What if USSR Reunited Today?


About USSR

USSR or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was one of the 2 Superpowers together with USA until 1991. It was created in 1922. as consequence of revolution in Russian Empire 1917. Revolution was under control of Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky. If USSR reunites today there is almost no chance that it will contain "Soviet" or "Socialist" so we will just call it Union of Republics (UR).

How many countries will be in there and how big would be?

If USSR reunites today it will be union of 15 countries. In Baltics Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In Eastern Europe Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Moldova. In Caucasus Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. And finally in Central Asia Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. That's total of 15 countries!

By it's size, Union would take 22.402.200 square kilometers and that would be largest country in World and that's more than Canada, China and India combined!!!


It would be home for 295.942.088 people (that's number in 2018) and that would bring UR on 4th place of population in World behind China, India, USA but ahead of Pakistan, Indonesia and Brazil. Even if Eastern Europe lost many people during 30 years from collaps of USSR, new UR would have 3 million people more than in 1991. European part of country would be home for 64% of population if Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia aren't in Europe.

The most populous people would be Russians with only 41% of population or 121.875.389 in today UR, next would be Ukrainians with 14% of population, then Uzbeks with 9%, next Kazakhs and Azeri with 4% and rest would be 28% percent.


In new UR most followed religion would be Orthodox with 36% to 51% of population, then Islam with 25% and atheists 24% and Catholics only 2%. Because of that new UR would be first in world by Orthodox population, 8th by number of Muslims and 3rd or 4th by number of atheists.


Capital would be Moscow like in old USSR and it will not be just because that it's largest city or because of economy, population, and world influence, Moscow would be capital because of perfect position. Moscow is in depth of Russia so if anybody attacks it would be like in WW2. Moscow is also 13th largest city in World with more than 12 million citizens (just city) and more than 17 million if it is with rural population. Largest cities behind Moscow would be Saint Petersburg on 2nd place then Kyiv on 3rd place, Tashkent on 4th and Baku on 5th. Union would have more than 24 cities with more than 1 million citizens.


In 1990 Union had 3rd largest economy in World only behind Japan and USA. GDP of USSR was 2.659.000.000.000$. Many of today states reached their GDP from 1990 in 2010s. For example, Russian GDP in 2013 was$ and in 2016 was$ so it was almost cut in half. So GDP of UR in 2018 would be 2.179.310.000.000$ or more than 500.000.000.000$ less than in 1990. This would put them on 9th place behind UK, India, Brazil but In front of Canada, Italy and South Korea. GDP per capita would be 7.363$ which is almost 2.000$ less than in 1990. And this is putting them on 77. place behind Montenegro and in front of Libya. Not every country in UR would have same wages. Like in Estonia average monthly wage is 957€, in Latvia 738€ and in Lithuania 690€. On the other side we have poor countries such as Belarus with average monthly wage of 357€, Moldova with 212€ and Ukraine with 210€. That's way less then in 1990. Then there is poor Caucaus except Azerbaijan, poor Central Asia except Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan and guess what would be their main export be? Of course oil! Their main trading partner would be China. China would be one of "best friends" of UR because of Russia. Their "good friends" would be as they are Iran, Syria, India and Vietnam. And with that in mind Baltic are in EU and NATO so до свидания. Except Baltics we also have problems in Ukraine, On Caucasus and also in Central Asia.


UR would now have more soldiers than USA with 1.4 - 1.6 million active soldiers. This is putting UR on 2nd place by active soldiers only behind China with 2.2 million. Also they would have more than 6800 nuclear rockets for 200 more than USA.


I think that this new UR would have just have stronger and stronger tensions between USA and UR. So it would be like we are living in period of 2nd cold war. Goodbye!

Level 41
May 11, 2021
Also, I used data from Wikipedia and other websites.
Level 54
May 11, 2021
USA will collapse if USSR reunited today
Level 54
May 11, 2021
Interesting, Also make blogs with unique ideas.
Level 55
May 11, 2021
The USA won the Cold war once, will it collapse this time?
Level 59
May 11, 2021
You forgot Russia in the 15 countries of the "UR"
Level 78
May 11, 2021
Theres a guy on Youtube (His channel is called "Bald and Bankrupt") that on one of his posts asks locals in ,I think, Kyrgyzstan about the former USSR. Many of them want this reunification to happen, they think the old Mother Country was better than the situation now. Mostly babushkas though to be fair have this view.
Level 44
Jun 2, 2021
i think its because their government is not stable