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Przewiń w dół, aby zobaczyć odpowiedzi i więcej statystyk ...
1. 5.1 Koleżanka pyta Cię, co powinna wziąć na obóz narciarski. Co jej doradzisz?
A. You must try the food there.
B. You need to have a warm sweater
C. In my opinion you should practise skiing
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2. 5.2 Rozmawiasz z kuzynką o swoim przyjacielu. Jak opiszesz jego wygląd?
A. He's good-looking.
B. He's looking at my friend.
C. He's looking for his glasses.
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3. 5.3 Chcesz pożyczyć aparat fotograficzny od swojej cioci. Jak zapytasz ją o pozwolenie?
A. Why don't you borrow my camera?
B. Will you take care of this camera?
C. Do you mind if I use your camera?
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4. 5.4 Twoja koleżanka upiekła ciasto jabłkowe. Jak wyrazisz swoją pozytywną opinię o nim?
It's the best apple cake I've ever had.
Have another piece of the apple cake.
Let's use my favourite recipe for apple cake
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5. 6.1 I'm going swimming, and what about you, John ? (doing) ... anything this afternoon? (przykładowa odpowiedź)
You doing
You are doing
Are you doing
Were you doing
6. 6.2 No, the black hat is too warm. (help) ... me look for the red one ? (przykładowa odpowiedź)
Can you helping
Can you help
Can U help
Can I help
7. 8.1 Two young me, Ace and John, saw him there, sitting in a small cage. _____. Finally, they went back and bought him. (Lew miał na imię Chris)
A. In 2008, the ,,Hugging Lion" video was posted on the internet
B. Chris didn't have the skills needed to survive in the wild
C. They went home but couldn't forget the sad lion
D. He knew that Chris had to return to the zoo.
8. 8.2 However, there was one problem. _____. Fortunately, Ace and John found home for him in a national park, where he soon learned to hunt (Lew miał na imię Chris)
A. In 2008, the ,,Hugging Lion" video was posted on the internet
B. Chris didn't have the skills needed to survive in the wild
C. They went home but couldn't forget the sad lion
D. He knew that Chris had to return to the zoo.
9. 8.3 The lion ran to meet them. That moment was filmed. _____. It quickly became a hit.
A. In 2008, the ,,Hugging Lion" video was posted on the internet
B. Chris didn't have the skills needed to survive in the wild
C. They went home but couldn't forget the sad lion
D. He knew that Chris had to return to the zoo.
10. 11.1 Do you want to eat the scorpion? When people _____ our question they are usually shocked.
A. Feel
B. Gift
C. Hear
D. Party
E. Sure
F. True
11. 11.2 At first, most people are _____ that they will never be brave enough to try our snack
A. Feel
B. Gift
C. Hear
D. Party
E. Sure
F. True
12. 11.3 Our Dessert Scorpions are a great _____ for a birthday or any other occasion
A. Feel
B. Gift
C. Hear
D. Party
E. Sure
F. True
13. 12.1 And you must _____ how to spell the words you use in the game.
A. Know
B. Knowing
C. To know
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14. 12.2 One player thinks of a word and tells the other player how _____ letters it has.
A. Lots of
B. Much
C. Many
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15. 12.3 But what is _____ word to guess?
A. Harder
B. The Hardest
C. Hard
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16. 13.1 In my opinion science fiction books are (interesting / than) ... historical novels (przykładowa odpowiedź)
More / less interesting than
As interesting than
More than interesting
Interesting more than
17. 13.2 I checked John's phone number twice before (I / phone) ... him. (przykładowa odpowiedź)
I called
I had phoned
I phoned
I made a phone call
18. 13.3 There (be / three / egg) ... in the fridge. To make pancakes we need to buy milk and flour. (przykładowa odpowiedź)
Is three eggs
Are three egg
Aren't three eggs
Are three eggs
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Poziom 34
19 lut, 2024