Biggest Cities within xx Km

A quiz series by scambigol
Quiz# TakenPointsBest
2 Cities Furthest from larger city for Each Country on the World Map534--
50 Largest Cities and 50 Furthest from Larger Cities on the World Map630--
50 random Biggest World Cities within 250 Km with Map985--
100 World Cities furthest from Larger City364--
250 World Cities furthest from Larger City333--
1,000 World Cities furthest from Larger City by Latitude Proximity8,914--
1,000 World Cities furthest from Larger City by Longitude Proximity12,457--
1,000 World Cities furthest from Larger City by Non-Proximity5,760--
1,000 World Cities furthest from Larger City by Proximity3,525--
1,000 World Cities furthest from Larger City by Relative Proximity7,146--
1,000 World Cities furthest from Larger City by Semi-Proximity3,554--
2,000 Biggest World Cities Furthest from a Larger City51,9370-
Biggest 1M World Cities within 500 Km3,273--
Biggest African Cities within 100 Km1,251--
Biggest Asian Cities within 100 Km1,539--
Biggest Central American Cities within 100 Km400--
Biggest Cities compared to Urban Population within 1,000 km214--
Biggest Cities of Africa within 100 km with Hints on Dots by Proximity704--
Biggest European Cities within 100 Km4,671--
Biggest North American Cities within 100 Km1,834--
Biggest Oceanian Cities within 100 Km645--
Biggest South American Cities within 100 Km1,242--
Biggest Western European Cities within 50 Km1,530--
Biggest World Cities starting with C within 1,000 Km513--
Biggest World Cities within 1,000 Km35,8860-
Biggest World Cities within 1,000 Km or less873--
Biggest World Cities within 1,000 km or less depending on Population291--
Biggest World Cities within 100 Km by First 2 Letters5,815--
Biggest World Cities within 150 Km by Proximity18,566--
Biggest World Cities within 200 Km520--
Biggest World Cities within 200 Km (or 100), hints on dots1,938--
Biggest World Cities within 200 Km with hints on dots251--
Biggest World Cities within 250 Km5,999--
Biggest World Cities within 250 km with Hints on Dots by Proximity3,488--
Biggest World Cities within 300 km with letter hints on dots652--
Biggest World Cities within 400 km with letter hints on dots665--
Biggest World Cities within 500 Km1,162--
City Furthest from Larger City, 1 for each World Country215--