Jetpunk Homepage theory - explained


📓Jetpunk homepage theory explained📓

brought to you by MrBlogger

What is the Jetpunk Homepage theory?

As I like to put it, the Jetpunk homepage theory is how you can grow your takes by getting your quizzes on an easily accessible page. It can be anyway, like getting featured or just being a spotlight. There is more about it than just getting featured - this blog will explain the long-lasting effects and terms.

How does it effect your takes?

When people see your quiz on the front page, they will take it, to a lesser extent, but still possible, maybe even nominate, comment, rate, and subscribe! This is a key figure to growing on Jetpunk. However, lots of people on Jetpunk don't play with their account, so that would limit nominations, etc. But the takes will still count; that's what made people famous in this blog. It kind of similar to what youtube explained in this blog. If you grow, you will keep on growing. To simplify, this means that most likely, people wont forget you if you make one good quiz. More will be explained on the Does the effects last part.

Does it matter what part of the screen it is?

No...and yes. If it makes the top 5 featured quizzes on the homepage for that day, it will be the most people can see. Don't fret, the quiz master made this thing called user spotlight, which spotlights ten quizzes a day that hasn't been featured. Oh yes, was gonna say... let's talk about the advantage of getting a quiz feature. Also, it changes often=lots of opportunities. But I think the quizmaster should make more non featured quizzes go on the front page.


Does a featured quiz really help?

Yes! It will be more accessible because when you search for some quizzes, the cute little star quizzes come first:). Plus, people will be attracted to that star...true, it's psychology. 

Does it actually work?

Yes! It does work. 

If you look at the page with the top quizzes of the day, the featured ones are at the top. (Not counting the COTW quiz that gets like 10,000 takes a day). Even some nonfeatured ones are at the top too...but guess what they are the ones that were in the spotlight. Another evidence: Those quizzes haven't had many comments... until they got featured. Hm...

Note: the red "featured" on the example below means that it was featured on the homepage of that day. And the COTW is not always first

Example: May 4th


Does the effects last?

Chances are, the effects will last, but you have to be careful. Follow these tips:

--- Learn what the people like. You have to read all the comments. Find what series or quizzes people like and make more of that. One comment doesn't matter. It's the majority that matters.

--- Stay active, with new quizzes Don't quit Jetpunk! That will obviously make you less popular.

--- Create a series Series is a good way to organize your quizzes. People like organized things.

--- Make something relevant Let's say some random dude is looking for a quiz about Halloween. If you make one, more will take it on Halloween day!

How do I get a quiz on the homepage?

Thats luck I believe. Partly skill though-focus on making a good quiz.

Thanks so much for reading this blog! If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, type them in the comments below. 

Here is a cool blog with a similar theory: How similar is Jetpunk to Youtube?

I hope this blog provided good information to you.



Level 38
May 4, 2021
Hope you liked it!
Level 43
May 4, 2021
Well, everyone wants. Despite without arguments.
Level 38
May 4, 2021
yes I know
Level 59
May 4, 2021
Level 60
May 4, 2021
Level 51
May 4, 2021
Level 60
May 4, 2021
Nice blog.
Level 68
May 4, 2021
Nice little summary! A couple things though, Countries of the World is not always first, it just depends on the quizzes that day.

Secondly, there are 10 quizzes spotlighted a day, but 5 randomly show up every time you load the front page. So if you reload it you'll see different ones. This can be seen more clearly by visiting the Recently Spotlighted page, which is linked at the bottom of the user spotlight section.

Level 38
May 4, 2021
thanks so much!
Level 62
May 4, 2021
Great Blog! I think the Homepage theory is correct. For example, Skittlesdude got their "Ten Most Populated Cities in Africa" quiz, spotlighted. Before it was Spotlighted, it was gaining an average of around 10 takes every day (Although that is still very good). When it was spotlighted, it literally blew up in takes and is now averaging around 30 takes a day.
Level 59
May 4, 2021
mrblogger stop deleting my comments because you think you did something wrong, you didn't, I'm just giving you constructive criticism so you can get better.
Level 38
May 4, 2021
Level 40
May 4, 2021
Again, another great blog!
Level 78
May 5, 2021
I don't worry about how many "takes" my quizzes get, I make them to keep my brain active. If someone takes one of my quizzes and enjoys it then that is a bonus.

Jetpunk isn't a social media site where "likes", "subscriptions" and "takes" make a difference. There is no financial reward for being the most liked user or for acheiving the most subscriptions. Ultimately none of this matters, it's just a fun site to exercise ones grey matter. If I learn something (and I invariably do every time) then that makes the site worthwhile.

If this attitude offends anyone then I apologise, it is not meant to, it's just my opinion.

There have been a few users in the past that were hungry for takes and that led to some really poor quizzes and some not so nice comments. Just enjoy the site for what it is, a bit of fun!

Level 54
May 9, 2021
Nice Blog!
Level 62
May 10, 2021
Nice blog! When I checked the COTW quiz actually wasn't first, it was the mystery city quiz