Statistics for Country Facts

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  • This quiz has been taken 66 times
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This country is made up of 6,852 islands and is the birthplace of sushi.Japan
The largest city of this country and the capital is Madrid.Spain
This country is the 3rd largest country by area at 9,706,961 sq km (3,747,879 sq miles) and belongs to the continent of Asia.China
The people of this country, a long time ago, invented the 365-days a year calendar and pyramids first appeared here.Egypt
This country have major cities which include, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Stuttgart and Frankfurt.Germany
This country is the world's largest democracy, with 1.2 billion people.India
The longest river in this country is the River Thames and is home to Queen Elizabeth II.England
64% of the population are Roman Catholics and it became a republic in 1792 as a result of the French Revolution against centuries of royal ruleFrance
This country shares borders with many countries, including China, Ukraine, North Korea and Norway and is located across 9 time zonesRussia
The official name for this country is Hellenic Republic and is located in southeast Europe, close to both Africa and Asia.Greece
The land area of this country is the 4th largest in Europe.Sweden
In this country there is no official language and they use 18% of the world's energy.U.S.A
This country has been populated for 12,000 years, and has a rich and complex history. In 43 AD the Romans successfully invaded Britain and fought frequently with the Caledonians.Scotland
This country holds the world record for the longest period without a government and produces more than 220,000 tons of chocolate per annum.Belgium
This country is the driest of any continent on earth other than Antarctica.Australia

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