The Unbiased Report of the Shadow-Banning of TheBerryLegend


Let me first start off with this: my goal of this blog is to give the first unbiased report on the shadow-banning of TheBerryLegend. I have taken into account multiple sources, both from Quizzer218232 and this blog by Berry. I have also investigated the conversations on quizzes that had not yet been deleted. So, let's get right to it.

Summary of TheBerryLegend's report

According to the rushed blog of TheBerryLegend, he and Quizzer were good friends on JetPunk. However, one day he noticed that Quizzer had taken some of his quiz ideas and copied them, with a few alterations. "He had a bunch of my quizzes just he changed the rules and stuff and I got mad at him".

Berry then moves on to report the quizzes, only to have Quizzer comment on his quizzes saying that it wasn't an intentional copy, he had no idea that Berry's quiz existed. So Berry checks the friend stats on his quiz, and finds that Quizzer indeed took the quiz. "I was him friend, so I looked at the Friend Stats, and it says he has".

He proceeds to command Quizzer to delete the quizzes, a failed attempt, and the angered Quizzer is blocked after spreading rumors. Berry's blog moves on to a confusing couple of sentences stating how they continued to lash out to each other to delete quizzes. Shortly after, Quizzer had emailed Quizmaster to ban Berry. And so that is where Berry is shadow-banned, and claims that QM says this: "The ban is permanent, sorry. This wasn't the first incident. You might be better served going to the other website[, Sporcle]."

The rest of the blog has little matter, and Berry fails to take an account on the "This wasn't the first incident". Whether this was strategical or forgotten, I am unsure. It certainly leaves a feeling of distrust.

Summary of Quizzer218232's report

According to the account of Quizzer218232 in a comment on this blog, Quizzer had created a "Fast Typing X" and a "Fast Typing Y" quiz. Because Berry had created the 'series' (in which Quizzer justifies as only A, B, C, and D), Berry tried to get him to delete it. Quizzer's response was to tell him to make X and Y and he wouldn't say it was a copy. "I said he can make Fast Typing X and Y and I wouldn't class it as copyright".

Then Quizzer's account strangely transitions to telling Berry to create a quiz about the quizzes he had made. Berry agreed, but made Fast Typing X and Y say (kinda copy), triggering Quizzer to make Berry delete it. Quizzer told Berry to just block him. Berry did, and more negative events came. "A week later, I blocked him and then he makes a quiz about me saying I hacked his account (which is a complete lie i swear I dont even know his password, he was lying)".

Finally, Quizzer just decided to email Quizmaster and that was when Berry got banned.

In another comment, Quizzer states that he never told rumors about Berry. There are certainly more holes in this account, although it was a comment not a blog. There are some huge variations between their reports.

My unbiased report

However, it seems some things went unsaid. For example, Fast Typing X now says in a caveat, "Credit goes to The BerryLegend". It seems that by now, all Berry comments are deleted, so I can't exactly verify too much. I do know that Berry no longer has a quiz called "Quizzes Made by @Quizzer218232".

After much thought, here is my guessed account on what happened: It starts off with Quizzer creating a couple of alterations of Berry's quizzes. Angry, Berry tells him to delete them, a failed attempt. Now that they are both in a rage, Quizzer moves on to tell a couple of rude comments of his opinion on Berry's behavior, provoking Berry to block him. Most likely, the 'rumors' were opinionated comments.

They try to move on, and in once instance Quizzer requests for a quiz about himself to be made, in which Berry quietly attacks the ownership of the "Fast Typing" X and Y quizzes. Many state that these are of no real difference from each other, and Berry should not have gotten mad about that 'series'.

We enter a series of events with comments being spewed from both sides, and then something may or may not have happened. There is no way to verify that Berry called Quizzer a hacker, other than the ban itself. After Quizzer emails Quizmaster, Quizmaster surely investigates the situation before banning.

*Part with bias*

Berry refuses to believe it was his fault, and the same goes with Quizzer. In my personal opinion, the two faults of Quizzer were not deleting Fast Typing Y and Z, and asking Berry to make a quiz about his quizzes. Berry thinks he could get "unbanned", but here are two reasons why I believe otherwise:

1. If Quizmaster "unbanned" him, he would surely be forced to make much more exceptions in the future. It would lead to chaos.

2. Berry has not yet owned up to the mistakes he made, and is only focusing on that of the other person. This shows that the ban has taught no lesson yet, and to un-ban him would lead to the same exact thing.

My account was short and a bit unclear, but I have organized these events into a more readable blog. Whether Quizzer or Berry was wrong doesn't matter at this point, and we should move on. I am open to other opinions in the comments, as long as they remain respective an non-offensive.

Level 43
Feb 27, 2021
I agree with Clutch. Berry and Quizzer are acting like Luke and Matthew (JPW). Quizzer should have asked Berry if he could do the Fast Typing series on his account. And Berry, in turn, should have acted less explosively. I think the story of hacking Berry's account is a bit false, but you can consider it because Berry says that Quizzer knew his password, because they were friends and had contributed while Quizzer was not at level 30. We would need to collect more facts to have a concrete decision, but for me it’s already concrete that one of the two is lying. For me, each one lies in some way, but everything needs to be resolved in haste.
Level 68
Feb 27, 2021
I think we can learn from this incident. Bye, Berry.
Level 65
Feb 27, 2021
Level 51
Feb 27, 2021
I'm tilting with Berry, but at the same time siding with Quizzer218232 on some of the issues.
Level 66
Feb 28, 2021
I really don't think there should be "tilting", "siding", or "agreeing". There is nothing to agree on. There is a conclusion.
Level 68
Feb 27, 2021
As much as this blog is nicely formatted, I hope we're not just going to see blogs about these two for the next week... The Blogs section of JetPunk deserves better than gossip, bickering and arguments.

No offence to you Clutch, it's just this is the 3rd blog about this today already...

Level 55
Feb 27, 2021
well said.
Level 43
Feb 27, 2021
Level 65
Feb 27, 2021
True. However, I won't delete this, just as I won't make anymore. It'll only get deleted if you decide to, and I'm perfectly fine with that if you really think it is necessary. But my goal is for this to be the last blog regarding this.
Level 68
Feb 27, 2021
I don't think it's necessary to delete this one, it provides a clear overview for those who are curious. What I don't want this to spark is a series of blogs. Thanks for understanding Clutch.
Level 51
Feb 27, 2021
Yes, although the shadow-banning of TheBerryLegend has been very unfortunate, the R.U.B. can't have this in it 24-7.
Level 55
Feb 27, 2021
"Let me sum it up... He was saying rumors about me so, I told lies about him, he got mad, I make a quiz declaring war on him because I wanted to tell people about him so, he emailed QM about it when the quiz is already deleted". This is what the berry legend said, meaning he admitted he lied.
Level 14
Feb 27, 2021
I'm with Quizzer. Berry overacted and he had no reason to lie.
Level 55
Feb 28, 2021
If I figure out about the hacking part, ill be sold to whomever was telling the truth. I really wanna believe Quizzer, because hacking is an extreme thing to do, but I cant come to that conclusion yet.
Level 54
Feb 28, 2021
I am also with Quizzer although Berry was my great friend
Level 55
Mar 1, 2021
Now it appears berry has been completely banned.
Level 51
Mar 1, 2021
Level 51
Mar 1, 2021
404 error is there
Level 66
Mar 2, 2021
yep. gone.
Level 32
Mar 2, 2021
Level 59
Mar 24, 2021
Did Quizzer get banned or delete his account? I'm confused bc it isn't there anymore. Does anyone know what happened to Quizzer?
Level 65
Mar 24, 2021
He "accidentally" deleted his account.
Level 63
Apr 3, 2021
What exactly is shadow-banning?
Level 65
Apr 3, 2021
Shadow-banning is when someone can still use their account in all normal fashions except that they can't comment or do anything social on another person's content. Also, in this case, TBL's blogs and quizzes could only be viewed if someone looked at his profile. He is actually banned now though.
Level 55
May 18, 2021
I was chatting with berry and mg17 and he told me that he tried Sporcle, but it doesn't work.
Level 55
May 18, 2021
... and quizzer has joined as well