


Hello! I’m leaving for Alaska in approximately 7 hours at the time of this blog and will be gone for 3 weeks. Unfortunately, I did not manage to finish the next edition of the 500 Most Beautiful Cities because of my final exams. The next one will be released some time in late June; I do apologize.

I have worse news still: I have been contracted to co-write a screenplay of a science fiction television show that may be picked up in the distant future, so I will be spending a large chunk of time on that as well, meaning the 500 Most Beautiful Cities series will have to take a backseat.

I do apologize for my incoming inactivity once again. Happy Blogging!

Happy Memorial Day!

Level 62
May 31, 2021
No problem! I hope you enjoy your time in Alaska and us Jetpunkers won't mind the wait :)
Level 40
May 31, 2021
We understand completely, spend all the time you need away! Happy Memorial Day!
Level 23
May 31, 2021
No worries, enjoy the time off!
Level 51
May 31, 2021
Absolutely okay, hope you have a blast on your trip!
Level 43
May 31, 2021
Happy Memorial Day (anything this is lol)!

Didn’t knew you was planning a program! I would like to know which is. And good travel to Alaska!

Also, don’t worry. We will miss this amazing series you built, and I was really waiting for BH and your opinions but everyone know Belo Horizonte is amazing, and you need to do what is important. Good break! We’ll miss you!

Level 65
May 31, 2021
Good luck, with your travels and writing! I look forward to the eventual continuation of your amazing series!
Level 74
May 31, 2021
Tell us more about the TV series! (Obviously not too much. Wouldn’t want anyone stealing your ideas)