Palapyan-Botswanan Empire: Mwathirika Intel


Aqua House (Residence of the Emperors) Palapye, Botswana

In their royal chamber, the QuizzerBros' sit down and watch a breaking news story:

"In breaking news," reporter Dollyfroggy began, "a sudden and seemingly unprovoked attack on a small African village called Mwathirika has taken place. Mwathirika is village in the South Sudan area of the Veggie Caliphate. Little is known on the details, however we can reveal that the village, with an estimated population of approximately 10,000 people, was almost completely levelled by an unknown force. Original reports on the incident indicated some sort of natural disaster may have been responsible, but as the ongoing investigation continues, we have been told that it was more likely a targeted attack, perhaps by a rival tribe or ethnic group. Others speculate that perhaps the Yemeni's or another of the Veggie's enemies were behind the attack. So far, the death toll is estimated at 8,000, but we have been told that it may be much higher than that after the rubble is finally cleared. Nothing else is known about this most mysterious incident that really seems quite sudden and out of the blue."

QuizzerBro1 switched the TV off once the report had finished.

"That's such a tragedy," QuizzerBro2 said.

"Indeed. I think we should offer support to the Veggie Caliphate, and perhaps with their permission help in the investigation process. The whole thing seems rather suspicious to me."

"Do you think we should visit Mwathirika? Perhaps we could meet with the Grand Conservationist there?"

"Yes, I think that's a good idea if it's safe."

"We will be guarded by the most skilled agents in the world. We should be fine."

Mwathirika, Veggie Caliphate

The QB's private SkyPod lands in a grassy plain just outside the village of Mwathirika. The Emperors exit the SkyPod, guarded by 4 Alpha superspies. They make their way over to President MiecraftMan's entourage. They both shake hands with MiecraftMan and give him and the Caliphate as a whole their condolences for the tragedy.

"The Palapyan-Botswanan Empire would like to give you a gift of 10 million Naturas to help the survivors, and to help rebuild Mwathirika if you choose to do so," QB1 offered.

"Thank you very much," MiecraftMan replied. "The Veggie Caliphate very much appreciates your continued support and aid to our empire, including supplying us in the ongoing war."

"We also have another proposition to make," QB2 announced. "We would like to offer our investigation services to help you find the true cause of this incident. Would you like our help?"

MiecraftMan hesitated. "Um... yes," he finally decided, "I would accept your help. However I will inform you that we have already discovered a potential lead. We believe we may know who and what was behind this attack."

The QB's raised questioning eyebrows.

"I'll explain," MCM continued. "The leader my intelligence agency claims to have overheard the schemes of various international criminals to endue themselves with superhuman abilities. Not only would they do this, but they would mind control other superhumans, and use them for their plans. We believe they are behind this attack, although we can't figure out what prompted it against this particular village."

The QB's looked at each other. They both began to draw lines and connect the dots.

"Are you referring to Bykarbe Soder and dovewing?" QB1 inquired further.

"Who?" MCM replied. "I've never heard of them before."

"They also go by the alter egos of Sultan Viniga, and tigerheart," QB2 clarified.

MCM gasped. "How did you know?"

"Your empire isn't the only one with an intelligence initiative. We have been keeping our eye on Mr Viniga and tigerheart."

"Well, although we can't be sure, we believe that they may be planning more attacks, considering how successful their first one was. We don't know where, when or even why, but we do have a hunch."

"There is one more thing," QB2 interjected. "We were able to gain intelligence on Viniga and tigerheart, however we have noticed their frequent interactions with a woman, who we have failed to identify. We know nothing about her at all."

"Yes, I know about her too!" MCM exclaimed. "She was there scheming with Viniga and Colin as well."



"Well it seems we have a pretty big mystery to solve then. Do you think we should try and find the woman together, or separately? Maybe we could share our intel with each other on the matter, in order to have a greater chance at tracking these criminals down."

"Sounds good to me," MCM said. "Well, what are we waiting for then?"

Level 67
Sep 13, 2022
Note that the events taking place in this blog are not yet canon in the DOTJE storyline, but are more a response to MiecrafMan's latest blog update on his empire.
Level 60
Sep 13, 2022
Starting to regret being so evil…
Level 71
Sep 15, 2022
Join our side in the war
Level 64
Sep 16, 2022
yeah do that MCM
Level 64
Sep 16, 2022
and the QB's of course
Level 60
Oct 3, 2022
Hey do I have permission to attack Burundi and take it from the Vampires?
Level 67
Oct 3, 2022
Sure, why not?
Level 60
Oct 4, 2022
Didn’t know how you would feel about it since you’re surrounding Burundi
Level 67
Oct 4, 2022
Yeah you can have military access. The GSE does also border it through Tanzania.