Statistics for Sociology: Social Class Data

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  • This quiz has been taken 2 times
  • The average score is 9 of 9

Answer Stats

AnswerHint% Correct
13.6%This is the percentage of children claiming free school meals in the UK.
20%This was the percentage of pupils in Rosenthal & Jacobson's 1968 study on the self-fulfilling prophecy who were identified as 'spurters' - all completely at random.
2.5xThis is the amount of times more likely poor children are to suffer from chronic illness.
28%This is the percentage of pupils who went to private school attaining at least 3 A grades at A-Level.
34%This is the percentage of children living in poverty in the UK.
47%This is the percentage of children with asthma who are from the poorest 10% of families.
47%This was the percentage of pupils identified as 'spurters' in Rosenthal & Jacobson's 1968 study on the self-fulfilling prophecy who had made significant progress compared to other pupils in the year since they had been identified as 'spurters'.
60%This is the percentage of poor families who turn off heating in the winter to save money.
~90%This is the rough percentage of 'failing schools' being in areas of high material deprivation in the UK.

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