An Introduction to Telugu JetPunk



Hello everyone, welcome to the 2023 Ugadi Blog, or the first Telugu Community Blog.

Today, March 22 is Telugu new year, called ఉగాది (ugādi) in Telugu. In the traditional Telugu calendar, there are 60 year names which repeat as a cycle. This Ugadi is the beginning of the year శోభకృతు (śōbhakṛtu), which last happened in 1963. This is a special new year on JetPunk as it is the first year a whole Telugu community celebrates here together. After 15 years of our favorite website existing, our favorite language finally has a community dedicated to it, and it is planning to grow from here. On this day, the current community will introduce itself to those here interested, both Telugu and others. You will also be able to find the Telugu version of this blog soon.

In this blog, I will go over the history of Telugu on JetPunk, the formation of this community, its current stage, future, some statistics, and each of its main members will also have a section to introduce ourselves and our plans for this community in the next year.

So if you're a Telugu speaker or interested in this community, this is the blog for you.

The Telugu community logo, Kalamkari Jeppy, designed by AntiMatter8192. He is Jeppy, but in the Telugu art style Kalamkari.


As said before, Ugadi is the Telugu New Year, but it is also celebrated by the Kannadigas (or Kannada speaking people, native to the Indian state of Karnataka). Indeed, it's celebrated in many places both in and outside India. Interestingly, it's a public holiday in Mauritius, but this isn't surprising if you remember its large Indian population.

Since it's a new year, Ugadi is a lot about preparing for the future. Families will clean the house, buy new things, and decorate with mango leaves. One of the most notable things about this is the Ugadi Pachadi, a gravy-like food that has 6 flavours; sweet, salty, sour, spicy, bitter, and astringent. Since this happens according to the Hindu lunisolar calendar, its dates on the Gregorian calendar vary, typically falling during late March and early April.

It is poetic to introduce the Telugu JetPunk Community on the New Year. Like Ugadi Pachadi, the year ahead will have sweet moments, as well as sour, spicy, and everything in between.

Ugadi Pachadi on a Puja (prayer) tray
The Hindu Calendar


While Telugu might be unknown to the general public, it might still be surprising on JetPunk among the mainly European language-speaking audience and their communities. So here is an explanation about Telugu and its usage on JetPunk. To learn about Telugu, you can see my Telugu blog, but to sum up, Telugu is an Indian language from the Dravidian language family, with 82 million native speakers, more than French and German. It's spoken in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, and there is a diaspora outside India of 3 million, from where most of our community comes. It's even the fastest growing language in the US! As for the reason for having our community, Telugu is quite an underrepresented language online, without even much decent educational content on YouTube. Since many of us who are interested in our language have met on JetPunk, and this being one of the best places to make educational content, having a community is a clear step.

Telugu Talli, the personification of Telugu language and culture
The spread of the language in India
The language's spread in the USA in 2000

Pre-History of Telugu JetPunk

The Andhra districts at the time of the quiz

We decided that the start of Telugu Pre-History here would probably be with the creation of some Telugu-focused quizzes in the early days of JetPunk. The earliest quiz about the Telugu states seems to be the quiz Districts in Andhra Pradesh (INDIA) by Harsha on October 24, 2013. There have been more quizzes related to Telugu between then and 2020, from me on my old account vulture, Surajrocks99, and anirudhreddy. Of course, Telugu appeared in some quizzes about languages and there were discussions about it, but the whole language was pretty much only existent on JetPunk through that. Some of the Telugu JetPunkers in our community and others we know of are older members from this period, I joined on my old account 7 years ago and on this one 5 years ago, anirudhreddy and Racecarfreak joined 5 years ago, and finally carlonian and our community member AntiMatter8192 joined 3 years ago.


2021 gave us the modern beginnings of Telugu on JetPunk. I resurfaced to the website and became active in the blogging community in the middle of the year. We also had ThisOneNerd, ArgoniteS7 (a community member), and Surajrocks99 join 2 years ago. On August 18, 2021, I released the first Telugu quiz on JetPunk, on the districts of Andhra Pradesh with a map. Jiaozira had made a quiz like this in English, but I used my own map to be safe and shared it with him. After a few days, our friend Aficionado commented "Is this the first Telugu quiz on JetPunk? Unfortunately, I got nothing as I couldn't read or write this beautiful language.". In response to this, I first mentioned that I wanted to start a Telugu community and also mentioned my upcoming Telugu blog. The goal was to post it for Telugu Day on August 29 but I of course procrastinated and made a more detailed blog released in October. Before this, I made a few more quizzes, including Countries of the World in Telugu, which I hoped new Telugu users might find, which indeed would happen. As for the Telugu blog, at the end of it I included a bit in Telugu similarly hoping for the small chance of finding a few other Telugu JetPunkers. The blog got many comments which I was very happy about, but none Telugu.

On January 16, 2022, the user SkittlesDude (now ThisOneNerd) posted a blog called "Hey.". In this he talked about returning to JetPunk and becoming a speedcuber. I was happy to talk to him about this, but then I realized he was probably Telugu as he had visited Andhra Pradesh, and he indeed was, though he didn't speak Telugu. I invited him to a Telugu learning group although he never talked there. He also commented on the Telugu blog, and I was excited to see more Telugu people here. I wouldn't have to wait long for another motivating encounter, this time with carlonian, who commented in Telugu. He had commented on Aficionado's Andhra Pradesh state quiz, where Aficionado directed him to my Telugu creations (thanks afc). I replied, again mentioning I was happy to see more Telugu people finding the blog, but nothing more.

For a while after this there were no advancements to this community, but I felt like making Telugu quizzes in November, actually after reading youtubeplayer's interview where he talked about the Polish community.

In November or December, we also had the arrival of a very active Telugu user, Neodymium. I'll let him explain how he joined:

I started the Telugu community with Thread when I came across the Translated COTW page. Naturally I scrolled down to Telugu, a bit surprised that there even was a COTW for it. And the rest, as they say, is history. I ended up finding Thread’s blog on Telugu as well. Thread invited me to a JP group to avoid the long comment chain I ended up making on the blog page. I would check to see if he replied so much that if you put the word “Italian” into my search bar (as in the Italian of the East) it will come up.

And thus, the Telugu community started.

When we started the group this January, I immediately said we can invite ThisOneNerd and carlonian as they were the other Telugu users I had talked to. They joined soon but haven't said anything yet. Finally we got to work on the community together, and Neodymium quickly made many Telugu quizzes in these days. We discussed other things about Telugu, which was very fun, and made plans for the community. I also invited ArgoniteS7, though he didn't participate in the group much, and suggested making a Discord server, which even Neodymium originally did. But we still just sticked to the group at that point. The next important thing to happen was connecting with another now crucial community member, AntiMatter8192. I was pretty sure I saw he was Telugu somewhere, but there was one important comment that would remind me to invite him. On Stewart's 2022 end of the year blog about the top quizmakers in different languages, I commented "Great blog! #Telugu2023 lol", to which AntiMatter replied "Looking forward to this". So I finally decided to send him a comment telling him about the community in February. He joined and immediately showed interest in the community, so it was clear he would be an important member. Soon he became the 3rd one to suggest a Discord server, which I also thought would be good by then. So one day, after a nice discussion about Telugu letters, AntiMatter created the Telugu JetPunk Discord. With this, we can move on to some other sections to explore the current community.


The current community uses both a JetPunk group and a Discord server, but the latter much more. The group has only Telugu JetPunkers but the Discord server has welcomed some non-Telugu ambassadors who support the community. The Telugu JetPunkers who are in our community are ThisOneNerd and carlonian, who're only in the group, QueenOfAwe15, who is only in the server, and ArgoniteS7, TheNatureThread (me), Neodymium, and AntiMatter8192. The other JetPunkers who've been invited to the community are Racecarfreak, anirudhreddy, and Surajrocks99, though they all seem to be inactive. Looking at the community we do have, the current focus is quizzing, though the Telugu version of this blog will be the first Telugu blog, and AntiMatter8192 plans to make them too. As goals and projects, we're working on revising the Countries of the World quiz right now which will allow us to make many more quizzes soon, but I'll elaborate on that soon. Our personal goals will be in our introductions.


The JetPunk discord server is a newer invention of the Telugu community that is the main medium of correspondence. It was created to replace unnecessarily complex communication on the JetPunk Group. Armed with 30+ channels (much to the chagrin of baptistegorce) and lots of helpful emojis like [meme man saying "telegoo"] and [Gigachad in front of Indian flag] this server has it all! If you are interested, come visit!


Finally before going to our introductions, let's look back through some statistics of what we've achieved so far. Let's start with a chart of Telugu quizzes as of March 18.

The chart is in Telugu, but it should be easy to understand, it just shows the number of quizzes over time. As you can see, only 3 users have made Telugu quizzes, with me and Neo having an equal number while Anti has made just 1.  Let's look at some particular Telugu or Telugu-related creations and what we achieved with them.

Quiz by TheNatureThread | Published August 18 2021 | 10 takes

ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ పాత జిల్లాలు (āndhrapradēś pāta jillālu)

This quiz about the districts of Andhra Pradesh was the first Telugu quiz made. Its name now says "Old Districts of Andhra Pradesh" as many new districts were formed in 2022. This quiz has 10 takes, and while it hasn't really served as a point to discover the Telugu community, it was nice to create the first Telugu quiz and start somewhere.

Quiz by TheNatureThread | Published October 20, 2021 | 24 takes

ప్రపంచంలో అన్నీ దేశాలు (Prapancamlō annī deśālu)

This quiz is the Telugu version of Countries of the World, and as mentioned, it definitely needs an update.

To elaborate, the situation with geographic names is a bit different in Telugu compared to most European languages, as current Telugu media and literature almost exclusively use transliterations of English country names and usually even pronounce them like in English. However, there are older Telugu names for a handful of countries, which might be considered more proper Telugu, so we are researching  these older names. There are other random issues here, but I'm planing to have a big update at once. One reason I wanted to make this is that the COTW page was the most prominent place Telugu could possibly be at that point, so I was hoping people would find it which did happen with Neodymium. Unsurprisingly, it is the most taken Telugu quiz.

Blog by TheNatureThread | Published October 21, 2021 | 20 likes

The Telugu Language - The Italian of the East (Language Profile I)

This blog is a profile of the Telugu language, which I made as such a major language is not well-known. I also hoped Telugu JetPunkers would find it which happened with ThisOneNerd and carlonian, and I also first talked about the Telugu community with Neodymium here. I think many other JetPunkers also learnt some things about Telugu from this blog, so I think it was a great success, thanks to everyone who saw it.

Quiz by Neodymium | Published January 11, 2023 | 2 takes

యూరప్ లో దేశాలు

This quiz is a translation of the Countries of Europe quiz by Neodymium. It is the first Telugu quiz from someone other than me, an important milestone for the Telugu community. However, it will need to be revised after COTW is remade.

Quiz by AntiMatter8192 | Published January 13, 2023 | 11 takes

Hyderabad City Quiz

This quiz is an English quiz, but I've started translating it to Telugu for AntiMatter's account and he plans to make a series of it, so it should provide a good number of Telugu quizzes, and be a great series.

Hopefully by next year there'll be many more achievements to see. Finally, here are some statistics about the most active users. The most active on the group is Neodymium, followed by me and AntiMatter8192, while on the server it is me, followed by AntiMatter8192 and ArgoniteS7.

User Introductions

There are 4 notable users in the Telugu JetPunk community; AntiMatter8192, Neodymium, ArgoniteS7, and myself (TheNatureThread). Here are our introductions:

AntiMatter8192's section

Hello, I am AntiMatter. I've been a JetPunk member since 2019, but I've been playing COTW for much longer. I've mostly played quizzes here, but I've gotten interested in blogs and making quizzes recently. Hopefully, I can do that more now. I like the JetPunk Telugu community because it's nice to meet people who learn and speak my language. Telugu has an interesting script and novel concepts worth learning about and that could help me relate to where I'm from a bit more, since I haven't lived in the Telugu States for very long and don't know much about the area. It's nice to have people that share similar interests to me and we can all learn a bit more from each other. In the next year, I hope to hone my quiz-making and blog-writing abilities further. I have a few interesting ideas that are worth making here on JetPunk and hopefully I can get better over time.

It's nice to have an experienced person with us (TheNatureThread), who is both good at making quizzes, maps, and blogs, as well as having a lot of knowledge about the Telugu language, culture, and history. He has already taught me a lot and I am certain I will learn more from him in the future.

Neodymium's section

Hello! I’m Neodymium and I’m a relatively new JetPunker. I've been a member since November-December and I avidly played JetPunk for a couple months before that without an account. I somewhat co-started the Telugu movement on JetPunk. Hopefully you’ve seen me around! I plan to….

-Make a blog about JetPunk improvements and Telugu Literature once I gain the 6 month requirement

-Make 1000 quizzes (starting to look a bit un realistic, but I set that personal goal back when I was making a lot more quizzes)

-Make more Telugu Quizzes

-Get 10000 takes (the only one outside of my control, and something you can help with :)

A bit more about me:

-I live in the states

-Speak Telugu ok

-Illiterate in Telugu (trying to change that)

Thanks for your time!

TheNatureThread's section

Hi guys! It's me, who's been writing almost the whole time. I've been a JetPunker since 2016 and on this account since 2017. In 2021 when I returned to JetPunk and started blogging, I first got the idea of a Telugu community, but I don't remember from where. I made stuff like Telugu COTW and the Telugu blog hoping to increase knowledge about Telugu here and also hoped Telugu users would find them, but that was not my main goal until late 2022 when I didn't really have a focus on JetPunk. I decided to make more Telugu quizzes again, and it was great that Neodymium also joined at this point, finally making a dedicated Telugu community.

Looking back, my favorite Telugu-related creation so far was the Telugu blog, but I have many more I look forward to, so here are my plans for the Telugu community in the next year. In blogs, I'm planning to make many Telugu blogs and get back to blogging through this, with maybe some other languages on the way. There are many untouched ideas when it comes to Telugu culture, so my goal is to write at least 10 Telugu blogs. For quizzes, I'll set the goal of making one especially large Telugu-related SVG and one especially creative one, and many minor ones, all for Telugu quizzes of course. I also have a pretty big Telugu series idea I plan to make, and I'll probably make some others. We're all working on COTW names together so I hope to find more names to finish soon and  so once it is done we'll be able to translate a lot more quizzes for the rest of the year. I can read and write Telugu and speak it, but I don't read much so my advanced vocabulary isn't that great, which is unfortunately common with speakers of Indian languages. I hope while making quizzes and blogs in the next year I'll improve my skills.

As for the Telugu community, I'm quite satisfied with the size now, and the great interest and determination of all the members makes it exciting already, so I won't set any goals about growing the community. On that note, I'll finish off by saying I'm happy to have such a great community for Telugu finally, and that there are other Telugu users who are so dedicated to its rise on JetPunk.

ArgoniteS7's section

Hello, I’m argonite. I’ve been a JetPunk member since 2021 but I’m not that active on JetPunk though I want to start using it more. I’m pretty active on the Discord server since it’s easier to check for me. I can speak and understand Telugu well but can’t read or write. My goal is to get to level 40 by the end of the year. I might start blogging after I get to level 40 since I have a few ideas but I don’t know for sure yet since I’m not that active (hopefully that will change lol). I like taking quizzes here but I think there’s a lack of sports quizzes and other non-geography quizzes so if I ever start making quizzes it’ll probably be about sports or something else. I’m here to support Telugu on JetPunk though. Happy Ugadi! Thank you!


By AntiMatter8192

The future of Telugu JetPunk looks very bright. Despite the small number of people there, we have an extremely active server, 2x more than even the French one this week. Most members here have plans to create quizzes and blogs relating to Telugu, and I myself will probably have a blog by next month. The most important thing coming up in the future will likely be the revision of the Telugu Countries of the World quiz to include more accurate names, which will allow us to translate a ton of English quizzes to Telugu. We’ll also want to focus on growing the community since that will allow us to create more quizzes and get new ideas on things to do on JetPunk. If you're interested in the community, you can comment below with your Discord name to join our Discord server! Many of us aren't fluent so don't worry about that.


In conclusion, we hope this blog has explained the Telugu JetPunk community, our history, present, and future. As AntiMatter said, it seems that there is a great future ahead, and no matter what happens, it'll always be a great achievement for us to have formed a community for Telugu here. Finally, ఉగాది శుభాకాంక్షలు (Happy Ugadi) and ధన్యవాదం (thank you) for reading!

Level 59
Mar 22, 2023

Only 17 hours late

Nice blog! Loved writing it with the rest of you!

Ps, Miru naku telugolo blog share cestara?

Level 65
Mar 22, 2023
Yay! Thanks Neo! You wrote great lol


Level 59
May 8, 2023
Level 43
Mar 22, 2023
I’m proud to be the Lusophone ambassador of this ambitious project! Although Telugu is a big language, it’s surprising that you got together in this with such an ease. I like how connected you are, and that’s very lucky. I hope this effort can be converted into a brand new Telugu JetPunk page, although it’s hard to happen. Happy Ugadi :D

and with that you are deleting 10 channels from the telugu server

Level 59
Mar 22, 2023
Miku ugādi śubhākāṅkṣalu

I say we increase it to 50 channels!

Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
Thank you MG! You are a great representative of the Portuguese community, which I hope will keep growing as well. also go quad
Level 68
Mar 22, 2023
Nice blog, maybe I'll write one too

I think I found why people hate New Jersey

Level 59
Mar 23, 2023

Whatever it is, Telugu ain't the reason >:(

Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
Surely he means people hate New Jersey because they haven't made Telugu an official language already :D
Level 59
Mar 23, 2023
A, athi nizam karanam

Or there aren't enough Telugus

*colonize mode activate*

Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
v a l a s a r ā j y a ṃ c e y y a b a ḍ i n a d i
Level 59
Mar 23, 2023
Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
Valasa rajyam ceyyadam means colonize.
Level 59
Mar 23, 2023
Raja: How dare they insult me! Valasa rajyam ceyyi!

Aide: Ok! To make them have a Samrajyam I've given them all of our territory

Raja: wait, what?

Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
Actually loled lol
Level 59
Mar 23, 2023
Level 68
Mar 23, 2023
Other fun facts about Telugu we discovered: "bruh" in Telugu is బ్రః and "lol" is హః
Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
I invented బ్రః smh

హః is haha

Level 68
Mar 23, 2023
*We invented it (Afici will explain)

I mean, "Lol" is laughing out loud, which is haha which is హః. I don't think laughing out loud would translate well to Telugu

Level 73
Mar 23, 2023
Yes, comrade. We, indeed, invented it.
Level 54
Mar 23, 2023
Haha! It'ss true that I don't get the point of having that many channels for just a few users, but that's a choice of organization. I also have to precise that the data about French messages is completely wrong, but that's a detail too, I guess.

It was a very good reading! It was interesting to let all the active members of your community to write a part of the blog. This last talk both about the Telugu ulture in general, but also more specifically on JetPunk: that's great! I wish you all the best.

Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
Thanks Poirot! I'm glad you like the idea. Oh, we thought we were more active than French server but Neo added that we're 5x more. So what is the correct comparison between our servers?
Level 54
Mar 23, 2023
You're welcome!

For the stats, if you take them at the begining of this week (since this Monday), we are both at 500 messages. If you want a whole week and start at the 16th of March, you are at 2,1k, and us at 1,2k, so almost x2.

Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
Great! I will correct it.
Level 54
Mar 23, 2023
Perfect, thanks!
Level 59
Mar 23, 2023
I did


And it was like 3-500 and 1500

might be outdate. and ofc poirot cant see the staff chat so i guess that was a factor

Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
Yes, you're right.
Level 59
Mar 23, 2023
And it also counts sunday
Level 73
Mar 23, 2023
I'm glad I could play a role in the history of the Telugu JetPunk community.

Happy (belated) Ugadi!

I will continue my Hindi propaganda in the server tho

You forgot to mention my Andhra state quiz 😑

Level 59
Mar 23, 2023

get that propaganda out if here he

smh i made as many quizzes and thread and he got 3 smh na tala na tala

Level 73
Mar 23, 2023
Yeah but those are general questions about the state itself. It's important!
Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
Thanks AFC! I should add it lol
Level 59
Mar 23, 2023
smh na tala add mine

actually drop both of our series links and write how many quizzes are history, songs, geo

find out how many of each topic and put it in stats

Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
sare taruvata lol
Level 59
Mar 23, 2023
ipudu :(
Level 59
May 8, 2023
Level 68
Mar 23, 2023
this is amazing. I can't wait for the Telugu community of JetPunk to thrive.Also the Kalamkari Jeppy was so cool.
Level 68
Mar 23, 2023
Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
Thanks Kilwa!
Level 59
Mar 23, 2023
I would like to humbly ask all 2 Telugu quizmakers to use pariksa instead of kvij or else

Thread....that's your warning

Update the chart numbers? I think I have more

Level 68
Mar 23, 2023
Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
Pariksa is too serious, Kvij sounds fun :D
Level 59
Mar 23, 2023
Kvij sounds angla ew colonizer britisher I amu notu wantu to ceyu badu kviju

Don't make us end up taling like that

Level 65
Mar 23, 2023
Parasulu kuda quiz antaru. Vallu vanda ellu Anglolla to yuddham cesaru.
Level 59
Mar 23, 2023
kani valu vanda ellu valasa rajyam kathu katha?

Pariksa = Test kathu

Pariksa is something you do

I've never really seen it as serius. It sounds serius only cause when you translate it back it is a serious angla word

parasodulu emi ante maku enthuku? valiki 30+ servarlu levu

Level 51
Apr 21, 2023
Nenu nee community join chesta.

Nee idea bagundi.

Naku concham Telugu oustadi.

wow i am bad at Telugu

Level 65
Apr 21, 2023
Namaskāramu! Tappakuṇḍā join ceyyaccu. Many of us are learning, and we're looking forward to having more people!