EU Barcode


What is this? 

Who has any suggestions why someone created such a thing?

Is this an evil prank on vexillologists, an original barcode or a color blindness test? No. This is the flag proposed by the  architect (that's a dutch scoundrel) Rem Koolhaas back in 2002.

Yeah. He is an admirable architect, but in the world of flags the modern style... not really suitable.

Of course, it is possible that he wanted to laugh at those who should have made this flag (although in comparison with Turkmenistan, he nervously smokes on the sidelines).

This flag (very roughly speaking) is not any lines, but stripes of the flags of the EU member states Moreover, even they are distributed according to a certain principle.. Therefore, as befits a barcode, it can be deciphered!

Let's decode a barcode! 

British Islands

Sworn friends together again! 

From the very first details, the flag got knocked up.

It's quite simple to guess the front pages: these are, of course, red Celts.

But the next ones are much more difficult. This is not Iceland, as you might think (it is not included in this gathering), but Britain.


Koolhaas's Iberian Union be like:

Without coats of arms, these flags are difficult to guess, but these are Portugal and Spain. To the question why Portugal is the first — because Spain and Britain would be gnawed next to each other.

Particulièrement spécial

According to Koolhaas, France is a child who is always paired with a teacher

Easy to guess France is the only one, so there is not even anyone to unite it with.


My god,  it really makes my eyes ripple for sure

There are generally three misses.

Why put the world's evil (it seems someone hacked my phone) and the Netherlands next? He's Dutch, he knows that nothing good will happen.

Also, I could not understand the origin of this bold red line — it turned out that the flags of Evil and the Netherlands merged together.

And you can see for yourself that the Netherlands is repeated twice. It seems that in this way Koolhaas is trying to deny the existence of Luxembourg.

A̶x̶i̶s̶ Central Europe

If desired, you can find Guinea and half of Zimbabwe here
I love it when old friends meet again! There's nothing to find fault with! 


Especially for those to whom it turned out to be not such a bad idea...

Here we are! A true masterpiece of torture art!

Try to figure out which bands belong to whom here. After looking at this, you stop believing in human kindness.

And now the transcript of this:

Now all that remains is to make out my awful handwriting 


Interestingly, Denmark has equal stripes for some reason, but these don't.

Svenska and Suomi distinguished themselves with very thin stripes in the middle (although these stripes are quite wide on the original flags), which is why they knock Denmark out of their Nordic club.


Somewhere in the world, a Greek crying..

A powerful blunder! How can you draw the flag of Greece with only 7 stripes, and not 9? Total chaos!!!

Well then.... 

What could be worse than a bad idea? Develop this idea! Let's think about what this flag would look like now, when the number of members has almost doubled?
 Epilepsy, epilepsy

As you understand, this blog is more of an fun joke, like this flag, more like a farce. I hope the story with this barcode will wean us from the idea of doing such entertaining, but absurd things. Thanks for reading!

Level 69
Aug 1, 2023
Cool blog. Reminds me of this flag.
Level 63
Aug 2, 2023
Thank you! And I take my words back — this flag is a terrible joke
Level 65
Aug 2, 2023
There is ANOTHER red and white flag on this monstrosity. It's the Malta flag which doesn't have the cross so it is the default red and white.

Thanks for the blog :)

Level 63
Aug 2, 2023
I don't think so, because the flag was proposed in 2002, and Malta only became a member by 2004. Although initially this is exactly what went into my head. Thanks!
Level 65
Aug 2, 2023
Oop missed that sentence :/

Well if it was proposed nowadays it would definitely be worse.

Level 63
Aug 2, 2023
Yeah, it is possible to bring people to an epileptic seizure
Level 65
Aug 4, 2023
No, we need to keep doing this kind of thing because ITS HILARIOUS!
Level 60
Aug 23, 2023
I find it hilarious how this managed to get submitted to the EU as a genuine recommendation for the official European Union Flag, forget legibility imagine school children trying to remember the exact order for every nation and all the colours that would be involved, and then having to add extra colours whenever a new member joined xD

Not sure if its already been mentioned though, but this design has been used in the EU parliament I believe, not as an actual flag but as more of a banner/placard in the assembly hall.

Level 73
Dec 28, 2023
Amazing blog!

(Remember me?) ;)

Level 63
Dec 28, 2023
Of course, I didn't forgot you! Thanks!