My Quiz Take Distribution

Inspired by this chart from Neodymium.
hover over a point on a graph to see how many takes a quiz has
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Level 57
Mar 29, 2024
Stats from this chart (if anyone even cares, lol)

- 1 quiz with 1,000,000+ takes

- 2 quizzes with 500,000+ takes

- 4 quizzes with 100,000+ takes

- 8 quizzes with 50,000+ takes

- 12 quizzes with 10,000+ takes

- 14 quizzes with 5,000+ takes

- 29 quizzes with 1,000+ takes

- 35 quizzes with 500+ takes

- 54 quizzes with 100+ takes

- 56 quizzes with 50+ takes

- 62 quizzes with 0+ takes

Other stats:

- 50.6% of takes comes from my most popular quiz

- 93.0% of takes comes from my quizzes in my "Mystery" series (both English & French translations)

- Without the "Mystery" series, I would have 195,199 takes, or 7.0% of my current # of takes

- 5.1% of takes come from my "Cities" series, meaning 98.1% of all my takes come from my quizzes in just 2 series

- Without my "Cities" or "Mystery" series, I would have 52,713 takes, or 1.9% of my current # of takes

- Too lazy to calculate the exact # and %, but more than 99% of my takes come from quizzes with maps

Level 59
Apr 1, 2024