Population Quizzes

Population trivia for the demographics nerd. Can you name the countries that have the largest population? What about the biggest cities in the United States? If that's too easy, then try to name the biggest cities in China!
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Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new champion!
Can you guess the 50 most populous cities in the United States according to 2022 U.S. Census estimates?
How many of the world's 50 most populous urban areas can you name?
Guess every major city in the world by guessing any city within 1,000 kilometers. With a map!
Try to name the 50 most populous urban areas in Europe.
Name the world's 100 most populous urban areas - with the help of a map!
Try to name the world's smallest countries by population and land area.
Try to name the 100 most populous metro areas in the U.S.
Can you name the 100 most populous urban areas in Europe with the help of a map?
Can you guess the five most populated countries in each continent?
Thinking of meaty sandwiches might get you a couple.
1,165,638 Biggest Countries by Population
706,804 Biggest Cities in the United States
570,425 Biggest Cities in the World Quiz
433,322 All 1M Cities by Proximity
403,166 Biggest Cities in Europe
306,261 Smallest Countries by Population and Area
306,958 100 Biggest Cities on a World Map
287,521 Biggest Metro Areas in the USA
260,857 100 Biggest Cities in Europe with a Map
226,014 Biggest Cities in Germany
224,397 Five Most Populated Countries by Continent
217,266 Top 50 Countries by Population - In Order
199,121 Megacities on a World Map
193,643 Biggest Cities by Language
188,749 Biggest Cities in Italy
175,213 Countries with Megacities
173,188 Most Populous Countries in 2050
170,687 15 Largest Cities in Europe With a Map
167,975 Top 10 Most Populous European Countries
166,745 Biggest World Cities A-Z
161,256 Biggest Cities in France
156,647 Biggest Urban Areas in the UK
146,868 Most Populous Countries in 1900
146,581 Top 10 Least Populous U.S. States
145,864 Five Most Populated Cities by Continent
134,392 Biggest City in Each U.S. State
132,706 Biggest US Cities by Decade
132,639 Biggest Cities in Spain
131,233 Countries with the Highest Population Density
127,788 Most Populous World Capitals
127,684 Biggest English-Speaking Cities
126,891 Top 10 Most Populous Asian Countries
126,457 Countries with the Lowest Population Density
124,797 Countries With More than 50 Million People
123,170 Top 10 Most Populous U.S. States
123,175 Top 10 Most Populous African Countries
122,256 Five Biggest Cities by Country
120,800 Biggest Cities Starting With B
119,761 Biggest Cities in California
118,042 Biggest Cities in the U.S. - Extreme
118,027 Biggest Cities in China
113,165 Countries More Populous Than Their Neighbors
112,126 Flags of Countries With More Than 100 Million People
109,625 Biggest European Cities by Letter
109,007 Biggest U.S. Cities A-Z
108,663 Biggest Cities in Canada
108,225 Countries of Europe by Population
107,528 Capitals of Most Populated Countries
104,967 Biggest European Cities by Century
102,652 Most Populous Islands
100,501 Countries With More Than 100 Million People
99,026 Biggest Spanish-Speaking Cities
98,858 First Countries to Reach 5 Million People
98,556 Biggest Cities Starting With M
95,097 15 Largest Cities in Asia With a Map
94,893 Biggest Cities in Texas
93,134 Biggest Cities Starting With T
92,603 Biggest Cities Starting With S
89,744 Biggest Cities with a Muslim Majority
88,852Five Most Populated Countries in 2050 by Continent
87,410 Biggest Cities Starting With P
86,916 Countries with the Most Population Growth by Decade
86,856 Biggest Cities Starting With A
85,942 Most Populous Countries Bordering Each Other
85,839 Biggest Cities in Asia
85,784 Biggest Cities in 4 Random Countries on a Map
85,504 Biggest English Cities by Century
85,484 Most Populous Countries with Exceptions
84,862 Biggest Cities Starting With L
84,629 Biggest Cities Starting With D
84,009 Biggest Cities in Africa Quiz
83,475 Countries With More than 200 Million People
83,331 Populous Countries Bordering Smaller Countries
81,652 Top 10 Most Densely-Populated Countries in Europe
81,607 10 Biggest Cities That Aren't World Capitals
79,610 Biggest Cities in the UK
79,373 250 Biggest Cities in Europe With a Map
79,261 Biggest Cities Starting With C
78,891 Most Populous Countries by Year
78,281 Islands by Largest City #1
78,216 Five Most Populated Countries by Hemisphere
78,137 Biggest Two-Word U.S. Cities
77,015 Megacities on an Empty Map
76,434 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with D
75,884 Top 10 Asian Countries by Population Increase
75,620 500 Biggest US Cities
75,514 500 Biggest Cities in the World on a Map
75,345 Biggest Cities Starting With H
75,016 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with A
74,478 U.S. States with the Lowest Population Density
74,373 15 Largest Cities in South America With a Map
73,428 15 Largest Cities in the Middle East With a Map
72,997 Biggest Cities in the World - Extreme
71,935 Most Populated Countries Bordering the Pacific Ocean
71,875 Top 10 Most Densely-Populated Countries in Asia
70,970 Countries with a Population Under 1 Million by Clue
70,416 Biggest Cities in History
70,184 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with C
69,234 Biggest Mediterranean Cities
68,698 Biggest Cities in Russia
68,276 Top 15 Most Populous Countries Ending in "IA"
67,579 Biggest Cities in the World - 2100
66,907 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries by Century
66,734 Biggest City in Every Country
66,482 Biggest Cities in Japan
66,281 Countries with the Most People Bordering Them
63,334 Biggest Cities Starting With K
63,277 Most Populous Countries in 1950
63,144 Top 10 World Cities Through History
62,387 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with B
62,291 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with S
62,303 Every 100k+ City in the United States on a Map
61,975 Biggest Cities in Europe - Extreme
61,731 Biggest Cities in Each U.S. State - Extreme
61,358 Biggest Cities in Florida
61,309 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with M
60,579 Fastest Growing U.S. States Since 1960
60,317 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1500 AD
60,126 Most Populous Country by First Two Letters
59,100 25 Biggest Cities of the Soviet Union
58,811 All 100k+ Cities in Europe on a Map
58,564 Biggest Cities once in the Roman Empire
58,261 Biggest Cities in Europe, 1700 A.D.
58,133 Fastest Growing U.S. Cities
58,140 Five Biggest World Cities by Letter #1
57,505 Five Most Densely Populated Countries by Continent
57,457 Countries Losing the Most Population by 2070
57,439 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1 AD
57,426 Densest Countries Bordering Each Other
57,171 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with N
56,868 Five Least Densely Populated Countries by Continent
56,467 Biggest Nordic Cities
56,172 100 Biggest US Cities in 1900
56,099 Two Largest Cities by First Two Letters
55,728 Jewish Cities Quiz
55,399 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with L
55,394 Five Biggest World Cities by Letter #2
55,115 Ten Biggest Cities by Hemisphere
54,896 U.S. States with the Highest Population Density
54,880 50 Biggest Cities in 1920 on a World Map
54,777 Biggest Cities in India
54,662 Countries Less Populous Than Their Neighbors
54,222 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1000 AD
54,211 First U.S. States to Reach 1 Million People
54,144 Every 1,000,000+ City on a Map
53,700 All 3M Cities on the World Map
52,766 Five Most Populated Countries on a Multicolored World Map
52,698 Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with P
51,900 2,000 Biggest World Cities Furthest from a Larger City
51,823 Biggest Cities in the Commonwealth of Nations
51,170 Biggest Cities in New York State
50,789 100 Biggest Cities in Germany on a Map
49,953 U.S. Cities With Population > 1 Million
49,730 Biggest City by Time Zone
48,776 Biggest Cities in the Southern Hemisphere
48,808100 Biggest U.S. Cities on a Map
48,384 Biggest Cities in Latin America Quiz
47,857 Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1800 AD
47,493 Biggest World Cities in 1850
46,369 Three Most Populous Countries By Each Letter
46,301 Biggest Cities once in the Spanish Empire
45,464 Colour in the Flag Map by Guessing Cities
45,039 100 Biggest Cities in Italy on a Map
44,816 Biggest Countries by Population - Shape Quiz
44,170 100 Biggest Cities in the World with Exceptions
44,031 Ten Northernmost Megacities
44,020 100 Biggest Cities in North America on a Map
43,585 Countries by Population Decrease
43,508 Countries by Population Range - Tile Select
43,283 First U.S. Cities to Reach 100,000 People
42,650 Biggest Cities with Exceptions
42,324 Top 10 Most Populous U.S. State Capitals
42,180 Biggest City by Island
41,864 Most Populous Cities as a Percent of Their Continent
41,568 Biggest Cities in Brazil
41,261 Biggest Cities in Ohio
40,077All countries by Population - as you proceed you are given starting letter as hint
40,078 Biggest Cities in Poland
39,929 Countries Gaining the Most Population by 2070
39,896 Countries Similar to U.S. States by Population
39,796 Biggest Cities by Trait #1
39,330 Largest World Cities With Four Letters
39,155 Most Populous 2nd Cities
39,025 Biggest Cities in Pennsylvania
38,601 Biggest Cities once in the Ottoman Empire
38,184 Biggest Cities in Switzerland
37,848 Most Populous Second Cities in the U.S.
37,531 Largest World Capitals with Exceptions
37,398 Biggest Cities in Deserts
36,575 Second Biggest Cities Quiz
36,483 U.S. States by Second Most Populous City
36,215 Demographics Multiple Choice
35,861 Biggest World Cities within 1,000 Km
35,723 Colour in the Flag Map by Guessing Cities #2
35,628 Cities of Ireland
34,641 Biggest U.S. Cities Within 100 Kilometers
33,856 Biggest Two-Word Cities
33,826 Biggest Cities in Asia - Extreme
33,719 Most Populous U.S. Cities as a Percent of Their State
33,657 Biggest Cities in The Netherlands
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