Blog Comments Moderation


Over the last few weeks, the blogs section of JetPunk has been moved away from the educational and fun section it once used to be. In large part, this is due to a rising number of comments which are completely irrelevant to the blog itself, and often causing arguments or disputes for no reason at all.

To combat this, we are introducing two new measures:

  1. Blog owners can now delete comments on their blogs. If you write a blog, and somebody spams nonsense on it, you can now delete those yourself without having to report them.
  2. Increased moderation of blog comments. To go hand-in-hand with the above, we will be cracking down on blog comments which are unrelated to the blog they're posted on.

Blogs are intended to be a way to share insightful and / or educational content that can be discussed with the community, they are not to be used as a forum.

Finally, to those who don't know what the "edit" and "reply" buttons are, please use them! Underneath your own comments, for up to 60 minutes after posting, there is an edit button where you can edit the comment you just posted, instead of posting 5 separate comments all together (which will now be considered spam). There is also the reply button on every first and second level comment, as well as on the last comment of a 3rd level chain. This allows you to reply to someone above, and prevents posting a new first-level comment for every reply.

Update: Due to system abuse, blog reports will now take more priority than before. If somebody's blog is successfully reported and removed, they will not be able to post another blog for a few days after that.

Level 59
Feb 2, 2021
Oh my...thank you so much! I'll definitely be using this :) I just deleted hundreds of irrelevant comments from my blogs
Level 51
Feb 2, 2021
Level 52
Feb 2, 2021
Level 34
Feb 2, 2021
This reminds me of the comments on RussianTsardoms Favorite YouTubeers blog. It turned into an argument about *CHEESE*......
Level 60
Feb 2, 2021
Level 60
Feb 2, 2021
I deleted all the Cheese comments and it looked like that 50 of the comments were about cheese 🤣
Level 34
Feb 2, 2021
WOW, lots of cheesy talk in that blog lol
Level 52
Feb 2, 2021
Because of me, actually...
Level 43
Feb 2, 2021
But I participate too. And this change will better our site. And I still think that the best cheese is the cheese bread!
Level 53
Feb 2, 2021
Thanks for implementing this Stewart, hopefully the situation calms down.
Level 43
Feb 2, 2021
I like the new changes. One of my posts that said about the return of the glorious Malkiboy, ended up becoming an argument about johnnyaitch's identity. Then, another post, which listed the 5 favorite YouTube channels of the RussianTsardom user, became a discussion about which is the best cheese!

The RUB section is slowly deteriorating, and these measures were applied at the correct time. I also think that to reduce spam, we could have a minimum of characters to post. Maybe 1000 characters.

Anyway, if we continue at the pace we are, we will not be able to blog, or read blogs.

Maybe about the comments, we could have a limit of comments in an answer, or even in a blog or quiz. The comment container is also following RUB's bad example. But chicken that accompanies duck drowns.

I liked the measures implemented, and I hope that someday, spam will DRASTICALLY decrease.

Level 68
Feb 2, 2021
Oh my, sorry about the johnnyaitch discussion! I got very off-topic there!
Level 43
Feb 2, 2021
No problem! After that, I really get the question... LOL
Level 52
Feb 2, 2021
Guess what. I created both the cheese and johnnyaitch threads.
Level 60
Feb 2, 2021
Believe it or not, 50 of the comments where about CHEESE!
Level 52
Feb 2, 2021
Listen, I'm sorry for creating that.
Level 68
Feb 2, 2021
No worries, we're moving on from it. The enhanced moderation mentioned in point 2 is from now, we're not going to go back and retroactively apply it.

Also, unless you abuse this constantly, you're not going to get banned. We're not trying to silence people, just keep them on-topic, relevant and to clean up the comments sections.

Level 43
Feb 2, 2021
Truly, great changes. But don't worry about it! Sometimes I like to read these discussions... LOL! But it's no use crying over spilled milk, so don't worry. It's gone.
Level 55
Feb 2, 2021
Thank You. I know I might've caused some of these spam threads. I apologize for that.

Just one Quick Question. What if someone goes Overboard with deleting comments on their blogs that have no purpose for being deleted?

Level 68
Feb 2, 2021
Well yes, that is possible, which is why we're doing it only on blogs and not quizzes for now. If someone deletes all comments they don't like, then it doesn't matter really. If you're posting a negative comment, you'd be much better off reporting the blog / comment instead.

We determined the benefits far outweigh the potential downfalls.

Level 65
Feb 3, 2021
If the blog section ever does inflate, could you add a seperate where you can "report" copied blogs, as I'm sure there will be some (emphasis on report because they won't get banned and it isn't quite as bad). The point is it's not as menacing as a report, but it can give attention of these copies. Especially if they delete all the comments saying the blog is a copy.
Level 68
Feb 3, 2021
yep, adding a report button similar to quizzes would definitely be an option for the future
Level 59
Feb 3, 2021
Isn't there already a report button for blogs? It's underneath the title (of unfeatured blogs)
Level 68
Feb 3, 2021
Yes, but I think he means a way to specify why you're reporting it, rather than just reporting it on its own.
Level 65
Aug 18, 2021
Just don't delete the whole 'date and year' thread on the Pixar Movies Quiz okay?
Level 68
Feb 2, 2021
Nice changes! I think this will help the blog section be improved in quality.
Level 78
Feb 2, 2021
Huge huge thank you Stewart! This will definitely make the blog section much better .
Level 74
Feb 2, 2021
Hell frickin yes, finally
Level 75
Feb 3, 2021
"Finally, to those who don't know what the 'edit' and 'reply' buttons are, please use them!"

Loved that line. The comment sections are now going to be much cleaner :D

Level 54
Feb 3, 2021
This blog has also spamming comments including my comment but it is reminder
Level 59
Feb 3, 2021
...Unfortunately, there's still a lot of spam. A blog that was posted 15 seconds ago already has 20 comments. (All are spam)
Level 68
Feb 3, 2021
Things take time to work. Also those two blogs were unacceptable themselves, and so it's no surprise the community went hard in the comments.

... and yet nobody even bothered to report the blogs themselves. If you don't report blogs, we have no record of what users have done in the past. If a blog is spam, report it don't just comment on it

Level 54
Feb 3, 2021
Thank you a lot for these adds! It's exactly what the blog section needed. it should be "better" now.
Level 39
May 17, 2021
Why we can’t delete comments on our quizzes?
Level 68
May 17, 2021
Because quizzes are more often a place for corrections than blogs, and we don't want people silencing the community.

We also had some complaints in the past when we started deleting comments after the fix suggested was made, so we don't think it's a good idea to add it for quizzes.

Level 39
May 17, 2021
Oh, yes. Good point.
Level 50
Aug 28, 2023
I want to delete some comments on a blog of mine that are unhelpful and spammy, but not inappropriate or offensive. How do I delete them?