All about...#28 - Baseball



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What is Baseball? Baseball is a team sport played on a grass and dirt field in which 2 teams rotate trying to bat (hit the ball into fair territory) and field (try to defend). There are many clubs and teams across the world that play this sport, the most famous for kids, being little league. However, the sport costs a lot and needs a lot of equipment, but gets fun when you know how to play it.

Man Playing baseball in the US

⚾The rules of Baseball⚾

As mentioned before, and like many sports, Baseball involves 2 opposing sides. And with 2 opposing sides, come 2 different gameplay.

What are the 2 sides?

While 1 side is hitting (using the bat when the pitcher is pitching to hit the ball into fair territory), the other side is fielding (playing in the field so when hit balls come to them, they can make plays).

How do the sides switch?

Sides switch when innings end. There are 9 FULL innings in a professional game. The fielders try to get 3 outs in the field - then the inning ends. It is hard to explain the fielding part, but I will try in the next sentence.

How do you get 3 outs?

It is complicated because there are many ways you can get people out. As you may have known, there are 4 bases, on which fielders have a chance to get people out. That's not the only way however, let me explain.


1. Catching a hit ball in the air.

2. Fielding a ground ball (hit ball that rolls on the ground) and throwing it either to first base, 2nd, or 3rd depending on where the runners are at.

3. Striking the batter out. This is done by the pitcher. As you may have known, there are balls and strikes in an at-bat. If the batter swings and misses 3 times, the batter is out.

4. There are other ways like Technical outs. For example, (bullying, interference).

How do you win?

If your team gets to 3 outs pretty quick and hits well They win!

Baseball Field from top view

⚾Reach & Introduction⚾

In  1845, a group of people in NY founded the Knickerbocker Baseball Club. Led by Alexander Joy Cartwright they would make a new set of rules that would form the basis for modern baseball, we know today, like the diamond-shaped infield, three-strike rule, and foul lines. He made the game more safe, and before you knew, it turned into real games, and began getting known as America's Pastime. Rules kept on getting changed to make it more interesting and likable. The Modern MLB league was founded in 1876, and more teams joined in 1901. Here we are today!

An early baseball field

⚾Events & Leagues (U.S)⚾

Since baseball is very popular, it is played among a variety of levels. Of course, there is little league, which is from ages 4-12/13 normally. Middle School normally doesn't have a baseball team but high school and college do have them. Then, you get to the big leagues, which is called the MLB in the United States. There are 30 teams and 2 divisions, and at the end of the year, the best teams play in the World Series.

You can also play Wiffle Ball


Babe Ruth is probably the most famous baseball player of all time. Almost everyone knew him across the earth! He is known for his famous swing and his nickname, the Great Bambino. He can also hit home runs.

Ty Cobb is another one of those early legends. He had one of the highest batting averages (amount of hits you get per at-bat). But he was also known for being very ruthless and stepping on people with his cleats (shoes).

Ted Williams is some kind of a man! In the middle of his career, he went to serve in World War II. His baseball was all-around good. He was one of the best hitters ever.

Mike Trout Let me give you a modern one on the List. Mike Trout plays on the Los Angeles Angles. He can hit the ball, field, and is also very fast and has brands named after him.

Babe Ruth

⚾Quick Facts⚾

Type: Team sport

Gender Play: Separate Leagues

Venue: Baseball Field

Founded: 1845

Equipment: Glove (may be specific), Baseball, Bat

Contact sport: No

Location: Played Worldwide


I found this famous/fun game that is a pretty accurate and is owned by Google. It is pretty fun because you can hit it over the fence a lot, similar to the Cricket game. But,  you have to learn the pitches and time the ball well. Here is the game: Google Baseball

All about timing!

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Can you also add me in the Best Jetpunker competition? I know I will not win though...

Level 38
Jun 9, 2021
Thx for reading!
Level 42
Jun 9, 2021
Baseball isn't really played in the UK.
Level 38
Jun 9, 2021
Level 71
Jun 9, 2021
I do not like baseball because I think it is boring.
Level 71
Jun 9, 2021
lol I just got a 2528 foot homerun. That is definitely not possible.
Level 38
Jun 9, 2021
it actually is, I got 2700
Level 71
Jun 9, 2021
no I mean irl
Level 38
Jun 9, 2021
Oh, yeah not in rl
Level 60
Jun 9, 2021
I'm not a huge fan of baseball for the same reasons that I'm not a fan of other sports, but I do enjoy watching Top 10 Baseball Crotch-Shot videos. Especially if they're in slow-motion.
Level 52
Jun 9, 2021
SERIOUSLY WHY DO YOU POST SO MANY BLOGS Your blog is of not-bad quality.
Level 38
Jun 9, 2021
but is it good, i hope?
Level 51
Jun 10, 2021