Statistiques concernant Data visualization charts

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Similar to a line chart, but the area between the line and the xaxis is filled with color or texture. Useful for showing how a total amount is divided among groups.Area Chart
Used to compare quantities across different categories. Highly effective for visualizing clear differences between items.Bar Chart
Provides a visual representation of the statistical distribution of a dataset, showing the median, quartiles, extremes, and outliers.Box Plot
A variant of the scatter plot where the size of the bubble represents a third variable, adding an additional dimension to the interpretation.Bubble Chart
Displays intervariable relationships in a circular format. The arcs connecting different sections show how data points are interconnected.Chord Chart
Represents the magnitude of phenomena as colors in two dimensions. Useful for visualizing the density or intensity of data.Heatmap
Illustrates the distribution of a numerical variable by grouping data into bins or intervals. Similar to a bar chart, but each bar represents a range of data.Histogram
Ideal for displaying trends over time (timeseries data). Points are connected by straight lines, making it easy to observe rises and falls in the data.Line Chart
Shows proportions and percentages among different categories. Each slice of the circle represents a category, and its size is proportional to its share of the whole.Pie Chart
Data are plotted on a radial axis with each variable having its own axis running from the center outwards. Useful for comparing multiple quantitative variables.Radar Chart
Used to show flows from a set of sources to a set of destinations. The thickness of the arrows is proportional to the flow quantity.Sankey Diagram
Used to display the relationship between two numerical variables. Each point represents an observation in the space defined by the two variables.Scatter Plot
Bars are divided into colorcoded segments that represent subcategories. Allows viewing the portion of each subcategory within the total.Stacked Bar Chart
Each block of the Treemap is a rectangle that can be nested. The size and color of the rectangles represent numerical variables, helping to visualize hierarchies.Treemap

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