Cyprus On Jetpunk


Part of the EU

Countries that are considered part of the EU, must be accepted by all the other members. This means that every EU nation recognised Cyprus in the EU, which literally has European in its name.

Even though Cyprus is the furthest nation of the EU, it is still easy to understand why it might be considered part of Europe

It is the closest to Asia

The nation of Cyprus is culturally european. (We will get to that later) it is geographically Asian. It is closest to Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel, Which are all Asian, accept for Turkey, which is European by a tiny bit by a canal, (which makes Istanbul transcontinental!)

A messy photo

Who owns Cyprus?

Well, Cyprus has four seperate entities on it. Republic of Cyprus, Turkish Northern Cyprus, United Kingdom exclaves, And the UN buffer zone.

Turkish Northern Cyprus is only recognized by one country, Can you guess what is it is? (probably)

Mauritania! JK it’s turkey.

On the flag of Cyprus, and by pretty much every country, Cyprus owns the north part. But the Cyprus flag says it owns a the whole islands. Even the British part, and the UN buffer zone. So well, the flag is wrong. Okay this is getting messy! Final bit.


Cyprus is definitely culturally European, most notably Greek, and Turkish. Turkey is culturally European, but most of it is geographically Asian. Greece is definitely European though, and now…

Is Cyprus European?

The Ottoman Empire

Cyprus has been under British Control, but also under the ottomans. The Ottomon Empire started in Turkey, Which like I said, is transcontinental. But mostly Asian. Ugh, this doesn’t help much.

The Flag

Okay, now we are going to fully dive into the Cypriot flag. But we’re not gonna just repeat all the details. Okay let’s see the Cyprus flag

The flag is one of the reasons why the Turkish hate it. It has the whole island! But we still need to dig deeper


Sorry, I couldn’t resist making this one. Cyprus is part of Eurovision, and it’s the furthest countr- Oh never mind. Australia. This part has no point. Ok next

Tectonic Plates

But what about tectonic plates? Cyprus is on the Eurasian Plate, but the continent it is closest to, Africa and Asia, are on different plates.It is still very close to the African one though.

But there is another possibility…


But what if Europe and Asia are the same continent?

Asia and Europe are on the same landmass! So why are they two continents for most people? Well, it’s because of the culture difference. The border is normally drawn with mountain, from the Caucasus and the Ural ones. This is why Europe and Asia are different continents.

The Americas (Explaining about Canals)

So people in Latin American countries mostly recognise the Americas as one continent. This is mostly debated because of the


But most Latin American people still recognise it as one continent! So…


The three closest continents, are all connected (not counting canals) So does that mean Cyprus is Afro-Eurasian? Well these are the three continents that are mostly related, and it is defiantly there?

But where is cyprus?

Where is Cyprus

Cyprus is a very debated topic. JetPunk views it as Asian, and that will never change. (QM said a 0% chance) So if you’re on JetPunk, use Asia. And it also doesn’t recognise Turkey Cyprus.

But there are VALID points for every part, so if you aren’t on JetPunk, you decide.

Level 78
Apr 25, 2023
I've got my popcorn ready for the comments....
Level 60
Apr 25, 2023
Huh. It seems you leave open a door for discussion of further topics, then abruptly end the blog. Interesting idea though!
Level 48
Apr 25, 2023
Yeah, I have so many ideas, but I get bored easily. I will add the other topics to the blog. Thanks!
Level 74
Apr 25, 2023
Level 66
Apr 25, 2023
I almost gagged when I realized that may have been a rickroll.
Level 59
Apr 25, 2023
nobody really does rickrolls anymore...btw check out my new quiz
Level 66
Apr 25, 2023
I'm not quite that stupid. I can check your profile for new quizzes.
Level 60
Apr 25, 2023
Cool quiz. Nickelz, it’s not a rickroll. I was the Guinea pig and I can confirm.
Level 66
Apr 26, 2023
Like I said, I'm not stupid. Even a friend like you is not worthy of my trust. Not since the dawn of rickrolls...
Level 48
Apr 26, 2023
That’s a super cool new quiz! Everyone should nominate!
Level 59
Apr 25, 2023
Level 60
May 3, 2023
"Cyprus is on the Eurasian Plate, but the continent it is closest to, Africa and Asia, are on different plates." Asia is partly on the Eurasian Plate.