The Journey to #1 on JetPunk



It has taken many many years, but relessness the once mighty, self-declared "King of JetPunk", has been dethroned.

Top Users on JetPunk as of September 3rd 2023
Stewart's user profile as of September 3rd 2023
relessness's user profile as of September 3rd 2023

You can see below the graph showing the cumulative takes of relessness and myself over time. Relessness was the first user to reach 300k, 400k, 500k, 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 25m, and even 26m. But no longer, a coup d'état has taken place, and Stewart has taken rule.

However, unlike Avatar reclaiming #1 from Avengers: Endgame (in terms of Worldwide Box Office), I am confident relessness will not reclaim the title. Especially since he has not even logged-in to JetPunk since earlier this year, and has not commented since 2020.

Chart of Stewart vs. relessness

So how did this come to be? How did I, a mere British mortal, manage to overcome a self-declared "King"? Well, let's first take a look at the history of the #1 user on JetPunk, since relessness was not always the top-dog of quizzers!

History of #1 JetPunker

Using web archive we can look back at the history of the top user on JetPunk. User-created quizzes first became available in January 2012, and in January and February 2012 the top user changed so frequently due to the low takes around.

For example, the image to the right shows all the users which had created quizzes as of February 29th 2012. Quizmaster is excluded.

Note that the top 4 accounts are all created by JetPunk itself, so the first genuine "top user" is Luke Allan, who would later become LBA, who still exists at #14 today! (Despite having not logged in since 2016). Although he was #1, he had just 60 quiz takes.

As you can see, during these first few months it was very slow and difficult to get takes as a non-Quizmaster quiz.

Top Users as of February 29th 2012
Top Users as of March 3rd 2012

Shortly after, a new user's quiz would rocket up the rankings. This quiz was UEFA Champions League Winners from zwizdan007. Not only is he still around and ranked #59, but he is also still active on JetPunk! 

Due to the relatively low takes of the top users, it was rather easy for zwizdan007 to take the top spot, and on March 9th we see zwizdan007 even above geoPunk with almost 2000 takes!

Unfortunately, due to lack of data, we have to jump to May 10th 2012, where we can see a change in the leaderboard. Now, CBTemple, who is currently ranked 28th and is still active as a quiztaker on JetPunk, has taken the top spot thanks to his Disney and Star Wars character quizzes.

With over 27,000 takes, it would seem CBTemple would stay atop the boards for quite a while.

This is also the first leaderboard to feature relessness, down at rank 38 with 30 quizzes.

Top Users as of May 10th 2012

The next update (left image) after this comes in July 2012. CBTemple is still #1, but relessness is rising, having the greatest number of user-created quizzes (since geoPunk is affiliated). Currently ranked #12, he would continue rising quickly up the ranks.

On the right, you can see 3 months later in October 2012. CBTemple has remained #1 this whole time, but relessness is now #3 and has almost twice as many quizzes as anybody else, giving him the greatest chance of success.

Top Users as of July 11th 2012
Top Users as of October 5th 2012

Fast forward 6 months... relessness has now reached #2 and CBTemple is still #1. However, relessness has 250 quizzes, dwarfing everybody else.

Thankfully for CBTemple, his lead is just too great, and his quizzes are just too popular for now.

Relessness would need to find a secret ingredient to catch up, besides sheer quantity of quizzes.

Top Users as of April 24th 2013

In fact, it would take a whole year for relessness to gain enough takes to take over.

From this screenshot on March 15th 2014, we can see reless is now only 6,000 takes away, with over 350 quizzes now.

The next update is from March 27th 2014, which shows reless on top with a lead of 7,000 now. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that relessness became #1 around March 21st 2014.

In fact the reason relessness suddenly grew in the end was thanks to his French staples (Pays d'Europe, Pays d'Afrique, Pays d'Asie etc...), which, in conjunction with a boom on Facebook, throttled relessness to over half a million takes by the end of Summer 2014.

Top Users as of March 15th 2014
Top Users as of March 27th 2014

Relessness would remain #1 all the way until September 2nd 2023, when he was finally dethroned, after 9.5 years on the podium, a total of 3452 days on the top.

Who was relessness?

Relessness, real name Adam, is a British man who was only a few years older than myself. Unfortunately, not much is known about him publicly, but he went to university we know that.

The main interaction with relessness recently was via the JetPunk discord back in 2019, where he appeared quite overcome with his "power" and was not humble in the slightest. Although maybe they were sarcastic jokes, it's hard to tell over the internet. Either way, here were my two favorite quotes:

To be fair to him, he was useful for myself and others in the earlier days of JetPunk. And in private conversations (again via Discord), he was more ordinary and not as in-your-face as he appeared on the public discord.

How did I get to #1?

I joined JetPunk January 12th, 2016. Though did not create my first quiz until January 29th 2016. I suppose that's quite quick to go from quiztaker to quizmaker. So, at the point I joined JetPunk, relessness had just crossed 1.6 million takes after 4 years on JetPunk. How on earth did I manage to catch-up to relessness, despite being 4 years late to the party?

Well, for starters, 7.5 years is a really long time. But also, very early on I made many quizzes, and many well-liked and unique quizzes, which lead to me to gain takes rather quickly, reaching 1000 takes in just 2 weeks, and having never had a single day less than 9 takes since creating quizzes.

So what quizzes were these early ones? Well, my very first quizzes were:

Top 25 Social Networks by Number of Active Users

10 Facts about Pi

Not what you might expect, but day 1 they got me 20 takes, so I wasn't complaining! After a couple small geography quizzes, I created Chess Pieces (With Board and Pictures!), which would eventually become my first featured quiz (though not till June 10th 2016). However, this quiz put me on the map, since it used the quiz editor in a very creative way which had not been done as much before. This was only early February, when I was creating 4 or 5 quizzes a day.

My next "revelation" would be my delving into puzzles, specifically ABC Path - Puzzle Logic Game #1, which, much like the Chess quiz, used the quiz editor in a very inventive and unique way.

However, the quiz that defined my career was Country Word Search #1 on February 4th. Originally using an image, since SVGs weren't available to the public yet, people absolutely loved this type of quiz. Given it got 50 takes in the first 24 hours (which was huge for the time), it was very clear this should be the path I went down.

By the end of February 2016, I would have 64 quizzes and almost 3000 takes. Of which there were 20 Country Word Search, 7 US States Word Search and 3 Animals Word Search. These 30 quizzes had accumulated me 1500 takes in less than 1 month.

Towards the end of February there was the creation of another popular series: World Map with 10 Extra Borders. This quiz again used images, and with 56 takes in the first 24 hours it was clear that geography and maps were popular on JetPunk. Needless to say by the end of March 2016 there was 8 World Map versions, 2 Europe Maps and an Asia Map as well. By the end of March I was up to 5.5k total takes, and with exams looming my quiz output slowed down.

Any day during April and May when I released quizzes, my takes would shoot up 100-200 takes, then would die down again. It would remain this way until my first front-paged quiz - the Chess one - gained me almost 4000 takes in a single day. Taking me to 20,000 takes total. For the time, having such a low % of takes from your top quiz was unheard of for such a small quizmaker. But after all by this point I had 150 quizzes, most of which had done pretty well.

Summer 2016 was a major turning point, since this introduced the ability for quizmakers to include SVG maps in their quizzes!

Although my inspiration, and thus quiz output, began to dwindle towards the end of 2016. Especially since I had just started University and so available time to make quizzes was limited.

I ended my first year on JetPunk with 34,000 takes - which is a phenomenal total given the time - but is also lower than it could have been.

Up until this point, while I'd delved into SVGs, and became a bit of a mini expert on them, I still hadn't had a blow-away idea for them. That was until this came to mind...

This is Zone 1 of the London Underground. I released this quiz February 12th 2017, and 4 hours later it was featured by Quizmaster / Dan. This remains, to this day, one of my fastest ever featured quizzes. This is what Dan said about it in a blog, How To Make Your Quiz Eligible For Points:

Anyway, jumping forward in time, it wouldn't be until February 2018 when I hit 100k, and with this I reached the top 60 users on JetPunk. From this point, I steadily increased to hit 1 million takes in August 2019, becoming the 11th user to hit the mark. By now I was regularly the 2nd biggest gainer every month, behind only reless. Despite gaining 150-200k per month by the end of 2019, it seemed impossible to catch up to his 180-250k monthly totals.

This all changed in 2020. January 2020, I had my best month ever, and finally overtook reless on monthly totals, in fact every single month (except December 2020) since then I have beaten relessness:

And while I was still gaining, I wasn't gaining enough to really catch-up. I remember running estimates at the time and it would take 10+ years for me to catch him. That all changed when 2022 came around.

For anybody unaware, 2022 was a major turning point for JetPunk, largely attributed to changes in google's algorithms and TikTok. More on that in this chart: JetPunk Quizzes Taken By Month.

From that chart, and my image above, you can see from March 2022 JetPunk went through an absolute explosion, and thanks to my quizzes and my non-English contributions of them, I catapulted to over 1 million takes a month in April and May 2022! Instead of the 1 or 2 thousand I was gaining each day on relessness, it was now pushing 13-14k per day! At that rate I would've passed him before the end of 2022, but alas the summer months came, and so did the the usual JetPunk summer slump.

To date, the best ever month from a user other than myself was relessness in March 2023 with 763k. So even still, I was gaining more than anybody else ever has.

It was a steady ride throughout 2023 to get to the taking point, but it has finally happened, and it's finally over. I will still track my stats, as I have done for 7.5 years, but now the pressure of competition is off for now.

Will I be #1 forever? I doubt it, there's many many great quizmakers out there, some with real potential to sweep the competition (overtired rings a bell). But I suspect the next #1 will come from someone having their quiz explode on social media. Or elsewhere, out of pure luck. It took 9.5 years for there to be a different #1, I'd hope to keep it for a bit longer. Although I don't have the lead that relessness had for years and years.

Closing Thoughts

While this has been a long journey to get here, there is also so much more we can learn from this.

Don't forget to also read my special interview with baptistegorce: Interview of a JetPunker #30 - Stewart, which features a special Q&A at the end for anybody interested!

Level 66
Sep 3, 2023
I usually take quizzes from quizzers number 1 to 8 and from Quizmaster.
Level 54
Sep 3, 2023
What a beautiful journey! You are a true example for every JetPunker, and your accomplishment definitely desserve the congratulations of the whole community. Félicitations!

Thank you for this great blog too, with many interesting stats and a beautiful collection of stats.

Excellent continuation to you, and thank you again for what you did for our favourite website!

Level 58
Sep 3, 2023
Awesome achievement Stewart! Well deserved!
Level 43
Sep 3, 2023
Excuse me, you dropped this: 👑
Level 69
Sep 3, 2023
Well now, that makes you wonder: if Quizmaster is the king of the site, who is Stewart? Perhaps the Prime Minister, though JetPunk is not a democracy so that's out the window. A viceroy, then, makes the most sense, as he can perform plenty of administrative actions.

Oh, and congratulations, Stewart! I can't even begin to imagine the sheer work put into it all.

Level 68
Sep 3, 2023
I'd say Quizmaster is more like God, and I am King. While I still have to abide by mortal rules, QM can do what he likes when he likes and doesn't have to abide by any rules - ergo a God.
Level 69
Sep 4, 2023
Such theological implications must run deep. What is Quizmaster's holy text—the JetPunk blog, perhaps? Are his comments considered canon to such? Additionally, can we separate the spirit (creating, taking, etc.) from the man?
Level 65
Sep 7, 2023
@Qyz you should definitely expand on that
Level 59
Jan 31, 2024
And you claim the divine right to rule I see!
Level 59
Sep 3, 2023
Congratulations! It’s definitely been a long journey for you and I wish you a good reign.
Level 74
Sep 3, 2023
Congrats, Stewart! This is a great blog walking us through your journey to the top!

Certainly a well-deserved spot

Level 67
Sep 3, 2023
Congrats Stewart! Over the 5 years I've been on Jetpunk myself, (it really doesn't feel that long lol) it's been wonderful to see all the progress that has been made on this platform. Here's to another 26 million plays!
Level 68
Sep 3, 2023
This is beautiful, Stewart.
Level 83
Sep 3, 2023
Congratulations, Stewart! Everything you have done for this community, be it in blogging, quizmaking, quiztaking, or administrating the Discord, does not go unappreciated.

The things you do are done with so much dedication and technical mastery, and with such kindness, understanding, and reason, that no one people on this platform can even parallel it.

Thank you so much for all of this, and I think I speak for every JetPunker when I say that.

Level 72
Sep 3, 2023
Congratulations! It feels right for you to be the #1.
Level 85
Sep 3, 2023
What an achievement, congrats!! Very interesting read too, delving into your history with JetPunk and the quizzes that caught on. Thanks for all your amazing quizzes, and of course all you do beyond that for the site, and its users. You've always been friendly, helpful and encouraging and it makes a huge difference when the veterans of a community are that way.

(And thanks for the shout out, but unless I invent a time machine and do all your quiz ideas before you in the past, not a chance!)

Level 68
Sep 3, 2023
Just remember, I didn't exist on JetPunk until reless was on top for 2.5 years. So it is entirely possible for anybody to take the crown in the future!
Level 59
Sep 3, 2023

Congrats Stew!

Level 68
Sep 3, 2023
Congrats. I remember when you commented on my first blog! Meant a lot
Level 84
Sep 3, 2023
Well done, my friend. :) I really appreciate all you have done for the site.
Level 70
Sep 3, 2023
Congrats Stewart! I remember when we were both at 500k and you offered to race me to a million takes :)

Thanks for giving me some flashbacks to some of my favourite JetPunk moments. Making quizzes on holidays and getting excited about 20 takes, when SVG maps first got introduced. Relessness had twice the amount of takes of anyone else so it is a huge milestone to finally dethrone him.

Level 68
Sep 4, 2023
Thanks Jiao! Needless to say, #19 and 3m takes is nothing to shrug about either, that's still very impressive numbers too :)
Level 78
Sep 4, 2023
Legend! Well done Stewart, and thanks for the help you gave me a while back with some of my quizzes!
Level 71
Sep 4, 2023
Congrats Stewart! I've always appreciated how much you've given back to the JetPunk community and supported other users. Very well deserved!
Level 55
Sep 4, 2023
congrats stewart you deserve every bit of your success! :)
Level 66
Sep 5, 2023
What would be humorous albeit sad is if JetPunk saw this blog and banded together to make relessness #1 again.
Level 65
Sep 7, 2023
uhoh nickelz don't say that... you know what the internet's like
Level 71
Sep 5, 2023
Congrats Stewart! I enjoy JetPunk and in large part, it's due to your many contributions!
Level 65
Sep 7, 2023
Congratulations Stewart! You have done an amazing job both as a quizmaker and as a moderator / ruler of this site! Here's to a long time at the top! (until overtired gets ya lol)
Level 66
Sep 7, 2023
Congrats, Stewart! You have done an amazing job making this site a nice and good quizzing place. A lot of us are doing great work in making this site the best. Keep up the good work guys! Enjoy your number-one spot, Stewart!
Level 65
Sep 16, 2023
I too was so excited with my first (and currently only) featured quiz, amazing job and your quizzes have certainly inspired me to create my own! Thanks Stewart!
Level 68
Sep 19, 2023
Despite our many disagreements I have to commend and congratulate you on this achievement.
Level 77
Sep 27, 2023
I noticed that I have a "streak" number now. It's quite low, though.... I didn't even know I had a streak to keep! What's your streak, Mr. Stewart?
Level 68
Sep 28, 2023
Just 1 day, because I don't have the time to play quizzes daily