Level 57


Why 57

I have a very long and storied history involving numbers due to my OCPD. My favorite number is 57, followed by 8. This comes from an old inside joke regarding the number beginning in my 7th grade class. I don't know how it started - it really was just random - but after discovering 19x3 somehow actually equals 57 it became even more prevalent.

After a class 'civil war' began between two sides that each picked a number - 57 and 11 - which the 57 side 'won' because the opposition finally backed down. 11 goes down in my mind as a profoundly 'evil' number (along with 58 because of another inside joke and 56 because it was in the wrong place at the wrong time)

So what does that mean here?

I silently created my account on this website in May of 2022 after doing a few quizzes here and there and deciding I liked it better than other adjacent websites

After doing many quizzes and reaching level 32 (sometime in July 2023) at which point I realized that levels were, in fact, a thing. With that in mind, I made it my goal to reach level 57 and then stay there.

I reached that a few days ago. I did a few more quizzes to have 'padding' points so if quizzes get updated I won't descend a level.

I have reached my goal

What do i do from here

Level 57
Oct 27, 2023
I am now in the process of removing all 11/[X] scores from all my quizzes, hopefully this won't bring me to Level 58
Level 74
Oct 26, 2023
Your next goal: Publish 57 blogs!
Level 57
Oct 27, 2023
Eventually. Maybe I'll make 57 quizzes sometime
Level 82
Oct 27, 2023
Your next goal: reach level 75!
Level 60
Oct 27, 2023
Your next goal: be 57th on the Quizmaker rank!
Level 69
Oct 27, 2023
Please use en or em dashes, not hyphens.
Level 78
Oct 28, 2023
Why not concentrate on blogging, make 57 blogs or make a blog about the number 57 and it's uses around the world. Heinz Foods for example use the number 57 to relay it's varieties of food products.
Level 58
Oct 29, 2023
Reach #57 in creator rank

Good luch it isn't an easy thing, based on my own experience

Level 57
Nov 1, 2023
Adding another comment because there are 11 right now. At 1:11 PM, on the first day of the 11th month of the year...