The Tales of GrandOldLand #2: The Skirmish of Seattle


I don't know about you guys, but I loved last story. Learn about how Malkiboy and GrandOldMan had an epic face off against each other. So, once again, listen carefully and don't be afraid

Note: Events in this are completely fictional. All lines will have Grandese on the left, and English on the right.

(A bearded man sits at a table in GrandOldCapital, Capital Circle, GrandOldLand. He is wearing a formal military suit while reading an article on his nearby computer when three soldiers walk in...)

Soldier 1: Niól! | Sir!

Bearded Man (Rolling his eyes): Phe si vi intenti? | What do you want?

Soldier 1: Ivi'i spies socké Unito re throto malhai si 'monthe. | Our spies returned from America after three long months.

(Other soldiers give fidgeting nods)

Bearded Man: Si...? | And...?

Soldier 2 (Nervously): Fa 'ræt ivi'a yakmal pio Unito. Vivi rec numero sorveigh protect si ^sorveigh citaiko si sightmal nar fahrajé ploux. Si citaiko, ploux e JetPunkLand, mal, cké Seattle rec sorveigh cké numero sight sot learn rec fahrajé plouxe. | Right now we cannot conquer the United States. They and many other nations are protected by a powerful city-state that is nowhere near well known. This city-state, called JetPunkLand, might be based in Seattle, but immigrants from across the world come for learning and experience.

(Bearded Man opens his mouth to speak when a spy Albertan barges in)

Spy: I'll explain better, and I apologize that I can't remember crap about Grandese. Basically, nations worldwide are protected by this very powerful city-state based in Seattle known as JetPunkLand. People come here both to learn and have fun, and they are well rewarded. The reason they are so powerful? Well, it is their government. The president is Quizmaster, born Dan Hostetler, who is amazing with tactics and keeping his citizens happy. But the person who does a lot of behind-the-scenes work is his vice president, Stewart. This guy handles crime, building improvements, and law like no one else. The only other member of federal government is Prince Malkiboy of Story Stage. When he isn't documenting the nation's history, he is out helping the individual citizens of each of the four United Kingdoms that make up JetPunkLand. These are the Commenting Kingdom, ruled by Queen and King Commenter; the Quizzing Kingdom, ruled by Queen Quizzer; the Blogging Kingdom, ruled by King Blogger; and Story Stage, ruled by the Storian and Prince Malkiboy. The functions here are quite strange, and unfortunately they didn't let our spies go past the outermost layer: the Quizzing Kingdom.


  • GrandOldLand has bettered their government by much recently, and Grandese is increasing in popularity even in places as remote as Perth, Australia!
  • The feared empire has started their assault on the U.S. in Seattle
  • However, rumors say they might be attacking something entirely different

In Quizzing Kingdom...

(Queen Quizzer sits on a elegant throne within her castle while her servant, Liam, feeds the horses)

Queen Quizzer (Shielding her eyes from the setting sun): What...the...LIAM! Why are those barbarians slamming a battling ram into my walls???

(Liam sees the vast, determined army)

Liam: Your majesty, are you sure it is not King Blogger?

Queen Quizzer: Unless he has lost the last of his few brain cells, I think not. That flag is not one that he would make. Also, he would invade from where his kingdom is, not from the outside of the country...wait...the dreaded day has come. This has to be GrandOldLand! Send the troops!

(At ground level)

Quizzing Soldier 1: Let's crush some rag dolls, shall we?

GrandOldMan, the bearded man from before: BREAK DOWN THAT GATE YOU LAZY SCUMBAGS!


(On the third "throto", the gate is smashed open and troops from both sides rush into a massacre)

Commander Charles (Who got promoted after his last involvement): Pio 'ræt! Vi ploux, targetó si fahrajé arm! | Attack! Remember, aim for the preferred arm!

(Quizzing archer snipes him. Charles falls to the ground with an arrow protruding from his neck. The whole battle freezes.)

General "Fahrajé Targetó" Toro (Falling to the ground): He was my best man! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!?! HE WAS YOUNG!

(As his words echo, the kneeling troops begin to rise again, wiping their tears)

GrandOldLand Troops (Singing national death song):


Glory has risen once again,

'cause I hear the tick of origin,

the one that holds us to-ge-eh-ther

The time,

oh just remember the time,

British Columbia was lost inside,

and yet the troops still sang "we will fight",

'cause there was always a deeper sense of pride

Remember the time,

Grandese was formed within the city of rhyme,

always looking for a better life,

but never wanting to lose our kind

But I guess that's just the price you pay,

for the greatest nation of the world to date,

'cause at the end of the day the soldiers will always say "remember the time",

and Caatu, or Charles will always be remembered that way

(With a greater feeling of hope, the soldiers quickly surround the stunned JetPunkLandian army)

Quizzing Soldier 2: Wow. Okay then.

Queen Quizzer (Stumbling out of her castle in tears): I never knew your strange ethnicity could be so conveying. I will help you capture the next layer, the Blogging Kingdom, as long as you promise to treat us well as your subjects.

GrandOldMan: Of course, ma'am.

BREAKING NEWS - Update on the Battle of Seattle

  • After a couple of histories shortest skirmishes, the two largest layers of JetPunkLand have been captured by GrandOldMan
  • Surprisingly, Queen Quizzer of the Quizzing Kingdom happened to side with them after an unknown event
  • However, the skirmish taking place thereafter with the Blogging Kingdom has left several thousand dead and three times as many wounded
  • President and Vice President Quizmaster and Stewart are currently being rushed to Story Stage- the last defence

The Commenting Kingdom peacefully gave up, as they had no soldiers. The Grandese are invading Storian territory...

Fahrajé Targetó: Surrender soldiers or face the wrath of the great Grandese!

Storian Soldier 1: Never!

(That soldier is slaughtered and in his place is Prince Malkiboy, who is reciting a great story of victory)

Malkiboy: King Blogger strides out of his castle, confident to support the Storians.

(King Blogger appears out of nowhere with his army. GrandOldMan lunges towards Malkiboy, who is forced to switch from verbal to real weapons. They are now in an all out duel.)

Malkiboy (Drawing blood on GOM's arm): You will never defeat JetPunkLand!

(GOM quietly snarles and lunges toward Prince Malkiboy's leg. However, Malkiboy lunges away with ease.)

Malkiboy (Lunging out of the way yet again): Your soldiers go tired with every swing. They can't go on much longer.

(As he says this, the Grandese randomly grow very tired and let down their guard. A hundred die in an instant, but Fahrajé Targetó resists the urge to give up. He continues to leave a trail of dead Storians. Eventually, the Storian himself has his sword tip in his face.)

Fahrajé Targetó: Si Caatu! | For Charles!

The Grandese Army (Singing yet another national song):

And I know we will prevail,

like the tip of GOM's sharpest sword,

and I know you'll fail,

like that time Quebec lost his spies

(The same verse continues to repeat throughout the army, giving them hope)


(Malkiboy is shoved out of the way by the Storian)

Storian: They are a people wishing for conquest, but that doesn't mean they aren't people. The Grandese live off of national songs. How would you feel if you were ripped of your stories? That being said, I have read this book numerous times before, always holding onto the falsest of hope that it was fiction. However, it will only get worse for the Storians from here, so I issue a surrender!

GOM (Beaming): Thanks, kind Storian.

(Quizmaster and Stewart emerge from their hiding place)

Quizmaster (Content): Well done. I will surrender this nation as a whole if you let us rule your subdivision for it.

Fahrajé Targetó (Stepping in front of GOM): Of course, thank you for your kindness!


  • GrandOldLand officially has conquered a large territory in the midst of Seattle
  • After only half a day of fighting, thousands are dead and many more are wounded

Looking back, I have three things in mind. For one, I apologize if there was too much gore, I tried to make it have as least as possible. Second, this ended up being a lot longer than I wanted or expected it to, so I hope I didn't bore you to death. And third, I guess I should've asked Malkiboy to use his characters. Do you mind Malki? One more thing is that no one else played a part in this fictional production.
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
Lol Malki I hope you don't mind...
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
If anyone wants to be in next story, just inform me.
Level 60
Apr 5, 2021
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
Thanks ;)
Level 34
Apr 20, 2021
Can I be in story? Maybe I shpuld be insignificant soldier who dies first! That sounds like me on Jetpunk!
Level 51
Apr 5, 2021
Attention GrandOldMan!
Level 43
Apr 5, 2021
I’m not in the story ;-; lol
Level 51
Apr 5, 2021
Neither am I 😭
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
If you want, you can be a Brazilian immigrant to JetPunkLand who becomes a soldier for GrandOldLand. By the way, if anyone wants to learn Grandese, it is well enough developed for me to make a blog on it if anyone wishes for it.
Level 51
Apr 5, 2021
Welon Yakut Throto Sx
Level 66
Apr 5, 2021
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
Yep, that is pretty convenient because I was actually going to have GOL take Southeast Asia next.
Level 42
Apr 5, 2021
I want to own the Turnbacktwo kingdom Republic

I take Senegal, Iraq, Sri lanka, Sicily, Cameroon, United Kingdom, Southern parts of Greece, West Kenya, and northern Argentina

Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
So more like a colonized European empire...?
Level 42
Apr 5, 2021
Level 66
Apr 5, 2021
Then I get Sumatra and Sulawesi, Macau, Palau and Papua New Guinea?
Level 66
Apr 5, 2021
I just noticed it has a ring to it.
Level 42
Apr 5, 2021
Well OK
Level 42
Apr 6, 2021
No I'll take Sicily, Andalusia, Valencia, Liverpool a city state and Northern Kenya
Level 52
Apr 5, 2021
Awesome, man...I wouldn't mind if other users' countries came into play too...
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
Thanks! :) These take quite a while to make, but I'm sure if someone asked like SirPhilippines then I can do that.
Level 52
Apr 5, 2021
When I get home from work I'm going to make some quizzes about GrandOldLand.
Level 66
Apr 5, 2021
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Who's "GEO"

If it's me, then it's actually KirbyXD

Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
I think he means GeoPhilia, but not positive
Level 52
Apr 10, 2021
Kind of stuck on what to make.
Level 66
Apr 14, 2021
Sorry, KirbyXD
Level 60
Apr 5, 2021
Can I be Portugal?
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
No, you can't be Portugal. However, I can make Porto a city-state ruled by you.
Level 60
Apr 5, 2021
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
I would like to be in this story (as KirbyLand in Manila, Philippines and has a powerful project making duplicate kirbies for the army (reference to kirby battle royale)
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
Ok. You'll be a Story writer.
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Oh ok thanks
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
So when is the next chapter?
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Because we can collab on blogs now.
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
I'll start writing it sometime soon, but I want to be the only one writing for coordination and organization purposes. Sorry.
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
oh ok
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
So what do you mean I can be a story writer?
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
You'll be in the story as a Storian.
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Seriously though, what is a storian
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
A storian is someone who writes stories in Story Stage. Read Malkiboy's fourth JetPunkLand to understand. After all, he did create them.
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021

are they insignificant

Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
They are not insignificant.
Level 61
Apr 5, 2021
Level 68
Apr 5, 2021
Wow, what a crossover! You’ve adapted Malki’s characters perfectly! Very funny, nice job!
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
Thanks Mr. Household Appliance!
Level 66
Apr 6, 2021
can I be in the story?
Level 65
Apr 6, 2021
You'll be a quizzer.
Level 66
Apr 6, 2021
Level 65
Apr 6, 2021
Level 59
Apr 6, 2021
There's actually something called the Battle of Seattle. See this Wikipedia article (promise no rickroll)
Level 65
Apr 6, 2021
Title changed to "Skirmish"
Level 71
Apr 19, 2021
Can I also be in one of these blog posts? Doesn't have to be the next one necessarily, I just want to be included some time. My proposal is I'm a pirate king with a naval empire along the Bay of Bengal and/or the Swahili Coast (or wherever you wanna stick me, as long as it has a coast). Also, I have giant death robots.

If you don't like this proposal, I'm also content with being whatever role you need me to play.

Level 65
Apr 20, 2021
Of course you can, the more the merrier! Well, I am already very well into writing the third, so you would be in the fourth. In fact, it would go perfectly if you would be fine with being a pirate of the Empire of Turnbacktwo (Mediterranean) which would make much sense with the plot for the 4th.