On This Day Challenge Update #5


I've made it to the end of May, my fifth month of my twelve month challenge. Not quite at the peak yet, but it is in sight !

We are starting to see a slow return to normal in the UK. The roads are getting busier by the day, from tomorrow we are allowed to visit friends and family in small numbers. Although social distancing measures must be adhered to. Some schools are reopening soon for certain pupils, and many companies are returning to work.

I, however, as a key worker in the transport industry have been working throughout this pandemic whilst others have been lazing around in the sun !... I'm not jealous obviously!

Some of the more astute of you may have noticed that there is no mention of Corona virus or Covid-19 in any of my "On This Day" quizzes. The reason for this is that I make the quizzes in advance by a day or two so that they are ready to be published at 0800 UK time each day and I'm not psychic. 😃

On a personal level, I think I've learnt a lot of new things about the history of our planet just by making these quizzes. I'm often distracted by a particularly interesting fact to delve further into the rabbit holes of Wikipedia, sometimes mid quiz, leading to a late night dash to finish a quiz. If the quality of some of the later questions in a quiz seems a bit lacking then this is the reason. My excuse and I'm sticking to it !!

Anyway, thats enough of my ramblings for now. Stay Safe everyone and dont forget to take some of my QUIZZES

Posted on Day 152 of 366

Level 68
May 31, 2020
I must say, although I haven't taken many of these quizzes, I can't help but admire the whole series and the effort and dedication put into them.
Level 78
Jun 1, 2020

Thanks Stewart, that means a lot coming from a seasoned quizzer such as yourself.

I'm not bothered that most of these quizzes only have a couple of takes, I enjoy making them and it keeps my mind active. And I've learnt things!

If each Jetpunker just does the appropriate quiz on their birthday, then I will be happy

Level 67
Jun 3, 2020
Same Stewart, I sometimes have a hard time making more than 2-4 quizzes per week, so making 7 quality quizzes per week, that really does require some dedication. Keep up the good work!
Level 78
Jun 3, 2020
Thanks for the comments, they are much appreciated. And thanks for taking my quizzes
Level 78
Jun 2, 2020
I thank you for your wonderful work as a key worker. Also, I might not be knowledgeable, but these On This Day quizzes are a good source of knowledge. I thank you for your work and quizzes.
Level 78
Jun 2, 2020
Thanks Fuse, but I'm just doing my job , same as always, just with a key worker tag on nowadays. And thanks for the kind words re the quizzes..