Spanish Quiz Creation Competition


The Competition's Conception

As some of you may or may not know, I have been doing a monthly recap of the creation of quizzes within the Spanish section of JetPunk this year. As you can see in the chart below, quiz creation saw a nice increase as the year progressed to June. However, the creation of quizzes has been experiencing a slight decline the past two months compared to the overall success of the several previous months. In addition to this, I've noticed that the quality of quizzes in the Spanish section has been nice, but not as creative or fun as I remember it being earlier on. Don't get me wrong, it's good for some of the great featured quizzes in English to get translated so that the Spanish section of JetPunk can enjoy them as well, but beyond this, there hasn't been as much diversity or creativity as I know there could be. 

For this reason, I call on all of you to accept the challenge to create a quiz (or two?!) in Spanish. I'm always struck by the creativity and ingenuity of quizzes on JetPunk, and I would love to see this bleed over into the Spanish section as well! If you only know a little bit of Spanish, perhaps you can use your creativity to make a quiz with less text. Or, if you aren't as confident with your abilities, I (or some of the other prominent users on the Spanish section) would be happy to help check your grammar/spelling/etc. 

The Competition

- Who? Anyone & everyone!

- What? Publish a quiz (or quizzes) about whatever you'd like in Spanish.

- Where? On the Spanish section of JetPunk! After you publish it, it should show up here.

- When? The competition has now begun! You have until the end of the month (11:59 EDT Aug. 31)

- How? I'm sure you're all familiar with creating quizzes; for your quiz to show up on the Spanish section, simply change the language from English to Español in Step 1 of the quiz editor.

Feel free to let me (and the whole JetPunk community) know about your awesome quiz by mentioning it in the comments below. But either way, any and all quizzes published in Spanish from now (August 16) through the end of the month will be entered into the competition! The only exception is that you can only enter two quizzes. So if you happen to publish more than two quizzes in Spanish over the next two weeks, you have to let me know which two you want to be entered in the competition, otherwise I'll just pick two of them.

The Results

The winners of the results will be chosen by me (perhaps with some outside consultation if necessary) based on creativity, such as originality of quiz topic, uniqueness of quiz format, etc. and organization, such as how neat the quiz is set up, grammar/spelling, etc.

In early September the results will be chosen, and you'll receive BRAGGING RIGHTS!

Level 59
Aug 16, 2023
If I knew Spanish I would participate, but I don’t so I can’t. I think I’ll leave this one to the experts 😅
Level 68
Aug 17, 2023
I wonder how many JetPunkers actually know Spanish, especially with how much traffic comes in from Europe.

I should probably know the language given where I live, but to be fair I never go anywhere Spanish without my Mexican friends. If the city ever becomes majority Spanish-speaking I'll probably just move.

Level 53
Aug 22, 2023
With this quiz I participate 💪💪
Level 74
Aug 22, 2023
Level 54
Aug 31, 2023
I'm almost late but at least I found time to publish what I wanted to publish (although I'll probably need to rework my quiz a bit in a near future since some pictures aren't perfect). ;-)
Level 74
Aug 31, 2023
Happy to see the participation of the famous Baptiste!