Weirdest Holidays #2


Weird Holidays

May 3rd National Lumpy Rug Day

The meaning of National Lumpy Rug Day is to enjoy old and lumpy rugs that have brought comfort and warmth to your home. National Lumpy Rug Day

September 19th International Talk Like a Pirate Day

International Talk Like a Pirate Day was made as a joke by two friends. Now it is a faux holiday. International Talk Like a Pirate Day

July 4th Sidewalk Egg Frying Day

Sidewalk Egg Frying Day is meant to show the benefits of solar power as it is usually very warm on July 4th. In Oatman, Arizona a competition is held where people try to fry eggs on a sidewalk. Sidewalk Egg Frying Day

December 18th Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day

Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day can surprise people and put people in a better mood. It may put people in the Christmas spirit too. Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day

February 28th National Public Sleeping Day

National Public Sleeping Day is meant for people to take a nap sometime that day. Many people don't get six hours of sleep so this holiday can help. National Public Sleeping Day 

Holidays are found on Holiday Calendar.

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