You're in the Spotlight


What do you do with your spotlight?

What do you do with your spotlight awards?  What should I do with my spotlight award?

I remember the first time I was given the opportunity to hand out a "spotlight award", I didn't really know what it was.  I saw a fun little quiz on cities in Canada that wasn't really unique or exciting, but one that I particularly enjoyed.  I don't remember if I even noticed it on the front page, but realized afterwards how the whole system worked.

I got another spotlight very quickly, so I decided to spotlight my Lil' Self-Referential Logic Test.  The Hardest Quiz on Jetpunk is one of my favourite quizzes, but there are barely any other logic-based quizzes like it, so I made a smaller, easier one.  The quiz got a bunch of takes and nominations; it was pretty cool seeing a quiz I made get more than 10 takes!  I eventually spotlighted a random quiz in a series I made: Words that End in "-usty"; it turns out spotlighting at the beginning of summer gets you mad takes.  Over 1200 takes so far for a quiz that was not overly creative or innovative.

Spotlights seemed to come regularly when they first started, and I spotlighted other people's quizzes a couple times. However, I mostly just picked quizzes of mine that I thought were cool.  I think I spotlighted myself 6 times and other users 3 times, or thereabouts.  It was also very cool when other people spotlighted my quizzes, even if entirely unexpected and I had to make emergency changes to get it up to snuff! At least I eventually got Mergeography to a place I could tolerate it. But I digress.

This blog comes to you at a time when I have a spotlight sitting in my inventory.  I don't think I've had a spotlight award to hand out for over two months, so I feel like it's an uncommon commodity these days.  I have a couple quizzes that have high nomination rates but low take counts: Lil' Self-Referential Logic Test #2 and How Many Abraham Lincolns? are ones that I'm considering putting the spotlight on.  Or I could just go for mass takes and try to push myself to 20k takes faster by spotlighting my recent SAT Words Click Quizzes series. However...

FOUR of my quizzes have received spotlights from cool, generous, and probably good-looking people over the last few months. Maybe I should pay it forward... maybe someone who reads the blogs has a great quiz that's underappreciated!

Feel free to chat in the comments about what you do with your spotlights.  Is it tacky to spotlight your own quizzes?  Should I avoid spotlighting my own quizzes? Do Abraham-Lincoln-related math quizzes need more attention?  Or are you a quiz maker who has made a wonderful quiz and polished it perfectly, only to get 12 takes?  Or do you know an underappreciated quiz maker who has a wonderful and polished quiz that just doesn't have the love it deserves?

This could be... you!!!!

Legal disclaimer: Please only include links to one of your quizzes. If it has glaring issues and needs polish, I likely won't pick it unless you clean it up before you link it. I am unlikely to pick one of your quizzes if you have hundreds of thousands of takes or quite a few featured quizzes.  Contest ends, I dunno, maybe February 4 or something. Prize has no cash value; I have no control over schedule of spotlight date.  Keep in mind this is just a fun way to discuss what we do with spotlights, so please no dumping on anyone's quizzes and don't feel bad if your super-intricate map quiz loses out to some stupid novelty quiz... I'm a man of many weaknesses, and novelty is one of them.

Level 77
Feb 4, 2023
And the winner is… Neodymium with a quiz I chose instead of the one they suggested! Lots of amazing quizzes were here, but the one I thought actually would benefit most from a spotlight was Neo’s. Check out US States Quiz By Non-Repeating Letters.
Level 69
Jan 30, 2023
Not my quiz, but do consider this one.
Level 77
Feb 4, 2023
That’s a wonderful quiz! I do think, though, that it will gain traction without being spotlighted. I have to think Quizmaster will feature that one at some point. It’s answers are a bit obscure, but what are we here for if not to increase our geography nerdiness?
Level 60
Jan 30, 2023
Wow, this is really generous of you. I’ll nominate this quiz of mine.
Level 77
Feb 4, 2023
This was fun. Reminds me of one by EpiCon
Level 60
Feb 5, 2023
Indeed, they just did it a different way.
Level 74
Jan 30, 2023
I’ve also found it can be hard to find quizzes to spotlight. I’m interested to see which quiz you pick!
Level 74
Jan 30, 2023
You’ve got a lot of unique quizzes by the way!
Level 77
Feb 2, 2023
Thanks! Other than novelty, I enjoy variety. It's given me eclectic tastes... leading to quizzes about all kinds of random, stupid things.
Level 60
Jan 30, 2023
Six of my quizzes have been spotlighted, four of them by me. I’ve never spotlighted another users quiz, partially because I don’t often find other under appreciated quizzes by small users (note on small, I’m not likely to sponsor a user with hundreds of thousands of takes), partially because I feel like a few of my quizzes need some more attention. One user that I’ve noticed filling the spotlight section is SpiritOfFire. Really great quizzes, but they definitely don’t need anymore spotlights lol. Give it a week or two and every quiz they own will have been there.
Level 67
Jan 30, 2023
Not mine, but I'd like to nominate this quiz which deserves to be featured but only has a hundred or so plays.
Level 77
Feb 2, 2023
I have to say... that quiz is pretty amazing looking. I found it really hard, too. I got about halfway through it a couple times and made one wrong move on a tile with barely any land and whammy... I just fell apart!
Level 67
Feb 4, 2023
Very true :)
Level 43
Jan 30, 2023
I don’t have so many good quizzes, although of my FWC Stadiums Series, and I don’t think I deserve a spotlight. But if I had to choose a quiz to spotlight, Random Physical Geography on a World Map is worth it!
Level 75
Jan 31, 2023
Ah yeah I took that one and nominated it. Definitely one of the best on the site
Level 60
Jan 31, 2023
Good quiz, but 7,000 takes! That’s pretty much
Level 77
Feb 4, 2023
This quiz doesn’t need a spotlight, I wouldn’t think. It needs to be featured, really.
Level 75
Jan 31, 2023
I'm gonna be honest here, that I've received 11 spotlight awards and only ever spotlighted my own quizzes.

I think the main reason for this is what I think people have already said, which is that underrated quizzes by lesser known quizmakers aren't always easy to find, and I myself have several I put a lot of work into and would love to see get more takes.

For this reason I'm not gonna put forward one of mine as I think others probably deserve it more, but if I do find one by someone else I like I'll consider entering it

Level 75
Jan 31, 2023
There is a quizmaker I discovered called Valence who I think has made some high quality quizzes that deserve more attention, so I'll put forward this quiz of theirs.
Level 73
Feb 1, 2023
So far, I've received 3 awards of my own (I used them for my own quizzes) and 2 times by other users. I am a small quizmaker and I think I don't have much visibility because most of my quizzes revolve around a country not many people are fond of.

Anyway, I'd nominate the following of my picture quizzes that revolve around food items:

Fruit and Vegetable Flowers by Picture. When I released it, the quiz broke itself and the images became all messy and disorganised. No one tried it. After QM fixed it for me, it hardly got a dozen takes.

Spices by Picture Quiz. What's life without some spice in it?

Level 59
Feb 2, 2023
Wdym not a lot of people are fond of?
Level 60
Sep 20, 2023
I took your picture quiz when the formatting was off.
Level 59
Feb 1, 2023

I really like this quiz, and overall comments over this quiz and a similar one have been positive (I think). It only has ~30 takes. I have 1 other spotlighted quiz due to be shown on the 4th (I don't think it deserves it as much as this one), and no nominated quizzes. I understand there may be other quizzes you must have seen already but I really hope you take the quiz and at least see what it is.

Your how many lincolns is a very fun quiz. (nominated)

Level 59
May 28, 2024
guess who just got a spotlight t’award? imma make a blog like this one
Level 77
May 28, 2024