Statistics for Countries By Number of Consonants

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General Stats

  • This quiz has been taken 40 times
  • The average score is 11 of 15

Answer Stats

Number of ConsonantsAnswer% Correct
3Albania | Algeria | Angola | Armenia | Austria | Belize | Benin | Bolivia | Brunei | Canada | Chad | Chile | China | Croatia | Ecuador | Eritrea | Estonia | Ethiopia | Gabon | Gambia | Georgia | Ghana | Greece | Guyana | Israel | Italy | Jamaica | Japan | Kenya | Kosovo | Kuwait | Latvia | Liberia | Libya | Malawi | Malta | Mexico | Monaco | Namibia | Nepal | Niger | Nigeria | Panama | Qatar | Romania | Russia | Serbia | Somalia | Spain | Sudan | Syria | Taiwan | Tonga | Tunisia | Tuvalu | Uganda | Ukraine | Uruguay | Vanuatu | Yemen | Zambia
4Andorra | Australia | Bahamas | Bahrain | Belarus | Belgium | Bhutan | Brazil | Bulgaria | Burundi | Cambodia | Cameroon | Colombia | Comoros | Djibouti | Dominica | Egypt | Eswatini | France | Grenada | Guatemala | Iceland | Indonesia | Ireland | Jordan | Kiribati | Lebanon | Lesotho | Lithuania | Malaysia | Mauritania | Mauritius | Moldova | Mongolia | Morocco | Nicaragua | Norway | Paraguay | Poland | Rwanda | Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Slovakia | Slovenia | Suriname | Sweden | Tanzania | Turkey | Venezuela | Vietnam
2Cuba | Fiji | Guinea | Haiti | India | Iran | Iraq | Laos | Mali | Nauru | Oman | Palau | Peru | Samoa | Togo
5Argentina | Azerbaijan | Barbados | Botswana | Cape Verde | Costa Rica | Cyprus | Denmark | East Timor | Finland | Germany | Guinea-Bissau | Honduras | Hungary | Maldives | Mozambique | Myanmar | Pakistan | Portugal | Saint Lucia | San Marino | Sierra Leone | Singapore | South Korea | Sri Lanka | Thailand | Zimbabwe
6Burkina Faso | El Salvador | Equatorial Guinea | Ivory Coast | Luxembourg | Madagascar | Montenegro | New Zealand | North Korea | Papua New Guinea | South Africa | South Sudan | Tajikistan | Uzbekistan
7Afghanistan | Bangladesh | Kazakhstan | Philippines | Seychelles | United States | Vatican City
9Antigua and Barbuda | Czech Republic | Kyrgyzstan | Solomon Islands | United Arab Emirates
11Bosnia and Herzegovina | Marshall Islands | Republic of the Congo | São Tomé and Príncipe
17Democratic Republic of the Congo
8Liechtenstein | Netherlands | North Macedonia | Switzerland | Turkmenistan | United Kingdom
18Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
15Federated States of Micronesia
10Dominican Republic | Trinidad and Tobago
12Saint Kitts and Nevis
14Central African Republic

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