My first year making quizzes on Jetpunk / My first blog


Hurray! It's been a year since I made my first quiz, and I kinda wanted to celebrate that with this blog. Keep in mind English is not my native language, just in case there are many typos.

How did I discover Jetpunk?- My first quiz

So basically, I had used Jetpunk for a year or so without logging in and creating my first quiz. I discovered it by accident, when searching online for a map, but I don't remember which one exactly, but it made me discover the 'Countries of the World Quiz'. Yeah, not the most interesting story, but it is what happened. The first quiz I created was 'Name the biggest geographical features on each continent' which challenges you to name the 5 biggest lakes, peninsulas, islands, longest rivers and tallest mountains in each continent, except Anctartica

Where does my username come from?

My username (Hugopernia) doesn't include my real name, but I prefer to not reveal it. So, where does it come from, then? This story is mildly more interesting than the one above. Some years ago, I had to do a group presentation for High School for English class and we created a group account that each of the 5 members of the group could use. For the name, we combined the name of one of the members of the group (Hugo) with the surname of another (Pernía) and a random number. When I first created my Jetpunk account,  I decided to use Hugopernia, later dropping the number from the original.

Statistics: My 10 most played quizzes as of September 2021

The following chart shows the evolution of my 10 most played quizzes as of September 2021. I only have data from a few days, and specifically for '50 biggest cities in Central Asia on a blank map', my second-most played quiz, I didn't have many data to make the chart. Anyways, I hope this is somewhat interestng.
My most played quiz is actually a Spanish-language quiz about Spanish municipalities on a map. Same goes for fifth place. From the remaining 8 quizzes, 6 belong to the '30 biggest cities in Europe by letter' series (which is my most-popular series), and the others are the one about Central Asia I mentioned before and a similar one abaout the Benelux region.

Am I going to do more blogs?

Yes, I intend to blog about things when I find something interesting that can't be made into a quiz. However, since yesterday was the last day of my summer holidays, I will have less time for every other thing, and that includes Jetpunk blogs and quizzes, because I'll use quite some time for study and homework. I'll still make them, but there will be notably less than lately.

So, that's all for today! Hope you liked it! And if you want to ask or say anything, go ahead!

Level 43
Sep 13, 2021
Congrats! That’s good for a first blog! And just a thing: two hyperlinks aren’t working. I mean, the HTML was used on a text block, and you should use it with the paragraph on HTML block, or with the key of chain :)
Level 55
Sep 13, 2021
Thanks a lot! I'll correct the hyperlinks thing now
Level 51
Sep 13, 2021
Wow, interesting blog. Loved the charts.
Level 55
Sep 13, 2021
Thanks! That's the closest thing to Jetpunk analytics (since I don't have Jetpunk premium), I guess Xd
Level 59
Sep 13, 2021
Welcome to the Blogging section! Nice to have you here.
Level 55
Sep 13, 2021
Thanks for your words!
Level 74
Sep 13, 2021
Welcome! I don't know Madrid well enough to be able to list the municipalities, but it's a great quiz.

And I couldn't help but notice you're from Cantabria. I've been to Santillana del Mar and Santander and I very much enjoyed my time there. (Also, I'm a fan of Gran Hotel)

Level 55
Sep 13, 2021
Thanks! And, yeah, I can't list them either!

And really glad you liked Cantabria, we're not usually visited by the majority of tourists who come to Spain, since most stereotypes or famous things come from the South or the Mediterranean coast. Santillana del Mar and Santader are great places. I think Comillas, Potes and some places in the Valles Pasiegos would be other great places to visit in Cantabria.

Btw, I would like to reply saying something similar about the US, but I haven't visited it(yet)

Level 74
Sep 13, 2021
Well I'm sure you'll visit soon enough. And honestly, I only spent a few hours in Santillana del Mar on my way back from Santander but it was such a diamond-in-the-rough town.

The cave systems are really cool around there too

Level 55
Sep 13, 2021
Yeah, every place in the world has its things, it's impossible to list everything on a simple comment. Anyway, thanks for the welcome!
Level 74
Sep 13, 2021
Of course! I'll be keeping up with your quizzes (particularly the Spanish ones)
Level 55
Sep 13, 2021
Level 62
Sep 13, 2021
Welcome to the Blogging Community! Can't wait for you to post more blogs :)
Level 55
Sep 13, 2021
Level 75
Sep 14, 2021
Welcome. The formatting here is pretty clean. Good work

By the way, I noticed 2 typos: holydays instead of holidays in the last part and an extra space in the last sentence. Hope that will help

Level 55
Sep 14, 2021
Thanks! I'll correct the typos