Update: Secret Invasion Sneak Peek!


Secret Invasion Brief Synopsis

The Disney+ miniseries, Secret Invasion, is streaming on June 21. The show includes Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, who finds out that Skrulls have been secretly infiltrating Earth’s population.

Secret Invasion Sneak Peek

If you want to see about the first four minutes of the show, here’s the steps to do so:

1) Visit this website: theinvasionhasbegun.com

2) Put in this passcode: RSD3PX5N7S

3) Enjoy the sneak peek for the first episode!

My Thoughts

Okay, we can all agree that Everett Ross is very suspicious. I mean, he’s acting totally different than in his other appearances in the MCU. I also think it’s a good possibility that Ross is not a Skrull, but this clip was a Skrull, and Ross was somewhere else at that time. I think that’s probably what is going to happen. I am very excited for this show, and we only have to wait 13 more days (as of June 8). Be on the lookout my upcoming July CQMB for my thoughts on the show!
Level 34
Jun 9, 2023
Interested, but still unsure about how this will turn out. My hope is that it leads to a more accurate representation of the comics but we will have to wait and see.