Contemplating the Mysteries of the World - Part 9: Flags


I like Flags. They Can be Very Unique and Meaningful, but Why?

To start, I apologize that I basically disappeared off of the face of the earth for the last week or two, time has just gotten away from me. I am also in a Play next weekend and rehearsals have been crazy. Anyways, FLAGS!

Throughout history, many groups of people have used flags to represent themselves. They can have a lot of symbolic meaning that many people relate to. Today, every country, subdivision, and territory has some sort of flag, whether it is official or not. My question is, why do we do this? When did people decide that a strip of fabric with some specific colors on it in a pattern has meaning? And why do people feel so strongly attached to them? It may be national pride, or a sense of accomplishment after conquering a new land.

Flags are an important part of the history of the world, for one reason or another. Today, I have only met 2 types of people regarding flag knowledge, the people who know almost nothing of them and make fun of people who do, and the people who can recognize the flags of at least 50 countries without struggle. If flags are so important why don't more people care about the flags of the world? Most people know the flag of their country and maybe a few others. I don't get it.

Let's also talk about how the same flag can have different meanings to different people. Let's use the flag of the United Kingdom as an example. The Union Jack used to be the symbol of the vast British Empire, so while today many people in the UK see it as a national symbol, people who were formally under the control of the British during Colonialization might see it as a sign of unwanted oppression. The same is true with the American Flag. To many, the stars and stripes are a sign of freedom, but to the people of nations that the USA has invaded, they may see it as a symbol of the war and destruction that was brought into their community by these people. The flag of Kosovo may mean both independence and rebellion to different people, it is all about what side of the issue you are on.

Nowadays, everything has a flag. From political parties and movements, to schools and sports teams, these banners represent the things that people believe in and love, which makes these cloth banners very important to everyone's daily lives. So why is it that people want to be ignorant about them? Honestly, I know that I will never understand people who choose to be ignorant about anything (in case that wasn't obvious). I think that knowledge is power and people should try to learn as much as possible about every topic.

Okay, I think I am done ranting about flags. Wait, was I even really ranting? If you cannot tell, I am exhausted and am having a very hard time being snarky right now, so if you don't hear from me for another week, that is why. Okay, I will stop wasting your time now.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Level 48
Nov 9, 2021
As always, suggestions of things that you want me to rant about when I am actually awake are welcome. Silly or Serious
Level 65
Nov 9, 2021
Thanks for using my idea! I often find that flags are made by their history. If a city adopts a cool new flag, then I like it, but I also like really bland flags just because I have the idea of them being bold and important symbols throughout history, like Russia, Italy, or Ghana, even though they aren't really creative flags, they have gotten so much meaning, and that's what makes a flag after all. That's what sets it apart from a random logo. Anyway, I still think the best flags are well-designed ones, like Tanzania, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, but I think not as a flag, but just as a symbol, even "uncreative" flags can at least be appreciated.

To conclude, I still love flags lol


Level 78
Nov 9, 2021
Very thought provoking, oh and "Break a Leg" for your play.
Level 59
Nov 9, 2021
i wonder if anyone has actually broken a leg during a play
Level 78
Nov 9, 2021
Got to be a possibility, given the number of plays around the world over many centuries.
Level 65
Nov 9, 2021
You make a good point, people are quite attached to their flags. Good luck on your play!
Level 65
Nov 9, 2021
Oh and also, I belong to a third class, along with many JetPunkers : people who can name 196 flags without difficulty.


Level 65
Nov 9, 2021
it would be cool if every country changed their flag just to give us a challenge again
Level 60
Nov 9, 2021
i dont wanna go back to level 52😭
Level 65
Nov 9, 2021
We should do it ourselves and make our own quizzes with the redesigned flags lol
Level 60
Nov 9, 2021
would people get offended?
Level 48
Nov 9, 2021
Probably, but I think that is a great idea
Level 65
Nov 10, 2021
Yeah great idea Thread! If only we were challenged by the All Country Flags quiz again!!
Level 65
Nov 10, 2021
That's the only reason I'm excited about Interplanetary Colonization, new flags and maps!!
Level 73
Nov 10, 2021
Level 74
Nov 10, 2021
Wait, so does your club that's doing the play have a flag too?
Level 48
Nov 10, 2021
Now that I think about it, we don't. Maybe I should work on changing it that...