How do I easily make a link on Google Docs or with Coding (HTML)?



Links have been around since 1992, and have entertained a purpose on the internet that we often take for granted. They have served multiple functions- from visiting a site without typing in every last letter (essential for quick and effective research), to teasing one's friends with "false links". So how should you, the user of a vast intellectual dictionary called the internet, create these easy, blue shortcuts?

Mosaic Browser, the first with clickable links (accessed via Wikimedia Commons)

Google Docs

Google Docs is an easily accessible doc-creation program that allows users to type books, notes, homework assignments, work forms, or just about anything they want to. You can type with
, underline, bold, italics, etc, all kept within a viewable toolbar near the top of the page. The one popular feature that is difficult to see? Links, of course.

Well, technically the symbol is directly next to many of the features mentioned above. However, according to many personal opinions, it looks more like an unattractive snapped pill. Not likely to be clicked on. If you wish to use this feature, simply click it and a double-insert tab should pop up on the page. In the first insert, type your link text, and in the second insert, type the URL itself (This is found on the top of every web-page). Or, type your text beforehand, highlight it, hit the link symbol, and fill out the URL insert.

Another method is using shortcuts. These can be lifesavers in many situations. In this circumstance, using Ctrl+K will work the same as clicking the link symbol. Other shortcuts can be used to get the URL, such as Ctrl+L to highlight it, Ctrl+C to copy it, and Ctrl+V to paste it.

URL's can be found at the top of each and every web-page

HTML (Website Creation and Beyond)

Looking to create a website for your small business? Looking to make a video game to impress your friends? Just trying to interact on a site where users are granted the ability to code their chats? HTML (a popular form of coding) has got you covered (though the video game might require some JavaScript coding, or JS). Links are one of the most simple things to create, although oftentimes the simple function is unknown to some, taking away most motivation to continue their bright and innovative idea. In this section, we'll explain more than just a simple link.

Please note that I had to use fancy versions of <> to not activate the code. Use the normal versions. The simplest link is relatively easy to create. Because HTML relies on HTML tags (key letters sandwiched between a pair of these: <>), the first step of link creation is to type ❮a, which calls upon the classic styling for links. Next, we can type a space proceeding href="URL", which will tell the computer that the space where the "URL" is (obviously type the URL not "URL") will contain the ID for the website that will be visited once clicked. Finally, type the ❯ to close the tag, type the text you want to show, and end the link styling with the HTML tag but with a slash in it. If that is too hard to understand, here is an example:

❮a href=""❯More about HTML❮/a❯


More about HTML

Now, surely once before you have tried to click on a link on a web-page and BAAM. In an instant, the new page is opened on the same tab...meaning you have to go back through and try to find your old site (unless you use the back arrow ;| ). The way to have a link open a new tab is to add a space and target="_blank" after the other quotation marks. Once again, an example:

❮a href="" target="_blank"❯More about HTML❮/a❯


More about HTML

One last cool trick is to keep a link a color no matter how many times a user clicks it. A color because it does not just have to be blue. In fact, you can color a link any color that you think fits your content, or even just you! (Excluding patterns and gradients). Just add a space and style="color:Yourchoice" and Voilà! Your link is now looking fancy! One last example (with exact color of blue):

❮a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0000EE"❯More about HTML❮/a❯


More about HTML

Quick Step-by-Step (No explanations)

Google Docs

1. Click the link icon or type Ctrl+K

2. Fill out first text insert with text you want to show, and second insert with the URL

3. Take this URL from the top of the website you wish to link by using Ctrl+C to copy, and Ctrl+V to paste


1. Type ❮a href="URL"

2. Replace "URL" with the actual URL

3. Type ❯TEXT❮/a❯

4. Replace TEXT with the text you wish to show

EXAMPLE: ❮a href=""❯More about HTML❮/a❯ | RESULT: More about HTML

Second Option

Open link in new tab

1. Do all steps from first option

2. Add a target="_blank" after the last quotation mark

EXAMPLE: ❮a href="" target="_blank"❯More about HTML❮/a❯ | RESULT: More about HTML

Final Option

Color link

1. Do all steps from first option

2. Add a style="color:Yourchoice" after the last quotation mark

3. Replace Yourchoice with the color you wish to color your link in

EXAMPLE: ❮a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0000EE"❯More about HTML❮/a❯ | RESULT: More about HTML

Last Note

Congratulations for learning how to link! Good luck with whatever project you are working on! When you are finished, you might want to check out our site called JetPunk! It has a wonderful community that loves to support each other, strives to make the best content, and has in depth debates that expand the window of knowledge. Even without this community, the founders of the site make great, fun "quizzes" (they are more like strategy games) that are still educational. Some links for you to explore:

Homepage quizzes | Countries of the World Quiz | US States Quiz | Recent User Blogs (Like this)

JetPunk helps to plants seeds to countries in need,

so take a quiz to grow more trees!

Level 65
Apr 9, 2021
This is an improvement of @Fuse's deleted blog.
Level 43
Apr 9, 2021
Extremely useful! Thanks for this!
Level 43
Apr 9, 2021
Felicits! Just for be the first... lol!
Level 65
Apr 9, 2021
Your welcome. And sticilef! just so that NeilVedwan can't
Level 43
Apr 9, 2021
Level 51
Apr 9, 2021
Level 66
Apr 9, 2021
Fit lices! (Lol)
Level 65
Apr 10, 2021
No! Don't infect JetPunk with foot lice!
Level 43
Apr 10, 2021
Fit ness!
Level 68
Apr 9, 2021
Nice! Also to get around having to use the special <, you can simply use a text component since < and > aren't rendered as html :)
Level 65
Apr 9, 2021
Thanks! Unfortunately I wanted to use results and examples for my blog right after each other, so I didn't really feel like switching back in forth between components. I write this message I realize their is a link in text too. Wow. Just wow. Anyways, your advice is sound and I will do it next time.
Level 68
Apr 9, 2021
No worries, here to help as always :)
Level 66
Apr 9, 2021
Level 78
Apr 10, 2021
"an improvement of @Fuse's deleted blog"

This is more than an improvement - this is much better! Great job, and really explained well!

Level 65
Apr 10, 2021
Thanks! I intended for it to be a replacement that could also be used for non-JetPunkers.
Level 60
Apr 10, 2021
Very nice! I like the formatting. And thanks for linking my blogs :)
Level 65
Apr 10, 2021
Thanks. And of course! :)
Level 38
May 11, 2021
Level 52
May 31, 2021
Idk ... when I type the coding for an HTML link on a blog, then submit it, the actual link doesn't show up.
Level 65
May 31, 2021
That's because the old blog editor was basically the HTML component, but now the new one is text component by default. To use HTML, you have to type it into an HTML component.
Level 52
May 31, 2021
Oooohh ... that's why that big "useless' button is there. I still have a lot to learn lol. Thanks
Level 50
Mar 11, 2024