The 88 Modern Constellations - Part 3 (Draco - Lacerta)


34. Draco

Area: (8th)

Symbolism: The dragon. In Greek mythology it was a dragon who was killed by Athena and tossed into the sky upon his defeat. As Athena threw him, he became twisted on himself and froze at the North Celestial Pole before it could right itself. Another myth states that this was the dragon who guarded the golden apples of the Hesperides.

35. Equuleus

Area: (87th)

Symbolism: The little horse, which makes sense since it's the second smallest constellation. One myth associates Equuleus with Celeris, who was the brother of Pegasus.

36. Eridanus

Area: (6th)

Symbolism: The river Eridanus, a river in Northern Europe mentioned by Hesiod, in the Theogony (Θεογονία). It's is also associated with the river Po in Italy.

37. Fornax

Area: (41st)

Symbolism: The brazier

38. Gemini

Area: (30th)

Symbolism: The twins, the Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux, the children of Leda. Pollux was the son of Zeus, who seduced Leda (remember Zeus transforming into Cygnus in the previous part?). When Castor died, Pollux begged his father Zeus to give Castor immortality, and he did, uniting them together in the heavens.

39. Grus

Area: (45th)

Symbolism: The crane. Remember when we talked about the constellation Cetus being in a set of water-related constellations? Well this one is located in area with other bird-constellations such as Pavo, Phoenix and Tucana. They're known as the "Southern Birds".

40. Hercules

Area: (5th)

Symbolism: There is no way you don't know who is represented in this constellation. Well... in case you don't know it's Heracles, a divine hero in Greek mythology, and the greatest of all. He's the son of Zeus and Alcmene, foster son of Amphitryton. He was also the great-grandson of Perseus.

41. Horologium

Area: (58th)

Symbolism: The clock, the pendulum clock in fact.

42. Hydra

Area: (1st)

Symbolism: The water serpent. The shape of Hydra resembles a twisting snake. The constellation is associated with a legend we have talked about in the previous part about Corvus, the crow who used the water serpent Hydra as a fraud to Apollo (read the previous part for more information.). Another different myth associates it with Hydra, the monster with its many heads, killed by Hercules, represented in his own constellation. This constellation is also the one with the most bordering constellations. It's borders the aforementioned Corvus, Antlia, Cancer, Canis Minor, Centaurus, Crater, Leo, Libra, Lupus, Monoceros, Puppis, Pyxis, Sextans, Virgo. Pooooof, that's a mouthful!

43. Hydrus

Area: (61st)

Symbolism: The water snake

44. Indus

Area: (49th)

Symbolism: The Indian, probably a Native American

45. Lacerta

Area: (68th)

Symbolism: The lizard

Level 51
Dec 18, 2020
Level 43
Dec 18, 2020