Population of Rome over Time

The population of the city of Rome fell to remarkably low numbers during the Middle Ages before rebounding in modern times.
We are aware that there is no year 0, but I couldn't make Google charts work with BC dates
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Level 86
Jul 21, 2018
1084 - the year when the population of Rome was roughly the same as the number of students at my undergraduate college.
Level 67
Jul 25, 2018
Wait why'd it drop so much?
Level 65
Jul 27, 2018
Rome was sacked multiple times, and it was hit with disease. Due to the constant warfare and disease, most of the population either died or left the city. Because of this, the population had such a drastic decrease.
Level ∞
Jul 5, 2019
Another reason had to do with the grain dole. For centuries, citizens of Rome received free or reduced price grain from the government. When this ended, there was no longer as much incentive to live in Rome.
Level 42
Mar 27, 2021
The free grain was taken from Egypt but I dont know if they took from another countries too.
Level 51
May 13, 2020
What in the world! Rome had over a Million people in 100 a.d.?
Level 75
Oct 21, 2020
Supposedly it was the first city in history to reach 1m people. I believe the second city to do so was London in around the year 1850! (Pls correct me if I'm mistaken)
Level 57
Dec 23, 2020
Ive also seen Alexandria in 100 BC
Level 45
Feb 26, 2021
The Pope probably asked God for more people and BOOM! Look what happened.
Level 23
Mar 25, 2021
1377-1527 Was the start of all those BOOMS.

Nowadays its 2.8M people.

and way back in 1084 it only had 15,000 people

Jeez man they probably signed the Constitution of 1377 that said more population