The Most Obscure Languages Part 3


Sentinelese Language

Not much is known about this language but what I do know is that its spoken by the isolated Sentinelese people of the Andaman Islands. The Language Family is unknown and is probably a Andamanese one. This one was brief since its pretty unknown to the rest of the world

Kaixana Language

This one is very interesting since its a critically endangered language with only one speaker today. This language is found in Brazil and is presumed as extinct though one speaker still uses it today. Its also a Arawakan one. I also forgot to mention that Raimundo Avelino is the only Kaixana speaker

Jerriais Language

A romance language spoken on Jersey Island. Though Jersey's official language was French. Jerriais was spoken by some people. at one point Jerriais wasnt allowed to be spoken by children in schools. This language is pretty interesting.

North Frisian Language

Probably one of the least spoken Languages in the Germanic Family with somewhere about like 3,000 to 10,000 speakers. its a major language in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein and has a bit of a connection to English both of whom are Germanic.

Ladakhi Language

A language related to Tibetan. The language is spoken in the Ladakh region though not being intelligible to Tibetan Language. It also uses the Tibetan writing script.

Jingpho Language

A Sal Family Language. This is a Tibeto-Burmese one and is spoke in India, China, and Myanmar. It uses the Latin AND Burmese script and have some varieties that relate to Jingpho

Alyawarr Language

This one is interesting. This is a Aboriginal Australian language found in the Northern Territory and spoken in areas around Tennant Creek and Sandover and its also spoken in Queensland. It has 1660 speakers. One of the words are aranga with means Emu. A native flightless bird in Australia.

Oh and also. According to the census in 2016, There were 347 Alyawarr people.

Tahitian Language

I cant find the exact number of speakers but this Polynesian language is used as a lingua franca in the Polynesian Islands which are governed by France. Hello in Tahitian is la Orana while welcome is Maeva. Just like many Polynesian language. They use the term aloha so really Tahitian isnt that obscure

Level 60
Mar 14, 2022
Cool blog! Could do with a thumbnail and a tad bit more info, like who that one speaker of Kaixana is.
Level 56
Mar 14, 2022
Thanks. Ill do that as fast as I can
Level 65
Mar 14, 2022
Good to see another language blog from you!
Level 56
Mar 14, 2022
Thanks. This could help me make more of these blogs
Level 62
Mar 15, 2022
Very interesting blog! Never knew these languages that are so unique existed.