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A small fairy found in southwestern Britain known for their cheerful nature and love of pranks.
Their physical appearance changes from region to region, but their personality is always playful and mischievous. A common prank they like to pull is causing humans to wander in circles. However, they are also known to help farmers from time to time and are generally considered good fairies.
A gel-like monster. It is said to be the byproduct of a failed summoning.
Devoid of its original powers, it is trapped in an incomplete gel form. There are several theories of when the slime first was recorded as a monster. They tend to collect shiny objects.
One of a higher class of pixie, these are the Seelie Court's more powerful soldiers.
They are charged with guarding the ruins and caves where other pixies dwell.
High Pixie
A demon or horde of demons quoted as saying, "For we are many" in the New Testament.
The name comes from the Roman military term for an army unit of 3,000 to 6,000 men.
The queen of the fairies and Oberon's wife. She is derived from the Roman goddess Diana. She was later immortalized in Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream.Titania
The chief Semitic god.
Bearing a name that means "Lord" or "owner," he was revered as a god of fertility in addition to being known as the god of Canaan and both brother and consort to the goddess Anat. Many demons, such as Bael, Beelzebub, Belphegor and Berith are believed to be derivations of him.
A Jack Frost that grew powerful and evil.
These are the evolved form of the fairly peaceful winter fairy and mark the transformation from small prankster into massively powerful entity.
Black Frost
One of the monsters in Greek mythology. It is usually depicted as having 9 heads, but some may say that it has as many as 100.
Its father is Typhon, giant of the wind, and its mother is Echidna, goddess of the snake. It has incredible regenerating power; so much so that when one of its heads is cut off, two more will sprout from the wound. It is also extremely venomous and simply inhaling its breath is enough to kill. The slaying of Hydra is listed as one of the 12 great labors of Hercules.
The king of snow who rules over an infinite number of Jack Frosts.
He has the power to freeze the entire world but is unaware of it due to his rather naïve personality.
King Frost
A malevolent god of Norse mythology.
Though not always driven by malice, he can be capricious and is quite cunning, and despite being a blood brother to Odin, he was punished for many of his wrong doings, including the murder of Odin's child, Baldur.
Half-snake, half-human, they are divine beings in Hindu lore.
Worshiped as bringers of fertility, they live in the bottoms of lakes and seas, and enjoy singing and dancing outside of battle.
The king of the fairies and the husband of Titania.
He is quite old, but due to a curse he received when he was young, he remains small yet still beautiful. He often flirts with human women and has earned many a scolding from his wife as a result.
The All-Father in Norse Mythology. Warrior, sorcerer and near insatiable seeker of knowledge, he rides his eight-legged horse Sleipnir, armed with both Gungnir, his mighty spear and Draupnir, an enchanting ring.
He is known to have willingly sacrificed an eye to drink from the Well of Wisdom and is also recognized as the one who welcomes the souls of departed warriors as they cross over into Valhalla.
A female demon in popular European folklore during the medieval ages.
They are known to visit men in their sleep and have sex with them. And though they appear beautiful in the dream, in reality, they are ugly, old hags.
The Norse thunder god and son of Odin, Thor owns the power enhancing belt, Megingjard, and wields Mjolnir, a hammer that causes lightning to strike and returns to its owner after thrown.Thor
A mysterious spirit that takes the form of a blonde girl. Despite her innocent appearance, she possesses immeasurable magical strength.
Some say she is the ghost of an English girl who died a tragic death. Others say she is merely an apparition born from someone's imagination.
The jackal-headed god of the dead and embalming from Egyptian myth.
He weighs the hearts of the dead to determine their final destination. He is also said to govern the technique of mummification.
The guardian hound who prevents anyone from entering or exiting the underworld in Greek lore. It was born from Typhon and Echidna.Cerberus
The Phrygian mother goddess of the earth, she is often depicted with wild animals, and lions in particular. She had her priest, Attis, as a lover, but drove him insane when he was forced to marry another.Cybele
A male demon of popular European folklore during medieval ages and the counterpart to the Succubus.
They are known to visit women in their sleep and have sex with them. The offspring born from these incidents are said to later become witches and wizards.
The mother goddess of Egypt. She is wife and sister to Osiris, god of the underworld.
Known for her powerful magic, she could perform miracles such as raising her husband from the dead. As the patron goddess of the dead, her image can be found at many burial sites.
A frost spirit made from ice and snow that appears during the winter and melts away in the spring.
Do not be fooled by his cute demeanor, however, for he is known to freeze people with his cold breath, smiling all the while. Some suggest that he originally looked like an abominable snowman, but may have changed form to appear more approachable and thus more easily lure in his victims.
Jack Frost
An Irish spirit typically found in swamps, bogs, or marshes.
Said to be spirits of the dead, they appear as floating flames and are known around the world by various names such as "Will-o'-the-Wisp" and "Hitodama." They are also said to come out at night to startle travelers and make them lose their way.
Jack O' Lantern
A tengu that is said to have lived in Mt. Kurama in Kyoto.
The most powerful and well-known of the tengu, he has the power to fend off disease and bring good fortune. He is also said to have trained Yoshitsune how to fight with a sword when Yoshitsune was still a child. Some believe hi to be Bishamonten's night form.
Kurama Tengu
She is said to have been Adam's first wife. Refusing to obey Adam, she left Eden and became a demon of the night.
Though there are several theories regarding her disobedience, she is often regarded as a symbol of infidelity.
Buddhist demon that represents the fear of death.
Also known as "The Evil One," he sent his daughter to tempt Buddha during his meditations.
Half-woman, half-fish inhabitant of the ocean. They are regarded as unlucky omens by many fishermen, often foretelling severe storms or poor catches. Legend says they use their voices to charm men, causing them to crash their ships.Mermaid
One of the most important angels in the hierarchy, yet the most mysterious.
He is the scribe and advocate of heaven.
A house fairy of England and Scotland.
A welcome spirit, she carries out household chores while everyone sleeps. It is said you can hear her silk skirts rustle as she works. However, she is not without a dangerous side, and will kill anyone who tries to cause harm to the family she protects.
The main deity of Greek mythology. Said to be omnipotent, he is both god of the sky and ruler of the twelve gods of Olympus.
He is a son of the titan Kronos and brother to both Hades and Poseidon. Upon defeating his father, he claimed the right to rule the entire universe. He also fathered many children with not only goddesses, but a number of human women as well.
The king of the abyss that appears in the Book of Revelation of the New Testament.
He controls locusts and plagues and leads the seventh order of demons who are set to appear at the sounding of the fifth trumpet on Judgement Day, when it is said that will bring horde of locusts to make the people suffer. His name in Hebrew means "destroyer" or "endless pit". It is thought that his origins lie in deification of the natural disasters caused by locust swarms.
Ninth of the nine orders of angels.
They are closest in nature to humans. They watch over individuals and offer warning to those who stray from the path.
The Proto-Fiend created by Bethel. This is his last essence.Aogami Type-0
The Proto-Fiend created by Bethel. This is his first essence.Aogami Type-1
The Proto-Fiend created by Bethel. This is his tenth essence.Aogami Type-10
The Proto-Fiend created by Bethel. This is his second essence.Aogami Type-2
The Proto-Fiend created by Bethel. This is his third essence.Aogami Type-3
The Proto-Fiend created by Bethel. This is his fourth essence.Aogami Type-4
The Proto-Fiend created by Bethel. This is his fifth essence.Aogami Type-5
The Proto-Fiend created by Bethel. This is his sixth essence.Aogami Type-6
The Proto-Fiend created by Bethel. This is his seventh essence.Aogami Type-7
The Proto-Fiend created by Bethel. This is his eighth essence.Aogami Type-8
The Proto-Fiend created by Bethel. This is his nineth essence.Aogami Type-9
Lord of the Flies and the prince of Hell.
He is established as a high-ranking demon in the Bible and his multitude of flies are said to carry souls down to the abyss. He has been speculated to be a bastardization of the Canaanite god Baal.
One of the 72 demons of the Goetia.
He takes the appearance of a knight and has the power to see things to come. He also possesses great knowledge of many wars.
A giant elephant monster of Sri Lankan mythology.
It is typically portrayed as being ridden by Mara, the Evil One. Whoever looks into its evil eye is said to be met with great misfortune.
An ancient god of Egypt known for having the sun and moon as his watchful eyes.
He was revered by some as the principal god, most likely due to his association with the celestial bodies above. Myth often depicts him as a hawk or a falcon.
A smaller member of the Tengu race less powerful than other Tengu.
They are believed to be an incarnation of an old wolf.
Koppa Tengu
Incarnations of long-living cats in Japanese mythology.
They can speak to humans and, depending on their power, can do various things. Some can turn into humans, while others can have the dead do their bidding.
A common demon in Japanese mythology. This terrifying and powerful creature is known to raid human villages for food, riches, and women.
It is characterized by red skin, horns on its head, long claws, and sharp fangs.
One of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, he rides a pale horse and represents death. He has the power to destroy life.Pale Rider
The sixth of the nine order of angels. Their name carries the meaning of "power of God."
As their duty is to protect the souls of humans, they are constantly on patrol to guard against demon attacks.
An Aztec creator deity known as the Feathered Serpent.
He is identified as the sun and is also known as the god of wind and giver of breath. He is said to have created humans by sprinkling blood on the bones of people from a previously created world, and acts as guardian of their fertility and culture. According to legend, the planet Venus is actually his heart.
One of the major Hindu gods, he is known as the Destroyer but is also related to regeneration. His wife is Parvati.Shiva
One of the Trimurti and the highest-ranking god in Hinduism.
He governs the universe and is also recognized as its protector. It is said that, when the surface world is in danger, he will appear as an avatar.
A giant snake with eight heads that the hero Susano-o defeated to save Kushinada-Hime.
The legendary sword Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi, also known as the "Sword of Kusanagi," was said to have emerged from its belly.
Eighth of the nine orders of angels. Their duty is to minister to humans and deliver messages. They are warriors of Heaven and lead Heaven's forces during battle with the armies of evil.Archangel
One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, he rides a black horse and carries scales. He brings famine and has the right to end lives through suffering.Black Rider
A monster that is part lion, part goat, and part snake.
Originally a symbol representing the seasons, it became a violent monster adopted into Greek mythology. Its father is Typhon and its mother Echidna.
A gallant Celtic hero and son of the sun god Lugh.
He is said to have beaten an army singlehandedly. He was cursed to die after spurning the war goddess Morrighan and was impaled on his own mighty spear, Gae Bolg.
Cu Chulainn
One of the 72 demons of the Goetia.
He comes in the shape of a star and has vast knowledge of herbs and jewels. He can also control birds at will.
The Greek god of wine and theater. He had two births.
Myth tells that Zeus took him prematured from his dying mother, Semele, and allowed him to mature inside his thigh so that the underdeveloped god might have a proper birth.
An evil dragon of Norse lore, it was vanquished by the hero Siegfried.
According to the Volsunga saga, it was extremely venomous, had legs like snakes, and shook the ground with every step.
One of the 72 demons of the Goetia.
He appears as a great sea monster and is skilled in many languages in addition to being a master of rhetoric.
One of the four major archangels. She is also the only female angel at this rank. Her name comes from the Sumerian word for "governor." She is the angel who told Mary of her pregnancy.Gabriel
Tree spirits in Chinese mythology that are born when three or more people hang themselves from the same tree.
They take the form of a beautiful woman in white clothing, however they are much smaller in size than a human. They cannot talk, though they can chirp like birds.
Hua Po
A fairy of Celtic folklore that lives by the water and takes the appearance of a horse.
They often drown those who attempt to ride them, but, if tames, they can be valuable mounts.
Half-woman, half-snake creatures that appear in Greek mythology and are said to reside in Libya.
They supposedly favor the blood of children and young men.
A type of werewolf originating in France. It appears human during the day, but transforms into its beastly form at night, when it has been known to viciously attack humans.
They are said to have once been ordinary human beings. However, upon turning into this, one cannot regain their humanity ever again.
The Canaanite god of death. Every year he attempts to kill Baal, the god of fertility, only to see him raised from the dead with the help of Ball's sister, Anat.Mot
A cryptid sighted in West Virginia from the 1960s to 1980s.
It has red, shining eyes and was known for the finlike appendages on both sides of its boy. It has been said to walk on two foot and fly without moving these appendages. It has a keen sense for blood which allows it to easily track its prey. Eyewitnesses say that a UFO was sighted when he appeared, so many believe that it is actually an alien.
The king of the Naga, a half-man, half-snake tribe in Hindu lore.
The dragon kings of Nanda and Takshaka of Buddhist myth fall into this royal category.
Naga Raja
The god of prophecy in Taoist religion.
It is said to have the head of a cat and the body of a human, and its shrine was located in Annam, which is present-day Vietnam. The shrine was meant for Mao Shangshu, a 14-15th century general who conquered Vietnam. However, because the name "Mao" is similar to the Chinese word for cat, the temple was effectively misnamed, and he was reborn as a different god.
One of the 72 demons of the Goetia.
Appearing as half-man and half-beast, it is said that he can change his form according to the desires of the one who summons him, though not for very long.
This beautiful goddess of love is one of Shiva's wives in Hindu mythology.
She won Shiva's love despite the fact that he was an ascetic.
The seventh of the nine orders of angels.
They are charged with overseeing the welfare of countries and civilizations.
A brave young man in Celtic myth.
After defeating a fierce guard dog, he volunteered to take its place, thus earning himself "Culann's Hound" as his nickname.
The Egyptian god of the desert, chaos and evil.
He murdered his brother, Osiris, and tried to become chief god, but he was castrated by Osiris' son, Horus
Angels that sound the trumpets at the time of the apocalypse. As each trumpet sounds, the more plagues and disasters will occur, turning the earth into a land of death and suffering.Trumpeter
One of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation, he rides a white horse with a bow in hand. A crown was granted to him, and he promises victory.White Rider
A Japanese general of the Genpei War near the end of the Heian era and start of the Kamakura era.
Also known as Ushiwakamaru, he is said to have learned the art of war from the Mt. Kurama Tengu. On joining his half-brother Yoritomo's army, he defeated the Taira one by one, finishing them off at the battle of Dan-no-ura. He was later pursued by Yoritomo's army, only to kill himself at Koromogawa.
The goddess of entertainment in Japanese lore.
She governs many sacred dances and is most famous for the provocative dance she used to lure out Amaterasu, who had barricaded herself inside a cave. She later became Sarutahiko's wife.
Water spirits in Hindu lore.
They are beautiful young women who dance for the gods. They also guide heroes who fall in battle to paradise.
One of the twelve Olympian deities of Greek mythology. The goddess of hunting and virginity. She is also recognized as a moon goddess, and is identified with the Greek goddess Selene and the Roman goddess Luna. She and her twin brother, the sun god Apollo, are the children of Zeus and Leto.Artemis
An idol commonly worshiped by the Knights Templar.
It is a demon with the head of a goat.
This figure later became the idol of worship for witches as well.
A mystical creature in Balinese lore, it represents good and is Rangda's eternal rival. Even if defeated, it will be reborn. The result is a never-ending struggle.Barong
Demonic governor of the deadly sin of sloth who also excels at both invention and discovery.
It is rumored that he may be the disgraced form of Baal Peor, Syrian god of abundant crops.
An evil creature that looks like a horse with two curving horns.
It is said to be the opposite of a Chichevache, but theory speculates that it is actually a mistranslation of "Re'em," a two-horned beast that appears in the Old Testament.
Also known as Tamonten and Vaishravana in Buddhist lore, he is the strongest of the Heavenly Kings. He protects the North and is the god of war.Bishamonten
One of the 72 demons of the Goetia.
He appears as a leopard and can see the past and future. He can control fire, which he uses to burn his adversaries to death.
The Roman goddess of luck, she spins the Wheel of Fortune and is believed to have originally been a fertility goddess. Her Greek counterpart is Tyche.Fortuna
The Hindu elephant-headed god. He was originally created by Parvati in order to prevent anyone from watching her bathe. Shiva batted off his original head and replaced it with an elephant's head.Ganesha
The goddess of Shirayama, also called Shirayama-Hime, and the deification of a maiden who relayed Izanami's words.
She once mediated between Izanagi and Izanami during their confrontation in Yomi, the land of the dead. Since she is the goddess of love and marriage, she was thought to have been named for "kukuri," meaning "to bring people together."
Kikuri Hime
A beautiful fairy of Irish lore that yearns for the love of a human man.
She drains the life of her lovers in return for granting them artistic inspiration.
Leanan Sidhe
A demon in female form from Judeo-Christian lore known to tempt sleeping men and attack infants.
She is the daughter of the demoness Lilith, who tempted Adam. Like her mother, she drains men of their essence.
A magical plant whose roots take the appearance of a human.
They are a precious component in potions to heal sicknesses, but obtaining one is notoriously difficult. When pulled from the ground, they let out a bloodcurdling scream, killing anyone unlucky enough to hear it.
The maternal figure of Christianity.
Gabriel informed her that she was to be the mother of Jesus. Some sects revere her as Virgin Mary, but other denominations do not focus on her.
A master sportsman who entertains the audience in exchange for his own life: one mistake can mean death. Some believe that matadors who die while performing remain in this world.Matador
One of the four major archangels, he is at the top of the angelic hierarchy. He carries a long spear that can cut through anything, and his name means "one who is like God."Michael
A young man of Greek lore. He rejected the nymph Echo, who faded to a whisper out of despair.
Cursed by Nemesis, he fell in love with his own reflection and wasted away, becoming the flower that now bears his name.
The general of Hell. He keeps watch over other demons.
One of Hell's greatest necromancers, he can control souls and corpses.
Known as "gaki" in Japanese, they are ghoulish demons of Buddhist lore.
Greedy humans cast into the preta realm become these. Their hunger is unrelenting and their suffering continues until they are reincarnated.
One of the four major archangels, his name means "healer." He recites the history of the fallen angels and the creation of Adam and Eve.Raphael
A fairy from rural Germany rumored to put people to sleep using the magic sand he carried in his bag.
If a victim resisted, he would sit on their eyelids to force them to sleep. It has even been said that "naughty children" who refused to go to sleep would be punished by having their eyes scooped out and taken away, though this is speculated to be a fabrication thought up by German mothers.
The German name of the hero in the epic poem, "The Nibelungenlied." The dragon Fafnir's blood made him invincible, but a single leaf on his back resulted in a weak spot.Siegfried
A fire giant from Norse mythology.
He rules over Muspelheim, the realm of fire and brandishes a sword of fire called "Laevateinn". In Ragnarok, he will set the world ablaze.
An almighty god of Egyptian lore with the head of a baboon. He stands opposite of Seth, the god of evil, and sides with Osiris and Isis, the gods of good.Thoth
The third of the nine orders of angels. Their Hebrew name, Ophan, carries the meaning of "wheel".
They are the highest ranking angels to carry a material body and are tasked with carrying the seat of God.
A revered bird of Native American mythology said to live atop cloud-shrouded peaks.
It resembles an eagle, and its wingbeats create mighty thunderclaps. Some legends say its eyes can unleash lightning, and other accounts say it can carry an entire lake on its back or even swallow an entire whale whole.
One of the four major archangels. His name means "Flame of God," and he knows all the celestial phenomena. He is the first angel Satan met on earth.Uriel
An evil deity of Mesopotamian folklore with an eagle's body and lion's head.
While the god Enlil purified himself, he stole the Tablet of Destinies from him in an attempt to become the chief god.
One of the 72 demons of Goetia invoked by King Solomon.
He leads 50 legions of demons as their chief and is said to appear before his conjurer as two beautiful angels in a chariot of fire. His name means "worthless," and he is known to be exceptionally cunning, having caused the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah in addition to persecuting Jesus Christ.
An amoeba-like monster that attacks and eats people.
Supposedly, it is actually a demon that failed to take form and now roams in search of Magatsushi. It is said that when a Slime's ability to absorb Magatsuhi goes out of control, it transforms into this demon.
Black Ooze
A monk who died while fasting, his spiritual power allows his body to exist without rotting. It is said that he will appear before people on the day of salvation.Daisoujou
A goddess from Greek mythology. Her name means "Mother Earth" in ancient Greek.
She is the sister of Zeus, goddess of fertility and is said to be the one who taught humanity the ways of agriculture.
A motorcyclist whose violent nature turned him into a demon. His anger with himself and the world causes him to lash out, that everyone else would suffer as well.Hell Biker
Spirits of dogs said to possess humans in Japanese folklore.
Those possessed enter a state of "inu-tsuki" and go crazy. Onmyoji, or Japanese sorcerers, summon them to do their will.
A monster with one eye and one leg, said to live deep in the mountains of Kumano, Japan.
A single footprint measuring 30 cm has been sighted in the snowy mountains.
One of the four oni controlled by Fujiwara no Chikata, its body is so hard that no weapons can penetrate it.
It and its comrades fell into hell through holes that can still be found in Mie Prefecture, Japan (the modern-day Iga Province).
The fiend known as the "Whore of Babylon," riding a beast with seven heads and ten horns, she carries a golden cup of abominations and the filth of her acts.Mother Harlot
A Kunitsu deity of Japanese mythology that governs agriculture and medicine. He's said to have built the country of Izumo with Susano-o's daughter, Suseri-Hime.Okuninushi
One of the four oni controlled by Fujiwara no Chikata, who ruled Iga and Ise during the Heian Period.
By suppressing its aura, thereby preventing others from sensing its presence, it can effectively ambush its enemies. Oni have been said to act as liaisons between humans and gods, and the Fudoki holds many records of such exchanges in this region.
The two-headed dog who protected the Titan Geryon's red cattle in Greek lore.
Despite his skill as a guard, Hercules killed him in one blow while performing one of his 12 great labors.
A wicked witch of Balinese lore, she represents evil and is Barong's eternal rival. Even if defeated, she will come back to life, and their battle will have no end.Rangda
One of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, he rides a red horse and carries a great sword. He has the power to destroy peace and make men slay one another.Red Rider
Metatron's twin brother in Judeo-Christian lore, he is the master of heavenly songs. It is said that a human would take 500 years to walk the length of his body.Sandalphon
One of the four oni controlled by Fujiwara no Chikata, it can cause floods with the swing of its arms. In the Taiheiki, Ki no Tomoo expelled the oni by reading a Japanese poem.Sui-Ki
A Japanese god of war, hunting, and fertility.
He fought Take-Mikazuchi for control of Japan and lost. He escaped to Suwa but has been prohibited from leaving ever since.
Daughters of Odin from Norse mythology.
Their name means "choosers of the slain." Armed with shining armor and spears, they look for brave warriors to take to Valhalla, so that they may fight in Ragnarok.
In Oceanian folklore, he is a giant copper python.
A being that transcends good and evil, he governs the weather and is considered a god of harvest. He is known as the "Rainbow Serpent" because the water in the well he calls home is said to shine like a rainbow.
A familiar with no physical body that only appears during the day.
There is no consensus on his appearance : it can resemble a human, bird, or animal. They are usually sealed away in bottles or pots but can also be sealed in rings or talismans.
One of the 72 demons of Solomon's Ars Goetia.
He is the seventh spirit of Goetia and the Grand Marquis of Hell. He is depicted in several different forms, sometimes appearing as a wolf with a serpent's tail and other times appearing as having the head of an owl, the torso of a wolf and the tail of a snake sometimes replacing his hind legs altogether. It is said that he bestows knowledge of the past and the future. He is also incredibly loyal, having led his army to assist Satan when Satan rebelled against God.
One of the 72 demons of the Goetia.
The great Marquis of Hell, he appears where there is battle to stoke the hatred within soldiers. He helps defeat the enemies of those who summon him.
A Phrygian god who symbolizes life, death, and revival.
He rejected Cybele's love and was driven mad, dying shortly after castrating himself. Cybele then resurrected him.
A dark dragon from Northern Africa marked by wings and a crested crown.
Its name means "king of snakes," and both its breath and gaze are so toxic that they instantly kill any human or animal unfortunate enough to be subjected to them.
One of the 72 demons of Goetia.
Known as the Duke of Hell, he rides a gigantic horse and burns those without manners.
The god of night, evil and death in Slavic lore. His name means "black god".
Like many other gods of the dead, he is said to live below the earth. His counterpart is Belobog, the "white god." Despite being feared, he was also worshiped. The curse, "May the black god end you," is still used in Ukraine to this day.
The youngest of the three Moirae Sisters of Greek legend. She spins the threads of life with her spindle.Clotho
A low-ranking class of spirits. While the name may conjure up familiar images of "demons" due to Christianity's influence, they were not strictly associated with good or evil and simply thought to be lesser supernatural beings, sometimes acting as tutelary spirits that guided the souls of men.Daemon
The Nihonshoki sword deity who pacified Ashihara-no-Nakatsukuni. His name comes from "futsu," the fashion in which things are cut, and "nushi," his nature as a god.Futsunushi
A divine bird-man in Hindu lore, he once fought the gods and received immortality in exchange for becoming Vishnu's carrier.Garuda
A Buddhist goddess also known as Kishimojin.
She was originally an evil devil who ate children, but when Buddha hit the most beloved of her 500 children, she was stricken with sorrow. Having been taught the pain of losing a child, she then became a good god and started eating pomegranates instead of children.
A goddess from Norse mythology. She is the keeper of the golden apples and wife to Bragi the god of poetry.
Gods in Norse mythology are said to retain their youth via her apples, which are safely kept in a box made from ash wood.
The Hindu king of birds.
In the Ramayana, he fought bravely against Ravana in an attempt to save Sita, the wife of Rama, the seventh avatar of Vishnu. However, he was unfortunately defeated.
A god in Assyrian mythology associated with the planet Saturn.
He is usually grouped with another god, Sakkut.
Small human-like creatures that have kind, calm personalities.
Once coexisting with the Ainu people of Japan, there was a fallig out at some point, and they disappeared.
She is a goddess in Japanese mythology.
When she was human, she was saved from the eight-headed serpent Yamata-no-Orochi by the storm god Susano-o, whom she later wedded.
An ancient Persian god of contracts, who was also revered as a sun god who brought harvests when he was introduced to the Zoroastrian religion.Mithra
A monster from Aboriginal folktales.
It lives in a jungle alongside owls and, though it appears human, has an abnormally large head. It also lacks a tongue and therefore cannot speak. Myth tells that these creatures are reincarnations of the "soul of the shadow," and they are even said to engage in intercourse with human women from time to time as well as eat children and fight humans.
A goddess that appears in Chinese mythology.
Recognized as one of the sovereigns, she is said to have the head of a human and a body of a serpent. She is also known to be responsible for the creation of humanity, having created them from mud. Legend tells that when one of the four pillars said to hold up the world broke, she repaired it. Furthermore, her colleague Fuxi is typically labeled as either her brother or her husband, depending on what version of her story is told.
A goddess that appears in Chinese mythology.
Recognized as one of the sovereigns, she is said to have the head of a human and a body of a serpent. She is also known to be responsible for the creation of humanity, having created them from mud. Legend tells that when one of the four pillars said to hold up the world broke, she repaired it. Furthermore, her colleague Fuxi is typically labeled as either her brother or her husband, depending on what version of her story is told.
Nuwa A
A "piggyback monster" of Japan that jumps on the backs of those who walk on wooded paths at night.
Its weight becomes progressively heavier to the point of being nearly unbearable, but it is said that it will transform into gold coins if you can carry it all the way back home.
A Japanese monster that takes the form of a bird with the face of a man. It produces a sickening chirp and spits a wicked flame.
Its true identity is a corpse that hasn't had a proper memorial service, and it is said to appear before monks who neglect their duties.
A demon from Sumerian civilization, he governs the southwestern wind.
He has the face of a lion, the body of a human, the wings of a bird, the talons of an eagle, the tail of a scorpion and a curved horn protruding from his forehead. It is said that the wind he blew from the Persian Gulf spread disease throughout the land.
A mischievous spirit known for haunting houses. The name is German in origin, and literally means "noisy ghost."
It can do various things, from pulling harmless pranks like making loud noises and moving objects through the air, to dangerous, destructive acts, like starting fires and assaulting people.
One of the Ssu-Ling, celestial creatures in Chinese mythology.
It represents the east, the season of spring, and the element of wood. It is the noblest of the Ssu-Ling and dwells in a palace at the bottom of the ocean. In Feng Shui, placing water to the east is known to guide its power, and is said to bring good fortune.
Qing Long
A holy beast said to protect houses from evil and grant them fortune.
Though it may look similar to Shinto guardian dogs, it is actually modeled after a lion. There are many stories about it in Ryukyu lore.
A giant serpent of Hindu lore.
It is said that gods and demons used him as a rope to churn the sea of milk to create Amrita, while also using Mt. Mandara as the stick. The strain from this caused him to exhale incredibly poisonous venom, but it was safely swallowed up by Shiva.
A divine creature in Japanese lore. They are three-legged birds sent by Amaterasu to help humans. They are said to have helped emperor Jinmu claim victory.Yatagarasu
A high-ranking angel that is devoted to God. The name carries the meaning of "slave to God," which supposedly originates from the Arabic word for "slave".
Of the angels who followed Satan, she was the only one to reject the temptation to rebel against God, and instead received praise for returning to His side.
A high-ranking angel that is devoted to God. The name carries the meaning of "slave to God," which supposedly originates from the Arabic word for "slave".
Of the angels who followed Satan, she was the only one to reject the temptation to rebel against God, and instead received praise for returning to His side. She tooks this form after resolving to protect the order that God created and thus fell to darkness to obtain power greater than that of the angels.
Abdiel A
Chancellor of Hell and supervisor of Satan's wardrobe. He has the body of a mule, though he may also sometimes appear as a peacock.
He was worshiped by the Assyrians, who occasionally offered him children as sacrifice.
A wind elemental; one of the four elements in energy form.
It is said to be a fusion of "moist" and "heat" essences, forming the basis for an exponential energy increase.
A fairy in Lithuanian mythology.
Indoors, it takes the form of a black cat or rooster. Outdoors, it takes the form of a small dragon or a snake with a burning tail. He makes the home he inhabits rich by stealing from its neighbors. It is said that it typically demands an omelette as compensation and is difficult to chase away once it's settled into a home. It can, however, be exterminated by shining it with the flame of a candle purified by the church.
The Arabian mother goddess also known as Allat. She was thought to reside in the Black Stone at the Kaaba. She and her son, Dusura, were worshipped there by desert nomads.Alilat
A mysterious god of ancient Japan. Most famously worshipped by Nagasunehiko, who was defeated in battle against Emperor Jimmu, it came to be treated as a symbol of rebellion and defiance.Arahabaki
The fallen angel of Israel and the demon of vengeance.
His name means "ferocious lion" and he is said to aid in vengeance of those who seek his service. During his time as an angel of God, he was recognized as the guardian angel of the saint Enoch. It is said that his name originally belonged to one in either the Book of Genesis or the Book of Daniel, only to become associated with the demon thereafter.
Their Hindu king is named Maha Vairocana, or "One Who Shines On All." In Buddhism, he is known as Dainichi Nyorai.Asura
One of the Ssu-Ling, celestial creatures in Chinese myth. It represents the direction west, the season of autumn, and the element of metal.Baihu
A fae beast from the Scottish highlands whose kingdoms can be found in tree hollows or abandoned houses.
Dog-sized, they have white tufts or hair on their chest, green, intelligent eyes, and are even capable of understanding the human language. Though they usually stick to their territory, some have been known to live with humans as normal black cats. They are generally peaceful, but should a human treat one poorly, they will forcibly take that human to their kingdom.
Cait Sith
A Chinese god of war, often depicted with a bull's head, six or eight arms and four eyes.
He invented many weapons and commanded an invincible army. Seeking control of the land, he fought with Huang Di and though he was winning, Huang Di invented something of his own, the South-Pointing Chariot and promptly defeated him.
Chi You
Her name means "glory of the father" in Greek.
She is known as one of the greatest beauties ever to live, having charmed many with her musical voice and conversation skills. It is said that all of history would have unfolded differently had even her nose been longer or shorter.
Hindu deities of passion and relations. They are Kali's attendants.
They eat human flesh and gather at graveyards and crematories each night. Their name means "sky dancer.
The mother goddess of Celtic mythology. She is the mother of the Tuatha De Danann, a race of gods and also the world itself, having given birth to all life.
Her large body is said to be lying down on earth to this day. The Munster region in Ireland, which is said to be especially blessed by her.
The fourth of the nine orders of angels. Their duty is to oversee the other angels. Their actions are the manifestation of God's will.Dominion
An earth elemental; one of the four elements in energy form.
It is said to be composed of "dry" and "cold" essences, which are known to be the basic components of destruction.
A fire elemental; one of the four elements in energy form.
It is said to be composed of both "dry" and "heat" essences. The ancient Greek concepts of the four basic elements significantly influenced early astrology.
One of the four oni controlled by Fujiwara no Chikata, it sends hurricanes to blow away its enemies. Some say that he is the original ninja.Fuu-Ki
The spirit of a monster-bursting dog that used to live at Kozen-ji.
Long ago, the villagers of Mitsuke would offer one of their own girls to a giant monkey yokai to prevent it from ravaging the fields. A monk passing by learned of this and that it greatly feared this demon. The monk then rushed off and found him at a temple. He was offered in place of a village girl, where he then defeated the monster, but was mortally wounded in the epic battle. The loyal dog traveled back to Kozen-ji, where he died shortly after reuniting with his master.
Giants born from Uranus and Gaia in Greek mythology. The name means "those with a hundred arms."
During the war of the Titans, Zeus freed them from the underworld to help him obtain victory.
One of the holy dragons of Chinese lore, the Golden Dragon appears in times of great fortune or joy.
His dominion over the earth extends to the four gods Qing Long, Xuanwu, Zhuquem and Baihu.
Huang Long
She is an ancient Mesopotamian goddess associated with love, beauty, sex, war, justice and political power. She was known as the “Queen of Heaven” and was the patron goddess of the Eanna temple at the city of Uruk, which was her main cult center.Inanna
The revered goddess of war and love in ancient Mesopotamia. She seduced many men to their doom. When Gilgamesh, the hero, spurned her, she murdered his best friend, Enkidu.Ishtar
Protector of the East, is one of the Four Heavenly Kings in Buddhist mythology.
He is also known as Dhritarashtra, and similarly to his fellow kings, is often depicted as a fierce warrior, clad in armor and wielding a sword. As his name suggests, it is said that he bestows serenity upon a country.
A goddess of death and destruction. She is said to be another face of Parvati. She is violent, wears a string of skulls, and carries bloody weapons, but she also blesses her followers.Kali
She is the Shinto goddess of vegetation, grass and fields. She was often prayed to before cutting down trees or reeds for use in construction.Kaya-No-Hime
In Japanese mythology, they are the spirits of plants. They are born from trees that live 100 years.
It was once thought that the echoes heard in valleys were actually from Kodama replying.
The middle sister of the three Moirae Sisters of Greek legend. She is the apportioner, measuring the thread which determines each person's lifespan.Lachesis
A group of divinities worshipped in voodoo religion.
Of the many hidden entities mentioned in religious doctrines, the ones that influence human activities in the earthly realm are known by this name. It is said that those aligned with shadow also possess powerful dark magic.
A giant Hindu monster. Its mouth is so enormous it can swallow the Earth and the heavens in one bite. Its name means "He who Intoxicates".Mada
A divine beast in Japanese mythology.
It has been said to ward off evil and disasters, especially thefts and fire, and is commonly drawn on "ema," a type of Japanese amulet. However, despite being known primarily for protection, it has also been rumored to eat people.
A witch whose lore originated in the Philippines.
It masquerades as a beautiful woman during the day but transforms into a blood-sucking monster at night. It has the ability to separate its upper and lower body, and can sprout bat wings from its back to fly in search of humans to suck their blood.
A sun deity who was worshipped in the Roman Empire from the 1st to the 4th century AD.
The rituals of the religion were secretive, but it is believed they entailed covering oneself in the blood of sheep and bulls. He was said to be reborn after death, inspiring worshippers to hold a festival each winter solstice.
A Canaanite god of fire.
Tradition states that a bronze statue of a human with the head of a female ox would be placed at the altar as its vessel. It is said that the statue would first be heated with fire, then children would be put inside as a sacrifice. The Bible mentions its name as a cruel pagan god.
One of the 72 demons of the Goetia. Known as the Prince of Hell, he appears as a horse and answers questions of the past, present, and future. He is faithful to his conjurer.Orobas
Evil spirits that battle the gods in Hindu lore. They also attack humans.
Their hideous appearance symbolizes their evil nature, but they can also change shape to fool humans.
The consort of Brahma in Hindu lore.
She embodies the river and her name means "one who flows." She is also the goddess of music and art and is said to be skilled in every artistic or creative pursuit known to man.
A powerful creature often summoned by Japanese sorcerers called onmyoji.
They are used both to hurt and to heal, but their true nature is said to be very violent.
A Norse giantess called the "snow-shoe goddess" and the embodiment of winter. According to legend, all the gods will return to her at the end of Ragnarok.Skadi
A spirit of rivers and mountains in Japanese lore, they dwell in ancient trees and ageless rocks. They are not evil, and will often appear as humans or supernatural wonders to warn people.Sudama
One of the gods of Japanese lore. Son of Kamimusubi, he was so small he fell through her fingers at birth.
Though he would normally be counted among the Amatsukami, he became blood-brothers with Okuninushi, and is now considered a Kunitsukami. After building Japan with Okuninushi, he is said to have returned to Tokoyo no Kuni, the land of eternity.
One of the Ssu-Ling, celestial creatures in Chinese mythology.
It represents the north, the season of winter, and the element of water. Known to be a great warrior, it is said to support the Earth from below.
Repeller of evil found at Kinpusen by En-no-Ozunu. Believed to be a fusion of Buddha, Guanyin, and Maitreya, he's a god who originated from Japan rather than the Buddhavacana.Zaou-Gongen
A bird in Chinese mythology said to have poison in its feathers because it eats poisonous snakes.
Dipping a feather into wine will turn it into a deadly poison, able to kill anyone with a single drop.
Protector of the South, he is one of the Four Heavenly Kings in Buddhist mythology.
Similarly to his fellow kings, he is often depicted as a fierc warrior, clad in armor and wielding a long sword, though he is sometimes shown wielding a trident instead. Also known as Virudhaka, he is god of the five grains.
A Japanese goddess commonly thought to be the ancestor of the Tengu and Amanojaku.
The famed warrior Susano-o once allowed his tempestuous spirit to build up to such an intense degree, he vomited her out as a result. Similary to Susano-o, she has a wild personality and tends to go on a rampage if she doesn't get her way. It is said that she can hurl even the most powerful gods a great distance, and that her fangs can mangle the very sharpest of blades.
A Zoroastrian goddess whose name means "pure."
While primarily known as a beautiful deity who rules over rivers and water, she is also the goddess of health, fertility, safe delivery, production of livestock, harvest, wealth and expansion of land. She is often portrayed as an elegant virgin wearing a crown decorated with numerous stars in addition to a golden necklace and a golden cape, and is typically shown holding a water jug. She is also a brave god of war astride a four-wheeled chariot, toppling demons and tyrants alike. Both her allies and her enemies have been said to have offered their prayers to her.
The 1,000-headed serpent of Hindu legend. After resting on him, Vishnu woke up and created the universe.Ananta
One of the eight Yashaou. His domain is war and protection. Once a child-eating demon, he became one of the Wisdom Kings after Buddha converted him to good.Atavaka
The eldest of the three Moirae Sisters of Greek mythology. She cuts the threads of life for those whose time has come.Atropos
A type of goblin from Welsh folklore that eats children who don't listen to their parents.
They are said to look like humans covered head to toe with hair, and are recognized as an iconic monster that appears at nighttime. They are often spoken of by mothers wishing to discipline their children as noted in the popular phrase, "For naughty kids who disobey, it will come and surely prey.
"Fox" in the Ainu tongue. Though "Sumari" is another word for "fox," his name refers to "those who we kill" — which is to say, the various small-to-medium-sized Canidae.
It is also a divine beast that alerts people to forthcoming disasters by howling loudly from the mountains.
The legendary bird of Chinese myth, said to appear only in times of peace.
It is the ruler of all birds. When it dies, birds across the land chirp with sadness.
Feng Huang
The leader of the Fianna, warriors who protected High King Cormac of Ireland. He was born as Deimne, but, due to his blond hair and white skin, he soon came to be called "Fionn," a name meaning "golden hair."
When training under the druid, Finn Eces, he was ordered to cook the Salmon of Knowledge, and upon licking some of the salmon's fat from his thumb, he gained its knowledge. From that point on, it is said that Fionn could tap this knowledge any time he licked his thumb.
Fionn mac Cumhaill
A hero of Hindu descent. He can transform into anything, fly, and possesses incredible strength.
He performed many heroic deeds in the Ramayana and is most always depicted as a monkey.
The Egyptian god of the moon. He is said to be a reincarnation of the moon itself and holds possession over what's known as the moon ship. He also acts as a companion to the Pharaoh's shadow.Konshu
Protector of the West, he is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Buddhist mythology.
Similarly to his fellow kings, he is often depicted as a fierce warrior, clad in armor and wielding a trident. He is also known as Virupaksha and is said to keep a close eye on the world with his sharp gaze, preaching to the people all the while.
Demons of Buddhist origin, known for draining the life energy of humans.
It is said that they often change shape and take the form of a gourd. They stand three meters tall, with red hair and dark skin, and have the body of a human but the head of a white horse. They once served Rudra, but according to Buddhist scriptures, they now follow Zouchouten of the Four Heavenly Kings.
A god that appears in Babylonian mythology.
Born from Apsu and Tiamat, he and his sister, gave birth to Anshar and Kishar. He is at times depicted as a large serpent, but has also been illustrated as a man wearing a red sash with six curls in his hair. Regardless, he is always shown alongside his sister and it is thought that together they represent the slit in the sea where Apsu's fresh water and Tiamat's sea water mix.
An evil spirit appearing in medieval oratorios as the grim reaper.
It is truly Death itself, with the power to lead humans to their demise in an instant. It is depicted as a skeleton with a black cloak and a sickle to reap human souls in a single stroke. True to its name, it dances the feared Dance of Death, a reminder that all worldly things must someday meet their end.
He is one of the princes of Hell and his name means "he who loves not the light".
He is commonly known as the demon summoned by Georg Faust. Other than Satan himself, he is the most feared commander in Hell. However, he despises having fallen into Hell and hates any and all humans who have been granted salvation. He is rather knowledgeable in the realms of astronomy, astrology and meteorology in addition to being a skilled illusionist who can manipulate all five senses.
Meaning "evil bird," it is the ghost of a young girl who died without knowing love in Buryat folklore.
She seduces travelers, only to crack their heads open and suck out their brains with her beak.
Muu Shuwuu
The goddesses of fate in Norse myth.
They live below the roots of Yggdrasil and weave the threads of fate by which even the gods are bound.
One of the Kunitsukami's in Japanese mythology. He is the grandfather of Susano-o's wife, Kushinada-Hime.
He is known as the god of the mountains but is also considered to be the god of water and rice fields because he ruled over water sources and harvests.
A type of demon in Hindu mythology that arises from the vices of men such as criminals, drunkards and adulterers.
Known to feast on the flesh of corpses, it is said that it can possess a human by entering through their mouth, where it will plague them until it is driven away through magic or medicine. It is also said that anyone who looks upon one directly is guaranteed to die within nine months.
The queen of fairies in Celtic mythology.
Some say she was the inspiration for William Shakespeare's Queen Mab, leading many to conclude that she and the fairy queen Titania, are one and the same. She was known to give mead mixed with her blood to her many consorts.
Queen Medb
The war goddess of Celtic lore as well as the queen of the Land of Shadows.
She is a skilled magician and a master warrior who trains the many young men who come to her in the art of war. The famed Cu Chulainn was one of her students and it is said that he received the legendary Gae Bolg from her upon mastering her teachings.
Monsters said to come from the bastardization of certain clans of Japan. The word carries the literal meaning of "dirt spider."
Those who did not pledge allegiance to the Imperial Court were called this derogatory term because of their short stature and spindly limbs. As time passed, people may have misinterpreted the name for a literal meaning and made them into spiders, or perhaps the manifestations of grudges of those who were persecuted by the Imperial Court.
An Indian deity that serves Yama, the god of death.
When Yama judges a dead soul to be guilty, He acts as the executioner and drags that soul to hell."
One of the Ssu-Ling, celestial creatures in Chinese mythology.
It represents the south, the season of summer, and the element of fire. It is said to resemble a quail in appearance and have a beautiful chirping voice.
A water elemental; one of the four elements in energy form.
According to Aristotle, it is composed of both "moist" and "cold" essences.
A water deity of a Japanese seafaring tribe. As such, it can freely control water.
The three gods born from Izanagi after he returned from Yomi are said to be the tribe's ancestors.
The angel of god in Jewish mythology. He rules over the angels known as the Powers, and his name means "one who sees god."
He is also the commander of the angels of destruction, punishment, and death in addition to being the ruler of Mars.
The Egyptian god of the moon. He stole Horus' head and the Crest of Ra to take this form and save Miyazu.Khonshu Ra
Goddess of beauty and good fortune in Hindu lore.
Vishnu's wife and Kama's mother, she is regarded as the goddess of love and is said to embody the ideal woman. She is also known to have charmed many gods with her dance.
A Christian Gnostic angel said to be the "savior of angels."
In the Bible, he is referred to the "King of Salem".
An indigenous god of the Shinano region from before the forces of Yamato occupied the land.
Said to be born from the belief that divine spirits dwelled in rocks and stones.
A legendary monster in Japanese mythology. It has the head of a monkey, the body of a tanuki, the arms and legs of a tiger, and the tail of a snake.
Due to its bizarre appearance, his name is sometimes used to describe a person of unknown origins. According to The Tale of Heike, this demon would come to the emperor's palace every night from 2 to 2:30 A.M., shrouded in a dark cloud, where it would howl in a horrific and terrifying manner. However, the warrior Minamoto no Yorimasa eventually shot it down with his bow.
In Zoroastrian lore, his duty is to listen to the cry of humans for Ahura Mazda. He is also known to descend after sunset to vanquish evil. His name literally means "observance."Sraosha
Semi-divine beings in Hindu mythology.
Though they were once worshiped by the Dravidians as goddesses of the harvest, they became interpreted as demons with the spread of Hinduism and the two clashing ideologies. They are depicted as naked women with voluptuous bodies.

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