
FIFA Women's World Cup Top 4 Positions

Name the countries who came 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the women's FIFA World Cup.
Quiz by Quizzer6794
Last updated: August 21, 2023
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First submittedJuly 6, 2015
Times taken52,366
Average score92.3%
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United States
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United States
Level 76
Jul 7, 2019
Wow, USA has been a semi-finalist at least in every single womens' world cup. I wonder why such a difference between genders?
Level 76
Jul 7, 2019
Somebody explained to me back in the day that football is "women's game" in the US and men play "men's games". If I remember correctly, this was in the late 1990s.

Does this have anything to do with it? (Like where the best sports talents go, what is getting resources for which, status etc.) My bet is on maybe.

Level 67
Jul 8, 2019
Well I wouldn't call soccer a women's game, but I think there is some truth that there are fewer sports for America's best female athletes to choose from. Soccer and basketball are probably tops by a wide margin. There are as many great male athletes in the US, but most of the best want to play football, baseball, or basketball. The USWNT also does well because, relative to many other countries, we do pump a lot into women's athletics (even if it pales in comparison to what we give men) and whatever stigma remains around being a female athlete in the US is disappearing fast. Countries with richer soccer traditions but more traditional gender roles, like Italy, Brazil, and Argentina, were slower to come around. They are mostly supporting the sport now, but they're playing catch-up. The US women's program has been working on all cylinders for over twenty years.
Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
The US women's football team is the most dominant squad to ever play the game in history. The number of times they have finished in the top 3 in the World Cup as a percentage, or the number of Olympic medals they've won in total, is unprecedented. No male team can match their numbers and they've been having male World Cup events since 1930. If they win one more World Cup they'll have matched Brazil's total number of wins and done it in about 1/3 of the time. They already have more gold medals than any other team. Enter some indignant European now to say "oh, we don't really notice women's football across the pond" to try and diminish their incredible achievement.
Level 58
Aug 22, 2023
You cannot compare women's football with men's football. The trophies don't have the same value.
Level 50
Sep 1, 2023
This is true but why have you written this
Level 38
Jul 8, 2019
This may be an achievement in women's football but definitely not in the greater football world kalbahamut. As good as they may be, put the US women's team against any u18 men's team and they'll loose 9 times out of ten. They are leagues away from any decent professional men's team.
Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
Did I say that they were able to compete head to head with a men's team? They are women. Women are not as physically capable as men. That doesn't change anything that I said, doofus. What an incredibly sexist thing to say.
Level 50
Sep 1, 2023
It's not sexist if it's true
Level 76
Jul 8, 2019
@kalbahamut: It sure is a great achievement, but it has to be said that there is far less international competiton in women's football compared to the men's. The latter is by far the most popular sport worldwide, the number of men pursuing a football career vastly outnumbering any other sport. Trying to dominate the world stage will bring a country up against the most talented and best-trained of all sportsmen nearly every other country has to offer. On the other hand, for most of the world, women's football either (sadly) goes completely unnoticed, or is a far less popular option than volleyball, individual sports etc. Far fewer countries can even present a truly professional team in world competitions, let alone compete for the title.
Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
So what you're saying is that the US women's team wouldn't be as dominant if all the other teams in the world were better? Yeah, that makes sense. ::eyeroll::
Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
In 1930 when they played the first men's World Cup there were 13 teams competing. There was no qualifying round. There were zero teams from Asia or Africa. In the 2019 women's world cup 144 teams from every corner of the globe tried to qualify. 120 were eliminated before the tournament began.
Level 58
Aug 22, 2023
You're very clever, you are comparing a world cup where teams had to travel in boat with the last woman's world cup. Try to compare the last men's world cup with the last women's world cup.
Level 76
Jul 8, 2019
What I'm saying is that it's significantly easier to achieve this level of dominance compared to men's football. The members of an average country's men's football team are its athletic "elite", whereas, in many countries, hardly any professional female footballers exist. That's why, in my opinion, although the American women's team is obviously doing an amazing job, your comparison with the men's World Cup doesn't really work.
Level 55
Jul 8, 2019
Rimpak, would the achievements of say a lightweight boxer not be achievements in "the greater world of boxing" because they'd probably theoretically lose if they had to play against heavyweight boxers?

I've never understood comparing women to men in athletic sports, the best women in the world are exceptional among women and their talents, hard work, dominance, achievements etc aren't diminished at all just because they don't have the natural advantages male bodies have.

Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
Yeah, george, your argument just totally falls apart when you look at my post about the number of teams competing in the men's world cup in 1930. In 28 years of FIFA women's world cups the US women's team have won nearly as many times as Brazil have won in 89 years of FIFA men's world cups. Brazil was at the very first men's world cup, and it was LESS competitive back then than the women's world cup is now. It took Brazil over 100 years to win a single gold medal in football at the Olympics. And not because it was more competitive! At the 1904 Summer games there were 3 mens' teams competing in football. THREE! And two of them were from the same country. The US women's team got 4 gold medals in a span of 20 years.

At the 1958 World Cup in Sweden where Brazil won their first championship game, there were only 16 teams competing. 4 of those were from Latin America and the rest were European teams. It's absurd to claim that men's football was always more competitive.

Level 72
Aug 21, 2023
The Olympic football tournament has, for most of its history, restricted participation of professionals. Even when the rules were relaxed in the 1980s, FIFA pushed to maintain some restrictions, so that the Olympics wouldn’t rival their tournament. So in 1984, although countries could field pros, those from UEFA or CONMEBOL could not field any player who had played in a World Cup. Even today, while it is open to professionals, the Olympics is essentially a youth tournament with teams restricted to 3 players over the age of 23. And then the main reason that countries like Brazil didn’t hoover up medals: The USSR and Eastern Bloc. Despite the fact that their top players had all the attributes of pro players and played in pro European competitions , they were able to maintain their amateur status as they were technically state-sponsored athletes. The USSR and its satellites won all but 5 of the 28 medals available from 1948-80. Historically strong nations have never do as well there.
Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
Great Britain has got 3 Olympic gold medals in football in 119 years. Their first medal they are credited with come from the Paris games of 1900. There were only 3 teams competing that year: Great Britain, France, and Belgium. There was no qualifying round. So Great Britain won 2 matches to get gold. And they still have fewer gold medals than the US women's team.
Level 72
Aug 21, 2023
We also haven’t fielded a team since the 1974, with the exception of London 2012 because the FA didn’t want to set a precedent which would jeopardise the recognition of the four nation’s separate status within FIFA. Olympic performance really isn’t a good measure of the relative strength of footballing nations, there are far too many format tweaks and restrictions which make it a lesser competition than other he World Cup. And when you put the women’s World Cup alongside the men’s, you have a further problem. You say USA won one less trophy in far fewer tournaments. But the shorter history of the WWC means a smaller statistical sample. In the men’s game, there have been periods in which different teams have dominated and then declined as another country replaced them. Often coinciding with a particular golden generation or talismanic player. 2023 appears to be evidence that the same may be true in the women’s game.
Level ∞
Jul 8, 2019
It's not really that hard to explain. The U.S. doesn't do well in men's soccer because, unlike other countries, we don't funnel 10 year old boys into soccer academies and professional leagues. But in women's soccer there aren't any countries with intensive development programs of this nature. Leveling the playing field in terms of youth development, the U.S. dominates based on our larger population.
Level 79
Aug 31, 2023
Maybe this assumption is wrong, but is that not mostly because the 10 year old boys are sent into other sports? Like, you say that as if the US doesn't push any children into sports at all
Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
Population doesn't account for very much. It's a factor, but a very insignificant one. Athletic tradition and support for athletes are, obviously.
Level 73
Jul 8, 2019
I quite enjoyed the women's World Cup this time around due to its relative lack of flopping, faking injuries and crying to the officials incessantly. The men's competitors could learn a thing or two about how to toughen up from these ladies.
Level 71
Jan 17, 2021
Kal's completely right. We're not just talking about a strong team that consistently plays well at the World Cup--we're talking about a team that almost always DOMINATES at women's soccer, winning half of all the World Cups. There's simply no equivalent in men's soccer, not even Brazil. And even then, in men's soccer teams are often dominated by a single strong player (think Pele, Maradona, Messi, Ronaldo, etc.), whereas all of the women on the US team are pretty equal in ability.

And most Americans, especially after the 2019 World Cup, have heard some of the top names on the women's soccer team, people like Megan Rapinoe and Alex Morgan, which is definitely not true of the male team. In country where male sports are still dominant and where soccer isn't as popular, it was really nice seeing how excited people were about the women's team in 2019.

Level 62
Sep 14, 2021
He's comparing 1930 WC to 2019 WWC. He fails to notice that currently 200+ nations are competing for a spot in Qatar 2022, greater than 144 for 2019 WWC. Imagine the number of nations who would've turned up if there was a women's world cup in 1930. Comparing USWNT to Men's Brazilian team is pure foolishness.
Level 39
Dec 1, 2021
It's not that there's a male or female connotation, it's that in the US you have more opportunities to get scholarships and professional careers if you go for one of the big four sports (football, basketball, baseball or hockey, and even hockey is a fringe sport). If you're incredibly talented athletically, odds are you played one of the first three sports and got a scholarship as a man in the US. For women, it's more common to choose soccer as a sport and to receive scholarships for it in the US.
Level 70
Jul 8, 2019
I would guess that it's because in the United States, there's many sports (football, baseball, hockey, etc.) competing for the athletically-qualified men, whereas this isn't really the case for the women
Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
I don't think this is accurate. I know lots of exceptional female American athletes that play golf, volleyball, rugby, cross country, lacrosse, field hockey, softball, basketball, tennis... or they do gymnastics or swimming. There is no shortage of options for female athletes in the United States. The issue is more that soccer is not a popular sport for men.
Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
1. Americans support female athletes better than most other countries do.

2. In the United States, soccer is mostly a sport for girls and small children. Capable male athletes play other sports.

Level 15
Jul 8, 2019
I got up at 1am to watch the final, I was cheering for the Netherlands because they have never won. At least I got them all with 1:12 remaining.
Level 83
Jul 11, 2019
#1 is not surprising when most countries are still very patriarchal.
Level 61
Aug 22, 2023
Well I fully disagree with that.

The men in the US national team earn more monney with very poor results and the women complain a lot about that...

Also just look at Ibrahimovic comment "Sports in the US are too expensive. My children play in a good team and I paid $3,500 per child. I don't like that because not everybody has the money and sport should be for everyone because it unites people regardless of their origins." In Europe it is far less expensive (ten times less) so I guess we can see it promotes more sport than the US do (unless you were talking about elite sport only).

And when the European national teams start to be more well structured you see what happens in the 2023 World Cup...

By the way the sport name is football :D

Level 72
Aug 22, 2023
3. Americans support their athletes in sports where they are more likely to win, hence the disparity between coverage of the women's football team and the men's
Level 74
Jul 8, 2019
Kal, don't be so hard on us. There are just two things Europe is better at than the US, and if you take soccer, we only have cheese left.
Level 72
Jul 8, 2019
Nah, you'd still have healthcare.
Level 61
Aug 22, 2023
Don't forget Rugby, Volleyball, Football, Handball, Waterpolo, Field Hockey, well almost all the olympic sports except Basketball and, in the past, Football with the women team.
Level 44
Apr 27, 2023
One reason could be that when soccer became popular in the USA, we were very far behind compared to the rest of the world. However, women in the rest of the world were also farther behind. I haven't done any research, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but it seems reasonable that it would have been difficult for women throughout the world to make a career in the sport until a lot more recently, maybe around the time it gained popularity in the US. Even though soccer is less popular in the USA, our women's team has been pivotal in the growth of women soccer throughout the world, especially with the money brought in from a US audience. (Just reiterating here that everything I said is in opinion, not a fact)
Level 79
Aug 22, 2023
Title IX. This forces US colleges (and others) to fund men's and women's programs at the same level. This means that they have to have roughly the same number of scholarships for men and women. Football takes up 85-100 scholarships for men. Women's soccer takes up 25-30 scholarships for women, so many schools have the sport since few other sports take up that many scholarships. Other countries do not have this funding for women's sports (historically) which gave the US a massive advantage from ~1994-2014 when the rest of the world started to catch up.
Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
IMO the tops of the quizzes just got a lot uglier than they used to be. Is this another design choice meant for mobile devices? Looks awful.
Level 79
Jul 8, 2019
I prefer the former design.
Level ∞
Jul 8, 2019
Darn. I like the new design better. The change is meant to reduce clutter while also offering more information for those that want it. Specifically, the date the quiz was created, the # of times it was taken, and a link to the stats that can be clicked without having to take the quiz first. It has nothing to do with mobile devices.
Level 89
Jul 13, 2019
I'd love to have a simple 1-line "Your best score" at the head of every quiz so I don't have to click Start Quiz and Give Up to see if I've taken it before.

...Then hit Take Quiz Again and Start Quiz if I see that I haven't.

Level 65
Jul 13, 2019
Yeah, we mentioned that too in the Reddit for seeing if you've taken a quiz in that box
Level 93
Jul 8, 2019
If anyone's interested, putting those with most wins, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places in order, the top 3 ranking would be:

1. USA

2. Germany

3. Norway

I did have the full list here but you know, best avoid too many spoilers. I just created a quiz with the full list, so should be available soon...

Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
Hello there. I have a series on my account which is based on the same concept, would you mind my translating this quiz into french? You don't seem to create french quizzes, but asking prior to the translation seems normal to me. Cordially, Yev.
Level 65
Jul 8, 2019
No worries, go ahead! And put the link here when it's done :)
Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
Here it is. Huge thanks to you!
Level 65
Jul 9, 2019
Level 63
Jul 8, 2019
seems a bit strict to not accept "UK" for England.
Level 82
Jul 8, 2019
In FIFA, the constituent "countries" of the United Kingdom compete separately.
Level 73
Jul 8, 2019
This got me too, England was the only one I missed
Level 69
Jul 9, 2019
and to make things even more complicated; because england finished as a top 3 european country, great britain (with scottish, welsh and northern irish players players being eligible for the gb team) qualified for the next olympics.
Level 35
Jul 9, 2019
all done with one minute left wow usa are great pretty looking women too
Level 43
Jul 9, 2019
How about giving credit to me? You literally stole my quiz
Level 65
Jul 9, 2019
Nah, this was made 4 years ago.. Good promotion though!
Level 82
Jul 9, 2019
I made a similar quiz 5 years ago. But I kind of did it to make a political statement.
Level 65
Jul 9, 2019
Yeah I took that one, the statement worked for everyone because we were all confused haha!
Level 89
Jul 13, 2019
They only do the World Cup thing every 4 years?
Level 63
Nov 18, 2019
Same as the FIFA men's world cup. Or the Olympics - all every 4 years.
Level 37
Apr 20, 2020
Lol.... Almost forgot Sweden..

God bless our women and the game.

Level 67
May 28, 2020
Never seen a single soccer game. Got 100% just by guessing countries.
Level 58
Sep 9, 2021
It's called football.
Level 64
Apr 6, 2022
Since he never watched a single soccer game, it isn't to him
Level 67
Jul 9, 2022
Kicking a ball by foot = Football

Throwing an egg by arm = Armegg

Level 68
Sep 22, 2020
Tottenhams' Alex Morgan
Level 70
Jan 28, 2021
Oof. I've been watching soccer my whole life but since I'm in the JetPunk mindset, I typed in UK instead of England, and was surprised it wasn't there
Level 58
Sep 9, 2021
Good to see Sweden beat the arrogant USA side in the Olympics. Well done!
Level 55
Sep 16, 2021
@kalbahamut You say that women aren't as physically capable as men. As a man who is physically much weaker than most women, I think that is a sexist thing to say!
Level 34
Sep 30, 2021
You're an outlier buddy, he meant as an average, and yes, on average, men are physically stronger than women, and also better at sports.
Level 87
Mar 1, 2023
How is that a sexist remark? It's just a factual statement. Just because it doesn't apply to you or sounds uncomfortable doesn't make it not true. For example, Serena Williams is probably the most dominant athlete of my generation, and that includes both women and men. I like to play tennis, but can I compete with her on the court? Absolutely not! However, if Serena played on the men's circuit she probably couldn't consistently beat any of the top 100 mens players, if at all.
Level 72
Aug 21, 2023
Do you think peak Floyd Mayweather Jr would beat peak Mike Tyson? Women compete against women, not men who are physically stronger. Like weight classes in boxing, this means that in general they are able to compete against athletes of a similar physical strength to themselves. One woman certainly can be stronger than another, but it’s unlikely that any one woman would be so overwhelmingly strong that it becomes impossible for any other to be competitive with them. Women’s tennis is a sport played with the same rules, but is almost a different sport. For me, it’s better to watch since there aren’t any 6’8” women firing down 140mph aces one after the other, which can get a bit dull. In the same way, middleweight boxing is different to heavyweight boxing as it is faster paced and relies more on technique than brute power. Mayweather would get messed up by Tyson, but it doesn’t invalidate his achievements in boxing. Serena might not beat the men’s #100 but pound for pound? No contest.
Level 87
Aug 21, 2023
You're absolutely wrong. Pound for pound, men are stronger and that's just a fact. I'm no sexist (however that sounds to you), but if there wasn't a separation between men's and women's sports, there would be very few women's champions (if any). It's just a statement of observation, not anything derogatory towards women. For the record, I prefer women's tennis over men's--a lot more gameplay and a lot less uneventful aces. But if you want to put the top women's player against anyone in the men's top 100 based on pure winning, good luck. It's the reason women's only sports were invented in the first place. Otherwise it'd just be called "sports."
Level 87
Aug 21, 2023
Just for kicks I did a quick Google search for men's tennis weights that are similar to Serena's. Serena is listed at 150lbs. Alex de Minaur is listed at 152lbs and is the #13 ranked men's player.

Grigor Demitrov is also listed at 152lbs and is ranked #19.

Sebastian Baez is listed as 154lbs and is the 42nd ranked men's player.

Just some fast examples that I could add to this otherwise meaningless argument. It's worth stating that all of these rankings would probably lead to #1 in any women's rankings should any one of these people be included in them. Again, it'd just be called "sports" if men's and women's sports were combined.

Level 68
Aug 16, 2023
Well, we are in the midst of the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 and it's been brilliant! Hosted by Australia and New Zealand, I have been to four of the games. We had the biggest crowd for a football match ever in NZ! (43,000). And for the first time ever, USA didn't get past the first round. And New Zealand even beat Norway!!
Level 68
Aug 16, 2023
The top four for 2023 are Australia, England, Spain and Sweden.
Level 69
Aug 22, 2023
Level 64
Aug 20, 2023
Great! Should be updated for 2023 though.
Level 68
Aug 22, 2023
You posted this on Sunday, the day of the final. Most likely minutes after the final whistle. Does it make you feel superior or something? Like you're cleverer than the quizmaker, who was likely living their life?
Level 61
Aug 22, 2023
Just a reminder, chill.
Level 65
Aug 21, 2023
Level 65
Aug 21, 2023
Nitpicking, but in the results section, it says that Spain have 1 top 4 but 0 wins ^^
Level 89
Aug 21, 2023
So, all the opinions have been settled from last time?
Level 69
Aug 22, 2023
Kalbahamut with the most annoying comments beneath a quiz once again! Congratulations on getting 1000 in a row!🎉👏🏻
Level 65
Aug 22, 2023
The funny thing is he quit the website, so he's not even going to see this
Level 85
Aug 29, 2023
How can you tell if a user is still active on here? I've tried to determine this in the past and was spectacularly unsuccessful.
Level 84
Dec 28, 2023
There is a 100% chance he comes back in a few years expecting a ticker tape parade, telling us all about the 453 different countries he's lived in since he last graced us with his superior intellect (by the way, he banged the hottest girl in every single one of those countries!).
Level 36
Aug 22, 2023
Only missed Canada
Level 73
Aug 22, 2023
Still says that Spain have 0 wins
Level 70
Aug 22, 2023
Yay update! Up the Tillies!
Level 60
Aug 23, 2023
What a shame that the comments on a quiz about a great tournament that many people enjoyed had to descend so quickly into a men's sport v women's sport argument. Just enjoy the game.
Level 56
Aug 23, 2023
I love Alisha Lehmann and Jana Fernandez