Neodymium's Charts

All JetPunk Charts created by Neodymium.

Population of Oklahoma

Only uses the states fully in the Great Plains: N. & S. Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma

Population of Kansas

Population of Nebraska

Population of California

Population of Utah

Population of New Mexico. Did you....need more explanation?

Title. Look at it.

Las Vegas's population in 646,000. This means 1 city has 20.3% of the total population.

This shows the population of Arizona

.......the title?

This shows the population of Washington

S. Dakota has always been ahead of the North.

N. Dakota has always lagged behind the South.

This shows the population of W. Virginia.

This shows the population of Virginia.

This shows the populations of California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico.

This shows the populations of California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico.

This shows the populations of California, Washington, and Oregon.

Indonesia vs Malaysia!

This shows the populations of Virginia and W. Virginia. They grew mostly similarly til the 40s and 50s