Interesting Facts - Page 77

In the United States, the color red is often used to depict conservatives, while blue is the color of liberals. In the United Kingdom, it's the opposite.
In ideal conditions, it is possible for a single cell of E. Coli bacteria to grow to over one million cells in less than 24 hours.
Botulinum is a toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. It is the deadliest natural or artificial toxin known to man. A lethal dose weighs less than a grain of sand. Surprisingly, it is commonly (and safely) injected into people's faces to prevent wrinkles.
Spandex is an anagram of "expands".
In the early 1900s, nearly 1/3rd of adult men in Mongolia were Buddhist monks.
Level 78
Jan 24, 2020
381: To add to that, "Liberal" means something different in the UK (and much of Europe) than in the US.
Level 76
May 12, 2020
Yes that one should be reworded: replace 'liberal' by 'left wing'. Red is the color of the labour party, nobody calls them 'liberals'.
Level 78
Jan 24, 2020
381: Most major left-ish parties in the world are historically rooted in socialism, which is represented by red. This is not the case with US Democrats, and Socialist parties were never very significant in the United States. But wasn't there a "Red Scare" in the 1940s/50s when demagogues said "Better dead than red"?
Level 89
Jul 8, 2021
There's an irony in Trump's red power tie motif transferred to the ball cap, his attempt at appearing like a yokel, while he rails at Red China.
Level 76
May 12, 2020
Nitpick: concerning scientific names for species, the second part (called the 'specific name') is never capitalized, so it should be E. coli.
Level 68
May 20, 2020
385 makes sense, with Mongolia's population being extremely small nowadays.
Level 71
Aug 29, 2020
381: In the UK Labour party is 'Red', the Conservatives (Tories) are 'Blue' and the Liberal party is Orange.
Level 78
Jan 9, 2021
And Yellow for the Scottish National Party, purple for UKIP. In Germany: red for Social Democrats, black for Conservatives, yellow for Economically Liberals, blue for far-righters.
Level 85
Nov 6, 2021
381: In Canada, Conservatives are blue and the Liberals are red. This originates from pre-confederation Quebec parties which were named bleus (allied with conservatives) and rouges (allied with Liberals). The social democratic NDP settled for orange as red was already taken.
Level 84
Nov 23, 2022
The LD50 (lethal dose 50% of the time) of botulinum is 2 nanograms per kg of the individual's weight. 0.2 micrograms would kill most people, and 1.6 kg would be enough to kill the whole world.
Level 50
Apr 8, 2023
#383 I thought it said that the bacteria was injected into people's feces. That would just kill off the population of dogs, rabbits, chimpanzees, and dung beetles, as well as dinosaurs that live in sewer systems on Jupiter. (Don't worry. They've only infected the bovine settlements built out of amoeba seeds.)


Level 50
Apr 13, 2023
#383 In Israel, the color red is used to depict Israeli Arab leftists and left-wing secularists, while blue is used to depict Liberals, Conservatives, Centrists, and everyone else who wants to use the colors on the flag, which is almost everybody.