Stupid-O-groovE ~2

(Episode Two - in memory of Eric Arthur Blair)

PC newspeak is oldspeak.

ROOSTER (US-English) 1772
? (English) before 12th cent
coq (French) before 12th cent
kukk (Estonian) before 12th cent
ਕੁੱਕੜ / kukara (Punjabi) before 12th cent
okekuko (Igbo) before 12th cent
2029-2030 (Chinese) way before 12th cent

DONKEY (US-English) circa 1785
? (English) before 12th cent
asinus (Latin) before 12th cent
asni (Icelandic) before 12th cent
aasi (Finnish) before 12th cent
eşek (Turkish) before 12th cent
donkey kong (Japanese) 1981 (remember to celebrate DK40BD)

PC speak started off weak, but finally, in the future, the pious ruling class of thought police (TP) invented the perfect sentence that could offend no one. It goes like this: " "
All hail the Thought Police!

PS: Long before this, ending a sentence with a period was seen as an offensive maneuver.
PS2: For a moment, ALLCAPS writers were worshipped as the supreme gods of equality until someone realized they're enslaving words to do that.

Level 76
Nov 20, 2020
Episode three will have something to do with statuses.
Level 76
Nov 20, 2020
PS3: Smiling was forbidden as a way to communicate since most reasons to smile are born out of bad things and impure thoughts (3 types of smiles)

It was established that the only acceptable facial expressions were: blank, scowl and triggered.

Level 76
Nov 20, 2020
PS4: Still standing strong.
Level 43
Nov 20, 2020
Portuguese: Galo. GALOOO! ATLÉTICO-MG!!!
Level 74
Nov 22, 2020
What is this
Level 59
Nov 22, 2020
I can't tell whether this is dystopian storybuilding or linguistics, to be honest.
Level 76
Nov 26, 2020
A hint of reality, a bit of mystery, a sprinkle of surreal... Perhaps something that'll make you say "Haha-what?" or, in case you're more Latino oriented "Jaja-qué?"

That's all I can reveal. You will figure out the rest. The site is full of people one smarter than the other.