldier and I said yes, so I am wondering if this expedition is about helping Danzig or Rusoslav win a war of some sort. Currently, I am warning everyone in Danzig. Apparently, some of them don’t seem to care about the invasion. I have heard gunshots in the distance and some weird vehicles and cars around, which concerns me. Maybe it is just very futuristic technology, but it is making me nervous. I am right outside the military barracks that I luckily found and thankfully they seem to worry about this madness. I still need to convince the remaining locals to evacuate and stay safe. When the invasion begins, I will join the Danzig army and fight for the city-state. I have also found a device with a red button on it in the back of the diary. I wonder what it does.

Jakub finds an army recruitment tent and signs up. He is placed in the 4th infantry regiment.

2 days later

Jakub is stationed at a post with his regiment outside of Danzig. The Russian invasion has almost begun. He has made friends with a man named Antoni, another soldier.

Antoni: Where did you come from before you came to Danzig?

Jakub: I came from America.

Antoni: Really? America doesn't exist anymore.

Jakub: (Looks at Antoni in shock) It doesn't?

Antoni: Take your history lessons, brother. The UN was toppled in 2027 along with the United States.

The next day, the invasion finally comes. The regiment prepares to counter the attack.

Captain: It's time, boys! Up and over!

The regiment rushes out to face the tanks with anti-tank grenade launchers. Jakub lies down and loads a grenade. As the regiment destroys the tanks, planes fly over and circle overhead.

Jakub (yelling): Watch out for bombs! They're dropping them now! (points up to the sky)

Everyone starts frantically running trying to find shelter. The planes let out their load. The first bombs raise up a cloud of dust, and Jakub gets up and runs. Then a second load from another plane comes down and strikes. Then a third. And then a fourth. The last and largest bomb however, seems like it will fall directly on him. He suddenly thinks that pressing the button will save his life.

Jakub: (Looks up, fumbles around in pocket for the mysterious button) Where is it!? WHERE IS IT!?!? There it is!

Jakub holds the device firmly and presses the button as the bomb is a few feet from landing. There is a flash of bright light, then nothing.

To be continued...

We hope you enjoyed this blog!

Ethaboo444 and ChineseChen

We will be posting a new episode every Tuesday at 12 PM EST/9 AM PST/5 PM GMT

Level 39
Mar 2, 2021
We will not be spoiling anything further in the series. Also if you find clues to future episodes, do NOT spoil it for the rest of the people reading in the comments.
Level 66
Mar 2, 2021
Great blog! But I hope this future doesn't happen, and will NEVER happen.
Level 43
Mar 2, 2021
CHENBOO! Someone ask Pandora when we will have the RLL? I wanna learn more about RealLifeLore content. I saw one video, despite don’t understand nothing, and his voice is... wow. I want to see his formatting, his blogs, his geniality.
Level 43
Mar 2, 2021
And great blog! This series promises!
Level 39
Mar 2, 2021
He said that RLL blogs took too much time or something.
Level 43
Mar 2, 2021
So, we won’t have again?
Level 39
Mar 2, 2021
He never said he wouldn't do another one, just probably not another one in a very long time.
Level 43
Mar 2, 2021
Level 47
Mar 2, 2021
Just to make sure, the black boxes covering the names are intentional, right?
Level 39
Mar 2, 2021
Level 66
Mar 2, 2021
Why so?
Level 39
Mar 2, 2021
To look more professional ;)
Level 68
Mar 2, 2021
This is very cool! Looks promising!
Level 54
Mar 2, 2021
Nice Blog!
Level 43
Mar 3, 2021
Do one in Belo Horizonte!
Level 59
Mar 3, 2021
we already have the whole series planned out, and you'll just have to wait and see if BH is in it ;)
Level 43
Mar 3, 2021
Probably isn’t, but ok. First international person who says BH for Belo Horizonte. The people confuse BH for Bosnia and Herzegovina. I always say BH... anyways, no problem, despite would be nice if BH stay in this marvelous series.
Level 65
Mar 13, 2021