Population of West Asian Cities (1950-2035)

Annual population of the six largest urban agglomerations in Asia (excluding East, SE Asia and India) according to the United Nations
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Level 71
Aug 20, 2021
This is a good chart, but I'm kinda confused why you put Bangladesh and Pakistan here, both of which are usually considered South Asian and overall have more similar urban planning and population growth patterns to India than the Middle East. I know you already made a chart for India, but (if you don't mind) could you make another one for South Asian? I think it'd make a lot more sense.
Level 67
Aug 20, 2021
Yes it's because I already have one for India, and both Pakistan and Bangladesh are Muslim countries.
Level 71
Aug 22, 2021
Right, but even if they are Muslim doesn't mean they are West Asian. Jakarta and Cairo are also major Muslim cities, but neither of them are on here. It doesn't make sense to just arbitrarily lump a city into a category to which it doesn't belong just because there's nowhere else to put it.