A New Tree Planting Partner


Update March 2024: We're no longer updating the trees counter continuously on our site. The number will be updated every year or so when we make donations. To date, our donations have resulted in 571,640 trees being planted with Trees for the Future, and 15,079 trees being planted with the Arbor Day Foundation.


We're proud to announce that we are now partnering with Trees for the Future. Their mission is to help people in Africa plant forest gardens. These forest gardens not only absorb carbon dioxide, but also provide valuable food and forest products to the local farmers who maintain them.

You can read about their approach here and see our sponsor page here.

Since Trees for the Future works with local farmers in Africa, they are able to plant trees at a much lower cost than our previous partner, which is why our trees planted suddenly took a big leap.

As always, JetPunk is committed to donating 5% of our revenue to planting trees. Thanks to everyone who uses our site to make this possible.

100 Recent Comments
Level 45
Dec 14, 2020
MrBeast smiles down upon you.
Level 60
Dec 28, 2020
Level 19
May 20, 2024
Level 35
Dec 16, 2020
I have come from the future to tell you all that we have almost reached 160,000 trees! :L
Level 43
Jan 15, 2021
And now we have! Yay!
Level 62
Mar 12, 2021
175,000 now! :D
Level 59
Jul 1, 2024
571,000 now!
Level 51
Dec 18, 2020
Level 62
Mar 12, 2021
QM, is it like for every specific amount of quizzes taken, a tree is planted or is it just randomly planted?
Level ∞
Mar 12, 2021
You're probably not going to like the answer.

We donate 5% of revenue to Trees for the Future who promises to use our money to plant trees. Revenue comes from ads. Taking quizzes does not generate money or plant trees. Only viewing/clicking ads does that.

Level 62
Mar 19, 2021
Level 42
Jun 6, 2021
How many trees do they plant per dollar?
Level 76
Jun 12, 2021
QM i hope this isn’t an inappropriate question but where does the other 95% of revenue go? are there other charities you support, or is it only just enough to support you personally? do people like Stewart who help develop the site get a cut?
Level 43
Dec 19, 2023
But my taking quizzes, aren't you also technically viewing ads (sidebars and all)??
Level 44
Jun 15, 2024
Yah, but you have to actually click on the ad for JetPunk to make that money, because really you wouldn't care about the ads all over the place until you click on it.
Level 66
Mar 17, 2021
Crazy to see how much the site has evolved. There isn't an update I haven't supported, or even wished not to. I remember back in 2016 when I first came here, and how different it was. But it's grown into something so much more, and though I have no idea how the site is doing statistically, it seems to be improving every day. Introducing new quiz pages is a key way not to get bored here. For example, my path once entering JetPunk usually involves clicking on the friends page towards the start so I can see different quizzes made by them. And while 5% might not seem like a lot to some, it is a large commitment for sites without large revenue. I feel that JetPunk is a great, fun way to learn and it is how I came from naming Canada, USA, Australia, UK, China, France, Italy, and India to...well...this (pretty average level on the site). One thing I wished was still around was kalbahamut in the comments section. Reading old debates of his are entertaining, take the one on the pi quiz for ex
Level 66
Mar 17, 2021
ample. Like you and many others have said, I hope this continues to grow and pass.......................... Orcspel (Excuse my naughty language). If JetPunk could be the standard well known quiz site, that would be amazing. It needs to make it on the Top 50 Websites quiz.
Level 62
Mar 19, 2021
Is Orcspel more popular than Jetpunk?
Level 66
Mar 19, 2021
Level 62
Mar 20, 2021
Level 40
Apr 29, 2021
Sporcle is more popular than jetpunk too, or not?
Level 71
May 19, 2021
umm Sporcle is Orcspel btw. We Jetpunkers call Sporcle Orcspel.
Level 40
May 25, 2021
Oh. Pardon for my misunderstood.
Level 71
May 26, 2021
why pardon? You just didn't know. It's good.
Level 65
Aug 2, 2021
Or we call it Spor***
Level 43
Mar 17, 2021
We are next to score 400m takes. That’s incredible! Keep it up everyone. JetPunk and trees deserve it.
Level 66
Mar 18, 2021
Woah. It feels like yesterday when we were at 112.
Level 62
Mar 19, 2021
Wow! When I first created my account in January, we were at 375m takes. Almost 25 million takes in 3 months is unbelievable.
Level 43
Mar 25, 2021
400m takes!!! Yay!!! JetPunk and trees deserve!!! We are also next to 200k trees! Congrats everyone is playing quizzes, and making the world better!
Level 66
Mar 25, 2021
Quizmaster, you should make a JetPunk blog celebrating 400 million takes!
Level 43
Mar 25, 2021
Let's do a JetPunk Day? (I know this a terrible idea. Every days are JetPunk Days!)
Level 23
Apr 10, 2021
What about Quizmaster's birthday
Level 56
Apr 16, 2021
How do you guy(s) get revenue?
Level 78
May 4, 2021
I assume it is through ads displayed on the website. They probably don't generate much income, but each little bit adds up.
Level ∞
May 4, 2021
Level 54
May 5, 2021
So Spam clicking ads earns you guys more money?
Level ∞
May 5, 2021
No, do not spam click ads!!! This could get us in big trouble and cause us to lose all our revenue and stop planting trees.
Level 54
May 6, 2021
Got it. I didn't spam anything I just asked out of curiosity sorry.
Level 26
Oct 1, 2022
Don't worry, at least you don't do it, the people that do it should be worrying not you as you don't spam
Level 78
May 4, 2021
I just looked on the sponsor page for JetPunk and it says (Over) 230,730 trees planted. That is a brilliant amount to help the environment for the future. Thanks JetPunk!
Level 62
May 12, 2021
So close to 200,000!
Level 43
May 15, 2021
200k trees!!!
Level 16
May 18, 2021
Keep it up Jetpunk! This is seriously amazing!
Level 63
May 18, 2021
Level 48
Jun 10, 2021
Level 3
Aug 31, 2021
Ótimo trabalho, parabéns!!
Level 43
Sep 14, 2021
Qual é a chance de você encontrar um comentário em português, no meio de trocentos em inglês? ;-;
Level 66
Sep 16, 2021
Level 43
Oct 30, 2021
We soon will get 500m takes. It’s just outstanding. I ask myself when we’ll get eventually 1 billion... :)
Level 56
Nov 9, 2021
@Quizmaster -- classic virtue signalling?

Have a mission statement. If your mission is education, make this site a non-profit and disclose proceeds and expenses accordingly. Or at least "all profits to charity" similar to Paul Newman "Newman's Own Foundation". Give it some thought.

I mean this in every positive way, maybe with a small dose of zest -- a devil's advocate position, to make you think. Go Blue!

Level 73
Jan 18, 2022
Devil's advocate? More like being a jerk by pointlessly criticizing someone for doing something good....
Level 73
Jan 18, 2022
And I don't think Quizmaster has millions of dollars to give away like a famous actor does, and your comparison with Newman is stupid. Assuming this count is accurate and those trees would not have been planted without Jetpunk's contribution, 300,000 seems like a pretty substantial number of trees to plant and a pretty big difference in the world.
Level 63
Jan 19, 2022
And how many trees have YOU planted?
Level 73
Jan 18, 2022
300,000 is so close :)
Level 73
Jan 18, 2022
Actually, based on the trees.org site, Jetpunk has already funded 380,000 trees so I wonder why the counter here is different.
Level 73
Jan 19, 2022
And now the counter is over 300,000.
Level 63
Jan 19, 2022
Level 43
Jan 19, 2022
We did it! #500K
Level 62
Jan 19, 2022
300,000 trees! Yay! Thank you Quizmaster (And Stewart)!
Level 42
Jan 21, 2022
Level 42
Jan 21, 2022
Level 57
Jan 25, 2022
300K! This is insane! I joined and it was at like 240K.
Level 73
Feb 15, 2022
Hey Quizmaster, is there any reason for the ~70,000 tree discrepancy between the Jetpunk homepage and the trees.org sponsor page?
Level ∞
Feb 15, 2022
The discrepancy is even bigger. The real number of trees planted is actually around 400,000 since we also have some from the Arbor Foundation.

The answer is that the counter is an estimate. We give donations on a very irregular basis. Right now, the actual trees donated is way higher than the counter, but there might be times in the future where the counter is ahead of current donations.

Level 73
Mar 17, 2022
Very cool - 400,000 units are ready, with a million more well on the way :)
Level 19
Feb 24, 2022
I love trees. I'm glad to help ☺ 😊 🌳
Level 43
Mar 10, 2022
Damn, we are now at 500m takes! This is wonderful!
Level 53
May 6, 2024
We’re almost to a billion now.
Level 17
May 10, 2022
I’ve been using this website for months now but I didn’t know about this. JetPunk, you are a wonderful webpage for me and I enjoy using this everyday! Thanks


Check out my quizzes!

Level 56
May 24, 2022
Level 40
Jun 13, 2022
This is so great, Quizmaster! (Now I have an excuse to being on JetPunk!)
Level 65
Jul 7, 2022
any change in the countries?
Level 56
Sep 26, 2022
hitting 400k today!
Level 26
Oct 1, 2022
Lets just help by playing more quizes
Level 1
Oct 6, 2022
W for doing this
Level 66
Dec 29, 2022
Already 500,000+ trees!!!
Level 43
Feb 7, 2023
more than thagt actually
Level 29
Jan 15, 2023
#teamtree by Mr beast
Level 43
Feb 7, 2023
dude you copied my comment
Level 60
Feb 18, 2023
He posted it half a month before you
Level 43
Feb 7, 2023
#team tree mr beast challenge gone wrong??????

haha just kidding :)

Level 43
Mar 22, 2023
Common Jetpunk W XD
Level 4
Apr 10, 2023
wow nie wiedziałem że aż tyle drzew można posadzić dzięki stronie do quizów.
Level 68
May 16, 2023
Is there any discussion about long-term Jetpunk tree-planting?

I guess the vast majority of reforestation projects fail (like 80%). I don't know how many of those are scams. I assume QM has done his homework - if there's a successful path to reforestation I'd like to be educated about it. I hope the JP trees have propagated

After watching the Deadliest Roads episode about the Mozambicans illegally deforesting their land, I'm not going to hold my breath about tree-planting in most of Africa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMhtXoG1XjI

It seems to be a continent largely without statewide organized society, or repercussion. There seems to be no common-minded goal to protect resources like trees or public works. I don't think Mali/Guinea/Gambia/Senegal are in much different positions than Mozambique.

I'd love to see forests grow- but 1 $50 tree is more valuable than 50 $1 saplings that never reach maturity, I think.

It feels like a platitude-generating make-work project. I hope I'm wrong

Level ∞
May 16, 2023
We don't have anywhere near the bandwidth to audit our tree planting partner. I think your concerns are valid and I have the same concerns. But what can one person do? Ultimately, we have to have some trust that our partners are doing their best and creating real results.
Level 68
May 17, 2023
Thanks for the reply. I hope the money is efficiently used.

And I hope the larger teamtrees effort is at least mostly successful, or >20-30% successful. I'm kind of reminded of the 90's recycling campaign, which I guess was .. whatever you'd call a scam, corruption, or, I think possibly "vranyo". Seems like that kind of thing should be stomped out in Western countries. I hope tree-planting projects don't fall into the wrong control, and get associated with pessimism/cynicism long-term.

It hurts to see money/resources wasted or siphoned off, when I'm sure there's someone looking with genuine interest for funding for a reforestation project.

I guess it can serve as a reminder for people to look for opportunities to do more volunteer work with their own 2 hands, locally.

Level 59
Mar 25, 2024
calling an entire continent un organized and unsocietied, therefore uncivilized is crazy. please learn more about africa first
Level 65
May 19, 2023
Country Change? No Cameroon and Mali added instead?
Level 53
Jul 28, 2023
I found JetPunk when I was in college through (at the time) the popular website StumbleUpon. Ten plus years later I'm still taking quizzes. Very proud of how far this website has come! Hey Quizmaster maybe a badge for us ten year folks? :)
Level 75
Nov 22, 2023
Someone needs to make a calculator that takes your level/total points times how much money each ad per quiz makes and figures out how many trees you planted by JetPunking or something.
Level 75
Nov 22, 2023
I looked at their website and we have donated more than Amazon.
Level 65
Dec 13, 2023
take that Jeff Bezos. Quizmaster's in town.
Level 15
Jan 2, 2024
The Mr.Beast of Jetpunk
Level 35
Jan 31, 2024
How else can we plant trees without clicking ads?
Level ∞
Feb 1, 2024
1) Sign up for JetPunk Premium

2) Go and plant some trees yourself

Level 47
May 20, 2024
Level 26
Mar 1, 2024
I love trees so much they give me air!!!!
Level 25
Mar 6, 2024
Wow Jetpunk has planted a lot :D
Level 16
Mar 29, 2024
I'm so glad that playing games supports trees. Is there proof / a way to confirm that our traffic/playing on this website is funding/contributing to trees?
Level 41
May 15, 2024
The website only receives revenue when someone clicks/views on an ad. Don't spam click ads.